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Hi Scott.Sorry it's taken me so long to leave a comment on your current work.Although i have seen your Red Corsairs in the flesh,its nice to see them here cos i can have a better look at them,and i have to say they are realy nice,as is all your work.Keep it up,and i look forward to seeing more Chaos from you.Also looking forward to allying with you(or fighting against you )in the near future.
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Hi guuys


First of all thanks for all the advise and feedback, not to mention your kind comments. Im really enjoying painting chaos and look even more forward to gaming with them.:tu:


As promised I have completed somemore model's and taken pictures to post. Im aiming for my first 10 man squad to be able to pack a punch, so it made sense to tool 2 marines with melta guns. :devil:


Now I know that there are no set schemes for chaos, I wanted things to remain dark and weathered but at the same time display the legions colour. I also attempted to pay some attention to battle damage and armour chipping? I know they are not the best but they are of a fair gaming standard....lol? ;)


Thanks again guys...Enjoy the pic and stay tuned for more models.;)







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I disagree on the green eyes, keep them the way they are. :D



A very good paintjob you have there. They look awesome. Appropriate dark and brooding look.

( I think the way you've painted the eyes helps this look. Glowy green eyes might not work as well in my opinion.)

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Hi guys


Thanks for everyones possitive feedback and especially your advice and Ideas. Here are the final models to complete my first 10 man squad.








It totally made sense for me crack on with a set of wheels or (Tracks) so I will make a start on a corsair Rhino.





Watch out for my new Corsair Rhino Topic...Thanks again for you support :)

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Those models look ace!


Really like how you've used some colourful 'wash effects' on most of the weapons and horns. Looks like some proper chaos corruption.


Always good to see someone start something cool and iconic like a red corsairs warband and keeping at it.


Keep up the good work, man!

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