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Inquisitor Coteaz (Commission)


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Painted my first ever Finecast model recently and thought I'd share him with you guys.


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I actually rather like the brownness. It's a nice sepia feel.


However, the raven (or whatever) could do with some work, it seems a little flat.


The face is where I think the most work needs to be done. The forhead is good, but the mouth looks odd. I'm not quite sure what it's been painted as. Also detailing the eyes might be worthwhile.

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I think as a start, your on the right track. As people have said it needs some work in several areas. But I'm going to give you some advice on how to fix it/improve in the area's it needs it.


I'll start with the Armour.

If your going for a bronze colour, you have a decent basecoat but it needs more shadows and highlights.

I'm assuming Tin Bitz is your basecoat on the armour, and will work the progress from it.

Tin Bitz is already a very dark colour and requires little shading if the paint is applied right. To achieve the look I think you are going for, I would begin mixing in Mithril Silver into your Tin Bitz basecoat and apply highlights only where the light will hit. Steadily building up layers to pure Mithril Silver on the brightest edges. Use either Mithril or Skull White to pick out the rivets so they stand out from the armour.

If you apply a wash, use Gryphonne sepia


The Red looks a thick and streaky. It also lacks Depth. I build up my red from a mixture of Liche Purple and Scab Red, it goes on well if a few thin coats. Could also be substituted for Liche Purple and Mechrite Red, which will eliminate a coat or two.

From there, I begin adding more and more Scab Red, till I have pure SR on the lightest folds. Then I start adding in Blood Red, again repeating the process of working to pure Blood Red.


The Cyber Eagle could use some highlights to the brown, I'd suggest Kommando Khaki to Bleached Bone on the very edges. Same on the heads, if your going for a pure Eagle look, work up to Skull White on the highest edges.

An easy way to do this and tie it into the brown is using I Deneb Stone, washing with Devlin Mudd, and then highlighting to pure white.


The skin is a tricky part, as it is set back in the collar. The lip looks like it could be a bubble or miscast in the mold, but if not, it needs to be fixed.

I start with a basecoat of tallarn flesh, washing with Ogryn Flesh and Leviathan Purple. The purple wash, I thin out a lot and apply only to recessed area's like the eyes, under the nose, cheeks, and the lips.

Then begin highlighting with Tallarn Flesh adding in Elf Flesh. The final highlights can be Bleached Bone or Skull White.

Finally using a fine brush, I use Bleached Bone and a mix of Chaos Black and Hawk Turquoise to paint in the eyes. You never want to use pure white and black on eyes, it creates an unrealistic image.


The fur doesn't look real, but if you like to keep the Gray Fur, I'd redo it from a black basecoat. Drybrushing with shades of Gray and using pure white on the highest points. Bleached Bone would also suffice instead of White. To give it depth, wash the recess with Black.


On the cloth I'd just shade it a little bit more.


Hope this helps!

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You have gotten some great advice from seem people here. My suggestions would be...


Learn how to use washes.


Less dry brushing.


Washes can be great for helping to bring the detail out in things, but just washing something and calling it done is not enough, often more shadow and highlight will need to be added. Also, work in layers, dont just blob and let dry, add a layer, let dry, add another layer, let dry....ect...


Dry-brushing always looks like, dry-brushing, a good way to add highlights when you first start out is too find a lighter color of the current color you are trying to shade, if you dont have a lighter color, then add an off-white,never use pure white.


Good luck and dont get discouraged.



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honestly looking at the head I wouldn't have thought that this model was a fine cast.. unless it was miscast.. would really suggest working with thinner coats of paint and even considering base colour an area (ie skin in a whatever pink ((Light basecoat not heavy)) and then working with colours almost wash consistency to work up colour so you don't lose beautiful detail..)
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