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Grey Knight terminators


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Now that they have made the transition from metal to plastic, the models seem to have lost some of their charm.


I remember when (get your nostalgia hats on people) they were first released, somewhere back in the 280's of White Dwarf (237 was my first, still have it ;)) and they were jaw-droppingly amazing, better than space marine terminators in fact (a lot better, due to the fact that the terminators at the time were all-metal and had very little pose-ability (new word there...).


Back to my original point, they just don't seem to have that appeal anymore, yes they're better than standard terminators, but the helmets have been elongated and now look incredibly knight-ish, which may be a desired effect, but does not look like the original models, and now don't have the same effect.


Flamers, you may now begin :)

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Not really sure it's wise to try and invoke forum-flame. ;) The mods (indeed, most of us) sort of frown on it. This is the B&C; it's not one of those other, less civil forums you may have encountered. (Read as: virtually all other forums.)


That said, I very much like the new plastic kits. I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of chest and leg variety (only five per kit), but that's not too hard to amend with files, green stuff, bits, and patience. I dig the new shoulder plates, I love the heads, and the detail in general is very pleasing. I like them.

  CuddlesHeretics said:
Everyone seems really nice on this forum, I used to be a regular on Bungie.net, and this is much nicer, and constructive haha :)


edit: I only put 'flamers, begin' because it seemed like a rather controversial viewpoint....

Everybody is welcome to an opinion. :) Especially when it's presented politely, non-judgementally, and non-confrontationally.


Which you did. :o


However, no need to looking for a fight! As you seem to have inferred, we don't like that 'round here. ;)


Anyway, I have to say that the 2nd version of metal GK models are what attracted me to 40K to begin with, all those years ago. I still think the original GK metal termies are pretty cool, too, and maybe one day I'll have to seek some out at a swap fair or on eBay.


But I also think the new plastic GKTs are just as good. I miss the "heft" of the old models, but I like the increased poseability and ease of construction of the new ones. Since the new look is just about as good to my eye ... I'm a happy camper. :)

In no way am I saying they don't look good, just different, and seem to be lacking the flair they had. It might be that the grey knight terminator models don't stand the test of time like standard terminators.


But let's be honest, Grey Knights = ghostbusters mk.40000

You whipper-snappers, you don't know your born! I remmember the 1st gen Grey Knights, none of this fancy-pants storm bolter on the wrist, REAL Grey Knights had their bolters on their NFW and none of this choice lark! No, we had halberds and we bloody well liked it.


Youngsters today, bah.

  number6 said:
  BrotherWasted said:
Old Grey Knight Terminator models SUCKED.


Seriously. They were clunky as all heck.

Awww. ;) I still think they're cool.... :)

I'm with #6 here. Before those "high fidelity" space wolf kits came out recently, those metal GK terminators were among the best models GW released; they looked great. <3

Well my reason for using the older model was

A: I like it

2: I had the model lying around and didn't want to spend money

C: I'm saying it's a really old piece of armour, which it is

4: I really like it

and finally E: It actually has a psychic hood on it, unlike the pretend ones that our new grey knight terminators have (and I would have made him from the new plastic kit).


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