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Bolt Pistols and Boltguns

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If I read the Pistol rule correctly I can shoot a pistol in addition to another weapon.


Example if I am within 12" of a enemy unit my Tactical Marines can rapid fire their boltgun and then also fire the bolt pistol.


I am checking if I am reading this right or am I going crazy?

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If I read the Pistol rule correctly I can shoot a pistol in addition to another weapon.

You did not read the Pistol rule correctly. Pistols allow a single 12" shot, S4 AP5; in addition, they provide an offhand bonus in an assault (+1 A). That's all they do.


Example if I am within 12" of a enemy unit my Tactical Marines can rapid fire their boltgun and then also fire the bolt pistol.

No, they definitely cannot do this.


I am checking if I am reading this right or am I going crazy?

I'm not really qualified to comment on this. However, I believe you are in fact going crazy. Just me though. (Citation needed.)

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If I read the Pistol rule correctly I can shoot a pistol in addition to another weapon.

You did not read the Pistol rule correctly. Pistols allow a single 12" shot, S4 AP5; in addition, they provide an offhand bonus in an assault (+1 A). That's all they do.


Example if I am within 12" of a enemy unit my Tactical Marines can rapid fire their boltgun and then also fire the bolt pistol.

No, they definitely cannot do this.


I am checking if I am reading this right or am I going crazy?

I'm not really qualified to comment on this. However, I believe you are in fact going crazy. Just me though. (Citation needed.)

Ok I saw the addition and it got out of context.

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