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I love Space Marines, I really do, and I'm going to start another army.


But this is where I need your help. I'm going to either use Blood Angels or Space Wolves.


My Blood Angels army would be all jump-packs, and I would use a Logan-Wing Space Wolves army.


I'd start off with the Space Wolves battleforce first though, then just add terminators and Logan to it. Thanks :)

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How's this same thread doing on the Space Wolves subforum?


If your asking for advice, I'd suggest you give us something to work with.. What interests you, what doesnt, what kind of force do you want mobile, tough infantry, tanks... etc, what models do you like the look of? Is there anything that draws you to one particular army? Are interested in any of the fluff?


Without it we cant be much help to your decision process.



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I'm just wondering which army you guys think would be better, seen as they all deep strike (in both forces)


And this is going ok in the space wolves forum, I couldn't find a single forum to post it to, so I posted it to both :)


I do like wolves, and terminators...


But the BA army would also be good...


edit: I just want to know which force would be better to play with, I haven't developed a playing style, seen as I've only started playing properly recently :(

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technically, if all you're asking is which army deep strikes better, then its blood angels since they have a reduced scatter and a re-roll of the reserves dice. If you're asking which is the better army once on the table top, you've just asked an unanswerable question since its so broad, with so many variables. I might ask what will i like the taste of better - Cheddar cheese or trappist ale? You need to decide which style of play you prefer, or which background you prefer- rules change more than background, so in 2 yrs time a loganwing or doa army might be completely different. Or you could get a mixed army, with some terminators and some jump pack troops... But thats just me giving a foolishly sensible suggestion...
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I recommend doing what Bushman said. I play GK, BA and C:SM in equal rounds. I've just got around higher costs by leaving most of my models save the unique ones very generic and painting them all the same scheme. Magnetize what you have to to keep them interchangeable, and you'll have no problems at all. And I'm sure to start with, your game group won't hesitate to let you use "counts as" stuff, either.



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I'm just wondering which army you guys think would be better, seen as they all deep strike (in both forces)


You may want to double check that, the space wolves are suspicious of the warp, and do not use teleporters. Their terminators can only use drop pods, so factor in that extra cost.


If you want an all jumper force, or all termie force, then why even consider a battleforce? They give you units you dont need.


Go to a store, ask if you can make example lists using their codexes, then see which list you like the most. You may be able to borrow a unit of termies and a unit of jump packers to see what you enjoy more.


Basically, do you prefer vampires or werewolves?

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I suppose, I'd probably end up doing them eventually anyway, I love bleached bone.


But I'd start with Draigowing, then BA jump-packs, then LoganWing, and probably ally them in apocalypse games -_-


edit: if I were to use an honour guard for Dante, should I just buy a squad of assault marines? I could just kit bash with the Death Company and Sang. Guard :D

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