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the Cleaved


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So the paintscheme look really cool, and it would seem they're also associated with Nurgle. I'm real tired of my Black Legionares, and the paints have all become new since last time I was active in the hobby.


What is known about the Cleaved? Officially?

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Basic stuff -


The Cleaved are Renegades so they were once normal space marines.

They have only recently begun to raid the imperium (first sighted at Magma Cordelian).


No one has seen their flesh behind their sealed armour, but they "leak" an unusual

viscus liquid from any joints and sockets in their armour.


They are thought to be associated with Nurgle, because of their high pain threshold (a common gift of Nurgle),

their paint scheme is similar to that of the Death Guard

their leaking armour gives the impression of decay

also one of the pictures of a Cleaved Marine is depicted carrying an icon of Nurgle


but it is possible that they are Undivided and can carry the icons of many gods, their leaking armour may not be a gift of nurgle

but have another source (like Hakanor's Reavers whos armour cracks and burns all the time).

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Well, truth to be told its not just the Nurgle icon, but also the AC with the three-eyed Nugle helmet. So them being Plague Marines is pretty obvious. Course, I tend to keep toying with the idea of the Reborn being Rubric Marines while most everyone else just sees them as another Plague Marine force, so who knows?
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Well, truth to be told its not just the Nurgle icon, but also the AC with the three-eyed Nugle helmet. So them being Plague Marines is pretty obvious. Course, I tend to keep toying with the idea of the Reborn being Rubric Marines while most everyone else just sees them as another Plague Marine force, so who knows?


Yes but one of the Marines also carries a Heavy bolter which is not an option for PMs and other than the "leaking"

they dont exhibit any obvious bloating/burst organs and decay that Nurgle worshipers do.


They are very likely Nurgle aligned but...


I was really just putting forward the possibility that they could be undivided and worship nurgle (or other chaos gods) as it suits them (like the black legion).


Its just a personal preference I quite like the idea of things having an explanation other than the obvious.

I think the Cleaved would be a very cool army if their bodies were somehow cursed and they are seeking a cure,

even going to the extremes of seeking help form the dark gods (giving them a purpose, a bit like the Soul Drinkers).

Rather than "our bodies are a bit liquid and off because we worship Nurgle" which just seems too simple and dull.

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Thanks everyone!


I'm really on the fence for now... as it seems I will have to procure and then paint and glue on extra CCW, grenades and boltpistols/boltguns for my regular marines. I'm tempted to scrap everything and start with a new force, as soon as I can get a proper workbench up and going.


I am considering just starting with deamons, hoping they'll be ready to join my legionares once the new C:Spiky Bits show itself.



The Cleaved look great, though, and I'm not to pleased with how my current Plaguemarines look. (Though I have more than enough of them.) Painting something other than black would be fun too.

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Thanks everyone!


I'm really on the fence for now... as it seems I will have to procure and then paint and glue on extra CCW, grenades and boltpistols/boltguns for my regular marines. I'm tempted to scrap everything and start with a new force, as soon as I can get a proper workbench up and going.


I am considering just starting with deamons, hoping they'll be ready to join my legionares once the new C:Spiky Bits show itself.



The Cleaved look great, though, and I'm not to pleased with how my current Plaguemarines look. (Though I have more than enough of them.) Painting something other than black would be fun too.


I am assuming someone has told you that you need to represent Chaos Marines full weapon set (grenades, close combat weapon, bolter and bolt pistol) on the model in order to

make them WYSIWYG?


Even the models in the codex are not assembled like this!


Chaos marines come with this equipment as standard (they have no choice in the matter) so providing you represent any

Unusual weapons (special weps and power fists and the like) it really should not matter...


I have never seen anyone complain about WYSIWYG on CSM either in-store or at a tournie yet.


I have seen a mix of approaches...


Some CSM players give the squad a mix of weapons to represent the CCW and bolter/pistol mix.

Some just put on the bolters and say "the pistol and CCW are small items, hidden in the armour or backpack".


I used various bayonets and sharp bits attached to the bolters to represent their enhanced close combat powers,

I have played them in a few tournies and no one even commented about their lack of bolt pistols on the models.


If you want to go the whole hog and attach all of the bits, then go ahead... but unless you have mad skills the model

will look too busy.

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I am assuming someone has told you that you need to represent Chaos Marines full weapon set (grenades, close combat weapon, bolter and bolt pistol) on the model in order to

make them WYSIWYG?


Even the models in the codex are not assembled like this!

I've heard of people making bad calls like this at tournaments. Notably 'Ard Boyz, although it could be a local thing. Its a bit like Mike Y'barbo and his Dark Eldar; to target his Raiders you had to be able to see the base, but he drew LOS from where the guns were on the model. Or the infamous one from Houston where if you deep struck and scattered into any sort of difficult terrain, your unit was totally lost with no terrain check or anything.


Guess a good idea is to play a few games in the area beforehand to find out what the local bad calls are, and then tailor your list to take advantage of it?

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I am assuming someone has told you that you need to represent Chaos Marines full weapon set (grenades, close combat weapon, bolter and bolt pistol) on the model in order to make them WYSIWYG?



If you want to go the whole hog and attach all of the bits, then go ahead... but unless you have mad skills the model

will look too busy.



Yeah, they play really strict around here, and I've been implored to enter a Tournament to meet up with those who moved across the country since last I played. I'm pretty sure I won't be able to get the army going, but it's still strict WYSIWYG. I'm a little afraid my skills will make the models look silly(ier), but...


I am aware that the BGG says (paraphrased): "Basic dudes are assumed to be equipped like the codex suggests", but... -_-

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If my area was this strict on WYSIWYG then Chaos Marines would probably be too much hassle for me too!


But if this is the case the models on the CSM box are not assembled properly, neither are the ones in the colour sections

of the big rulebook or Codex chaos!


If picture section of the codex is not the definitive guide then how on Earth are

new players ever going to know?


The Irony is if someone hits you with the WYSIWYG for your CSM then they know what weapons are supposed to

have represented on the model!

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The thing is, it hasn't just been Chaos Marines equipped this way for quite a while now. Other Marine 'dexes followed suit. I highly doubt anyone would still make that call, and if they do, point to the nearest Loyalist players, and point out everything they're missing, too. How many players model grenades on every model, after all?


WYSIWYG is one thing, making your models look like overburdened crap is another.


Rant aside ...


The Cleaved certainly are an intriguing scheme, and I'd think it'd be relatively easy to paint. The good thing about there not being a lot of info on them, though, is that you can make up your own fluff for your army. With the Bleak Brotherhood warband I've made to accompany my Death Guard, I've had a lot of fun designing characters and champs, and making them my own. That's one of the best parts of collecting an army.

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Yes but one of the Marines also carries a Heavy bolter which is not an option for PMs and other than the "leaking"

they dont exhibit any obvious bloating/burst organs and decay that Nurgle worshipers do.

That's because they're nurgle marked renegades, not full-on plaguemarines.

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