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Building a very competitive BA army...

Cmdr Shepard

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I'd go as far as to say that those Razorbacks would most likely not be targeted at all past the long list of AV13 targets which are a bigger threat

As a tournament BA player that uses 3 ac/las predators, 3 naked baals, 2 furioso and 4 asm razorbacks, I agree 100% with this statement. The razorbacks are usually only the target of things like outflanking scouts or some such, the big guns are all primarily concerned with the predators. I tend to use 3 tlac rb and 1 lasplas to sit in the back and snipe and as terminator insurance, and only move forward aggressively when the game is about over and I am consolidating on objectives. The 3 baals usually all die but the damage they do and perhaps more importantly the disruption they cause is worth their points.


On topic, I use 2 furioso with talons in pods. You must be careful with them, since melta is so prevalent. They can do serious damage to almost all targets but they are still only one melta shot away from being useless. Nothing more depressing than an immobilised dreadnought. I would not recommend librarian furioso, as I have found them to be target number 1 and never really do anything. That could be because of their reputation for mass destruction, but too often they are focus fired into oblivion and 175 is too much for a diversionary unit.

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You are going to be using entirely different weaponry to shoot at a Razorback than you would at a unit of 5 marines at the back. I'd go as far as to say that those Razorbacks would most likely not be targeted at all past the long list of AV13 targets which are a bigger threat. Whereas those Marines are much more susceptible to mundane massed S4 and S3 weaponry.


4 x 5 ASM w MG in +35pt turret RBs is still going to put out more damage than 2 Tacs with MG and ML in 2 RBs with LasPlas and a MM Speeder.

In our gaming community Players are gearing there list for Razor spam. Because they carry troops and are fast players are going to want to kill them first. Tactics and experience will trump any list.

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