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Hi people


I have been playing 40k now for nearly 3 years. I curently collect Ultramarines, (4th Company), And have decided to turn to the darkside. ;) Alot of my mates collect Chaos and I have battled them ever since I started gaming.




There are a couple reasons why I decided to collect Chaos Space marines. Firstly I love painting marines full stop!! The different legions and god worshipping cults really offer a challange and the models are fantastic. :tu:


Once I Started to read the Codex I came across the story of Huron Blackheart and thee Red Corsairs and straight away decided that I wanted to collect thier legion. The other great thing is that there is nothing me joining or battling against other Chaos players.




I have Included some pictures of models that are pretty much finished, I have 5 more that are real close which will make a full 10 man squad. I also have the rest of a full Battle Force 8* Berzerkers, Chaos Lord, 5* possessed, 1* rhino), 15* plague marines (10* Forgeworld), 5* Terminators, 1* Deamon Prince.














I would appreciate any comments or advise that anyone might have.


hope that everyone enjoys the pictures, thnks for taking the time to check my topic. :)

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Looks like you've done a grand job with the painting mate, keep the pics coming.


Welcome to the dark side. Our cookies may have bits of bone and garnished with blood (for the blood god of course) but they're very moreish :)



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Very nice.


You've caught on to an army that gets some negative attention.... but I still like the idea of the Red Corsairs, and Huron.


Just cross your fingers if they get a PDF re-write (as is heavily rumoured) that they are going to be 'good'.

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New Chaos follower? That's good! :D That's always good.


Your RC're really well, agree! Malicious and ready to fight the lapdogs of the False Emperor! ))


D'you want to include Huron himself in your force? He's a pretty good lord))

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thanks guys, I appreciate all your kind comments. Chaos models are soooooo much more detailed. . . . . .and great to paint.


I will post the remainder of the squad over the weekend, 2*melta guns, 3* Boltguns & barer with mark of Chaos glory (he came out really well).


Stay tuned!!

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D'you want to include Huron himself in your force? He's a pretty good lord))


Yes mate I forgot to include him in my list. Wayland games is just around the corner to me and I buy stuff over the counter, so it cuts out the postage reeeeeeeeeeeally cheap boys. I have him though, he has some great rules.

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And your welcome to the Chaos Marines forums is complete... :)

hey If someone found a new way to play am all ears to learn about it . More or less looking for it since the codex was leaked.

Out of the box way of thinking of new players is offten very refreshing on game play.

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Yes mate I forgot to include him in my list. Wayland games is just around the corner to me and I buy stuff over the counter, so it cuts out the postage reeeeeeeeeeeally cheap boys. I have him though, he has some great rules.

That's good! A very pretty lord indeed) but i think his miniature needs a bit of restyling) but he is in Finecast so it's also a good thing.


Edit by Insane Psychopath

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Dude your painting is spot on but for the love of god BASE THEM MINATURES!!!!!!


Totally mate


With the other 5 that I am working on, right now, were based with fine resin gravel. I also used a couple of small resin pieces that GW sell in their kit.


Thanks for the heads-up fella, I will post new pics when they are based.



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*details removed by Mod*


Per the boards's rules, please don't share excessive portions of the various army books. If you are in doubt, feel free to ask a Mod if its allowable.


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hey Sideshow.....


I really appreciate that you are pumped for your new army, but first off, it's not a good idea to post specific rules in the forum.

Secondly, I think what Jeske is saying is... How do you use Huron in an effective manner when he's pretty much been ignored by the competitive community since his (re)introduction in this version of the codex?


Honestly, I don't think he's that terrible... I mean nothing will be as bad as Dooooom Rider, but he is certainly a 'lower tier' special character who is overcosted in 5th edition. But don't let old crusty chaos guys like us change what you're doing. I'd be happy to hear if you were making him work in your new army. Have at 'er and let us know how you're doing.

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Well, what makes him unique is the fact that he's got warptime. And for a chaos lord, that's rather unique. With a choice between PF and a PW with rerolls, or a HF with a reroll to wound makes him quite the heavy hitter in close quarters...


His pointscost is quite ok as well. If you purchase a lord and give him all the equipment that Huron has from all lists(HF from termie list) it actually adds up exactly to his points cost...


Sad part is that there are better things to have, sure. But bad, nah, he's not that bad...

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Firstly appologies "mod", and thank you for putting me straight on house rules, I meant ne disrespect. :D Secondly guys I have never seen Huron in action or gamed with my chaos force yet. I understand that I am unlikley to use him all the time but for bigger battles I may?


We often game campaigns or battle senarios that we make up that may or may not involve big names, plus there is the corsair "blurb", witch is the whole reason why I wanted to collect em.


I really appreciate everyones intrest and encouragement, Your comments provide me with a greater insight into what to expect.


I will work hard today to get the other models finished posted. :)



Thanks guys :)

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hey If someone found a new way to play am all ears to learn about it .


Oh me too, since I just bought the last metal Huron my FLGS had. I'm not even sure I intend to field him, I just wanted the metal model in case I ever discover I want to.


I poked fun at the way you doggedly distill codices to their purest effective form, but I do grudgingly acknowledge you're often right about it. I was just having a laugh, no offense intended. :)

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you're often right about it

Ahem, he likes to talk but he didn't even play and try his advice. He reads forums and that's all. Nemo among his brothers. From the sporthammer point of view he's fully wrong and it's not surprising, he's not Stepan :lol:



Will you buy another DP instead of the old one? New plastic Prince is better ;)

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Paintjobs are looking good! Those blue topknots are a good choice for contrast. (consider doing the tassles on your chainswords the same way imo) Looks like you could do with spending just a little more time taking care of your mould lines though - you missed a few bits here and there.
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How do you use Huron in an effective manner when he's pretty much been ignored by the competitive community since his (re)introduction in this version of the codex?

nope . am assuming that if someone write the rules are good he can explain why they are good. And as I said before am all about new ways to play in a good way.


Secondly guys I have never seen Huron in action or gamed with my chaos force yet.

aha ok. that is sad.

With a choice between PF and a PW with rerolls, or a HF with a reroll to wound makes him quite the heavy hitter in close quarters...

but with 3A and not getting extra A for combination[fist/power weapon] he does less dmg then a lord with twin LK and when warp time fails to be cast or is hooded[with so many armies playing some sort of psychic protection it can happen offte]he does less then those lord. And fist doesnt help him much because 3A with a fist mean he strikes at the same time as the opposing squads powerfist and with a +5inv the chance to die is rather high.


I understand that I am unlikley to use him all the time but for bigger battles I may?

like apocalips sized ?

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lol, I didn't see the fact that he doesn't have a bolt pistol! Well, that just shows how much I've been looking at his entry in there... :)


I don't use him myself, but I have often looked at the model and wondered if I should do something with it. It would be fun to convert something from it...



It's really wierd though...col. Straken's bionics in the IG codex gets +1T +3S and gives him a powerweapon and an extra d6 for armor pen, as well as upgrades his armour from 5+ to 3+...


Huron has a similar amount of bionics and gets...nothing...

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Yep, I'm still plugging away myself at the Red Corsairs. I still look at my painted Huron with some affection... but yea, he's hard to use effectively. The comparison to Straken is very scary... not to mention the massive points difference for them.


One of the strongest units even in today's game is the Daemon Prince. I think that fact makes it just a little harder to use Huron. But I'm doing it darn it! Tomorrow Huron comes out... rolling in a Land raider w/4 Termies. We'll see if it works.

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