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Creating My Own Blood Angels Successor Chapter


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Creating My Own Blood Angels Successor Chapter

Hey guys, I used to collect 40k when i was younger (around 4-5 years ago) and alot has changed since.

I've decided recently to get back into it and found myself drawn to the Blood Angels Codex, alos I decided

I wish to create my own successor chapter to them to further individualise them. I want to keep the feel of

Blood Angels intact however so i don't want a drastically different looking army, so there still needs to be

some red in there.

I was messing around with the space marine painter and this is what i came up with:


I like the look of having a lighter coloured helmet compared to the armour alot but i'm not sure if i want the

helmet/shoulders to be left Bleached Bone as they are or to be a white colour. Also it raises another issue

of how should i distiguish my Sergants, Vetarens, Assault and Devestator Marines, as most chpaters tend

to have differnt helmet colours for those marine types.

Lastly i've been trying to think of a name for them and a chapter symbol to go with it. I have come up with

two already but i'm still unsure, they are:

Angels of Vengenance
- There symbol being a scythe at a 30-45 degree angel with a blood drop at the end.

Blood Hawks
- Using a somewhat simmilar chapter sybol to the Blood Ravens.

Any ides on how to improve my chapter would be great and appreciated! :)

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I prefer the bone to white for the pads, but it's up to you, they're your Marines.


As for the Angels of Vengeance, I think the Dark Angels got there first on that name.

Like the scythes concept though - what about Blood Reapers, or Harvesters of Blood, or just plain old Blood Scythes?



Oh, and welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword! You picked the best forum to start out in too. :cuss

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As for the Angels of Vengeance, I think the Dark Angels got there first on that name.

Ah, i though the name sounded a little too familiar. Oh well nevermind.


As for the name "Harvesters of Blood", i like that... I like it alot :cuss

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Maybe you could go the other way when it comes to rank, and the higher the rank, the more black your have on your armour. So the Chapter Master would look like one of the Blood Angels Death Company, and properly fit into the 'Grim Reapers Scythe' look. ;)


I like it. The scouts start out all dark red, and as each marine earns various honors, he is painted with bone and black. Maybe a bone helmet indicates 1st company, black and bone for Chapter Masters, Sanguinary guard, etc. Death Company could be all bone perhaps...

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Maybe you could go the other way when it comes to rank, and the higher the rank, the more black your have on your armour. So the Chapter Master would look like one of the Blood Angels Death Company, and properly fit into the 'Grim Reapers Scythe' look. cool.gif


I quite like that idea, i may try it out and experiment a bit ;)

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