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Blood Drinkers..codex BAs?

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So I have been playing around in my head the idea of doing a BA themed army and thought about doing the Blood Drinkers. Old schoolers will remember them from back in the RT days and since 2nd ed, have been swept up in the re-organization that GW did to the Space Marines and their backgrounds. Anyway, I did a little net searching and read where they are a Codex chapter derived from BA gene seed. So how would this work out, would one use C:SM or C:BA or a mix of the two? I looked around here for anything but didnt turn up anything. So any ideas would be interesting to hear.
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Codex: Blood Angels.


The author of the 3rd edition Blood Angels IA article got a bit carried away and labelled them as strict codex adherents, but both Codex: Angels of Death and the current codex only label them as strictly adhering to codex marking conventions.

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It should also be noted that the Blood Angels and their other Successors are described as adhering to the Codex Astartes, though they have certain deviations (which only makes them "mostly" adherent - big difference[/Miracle Max]).


One of the Index Astartes articles that appeared in 3rd edition described how the Blood Drinkers have mutated gene-seed that results in an unnatural craving for blood, implying that this is exceptional even among the other Successors of the Blood Angels Legion. This supports information from the novel Space Marine where the Blood Drinker Space Marine declines the offer from the Imperial Fists to drink their blood because they are not his "brothers".


My recommendation is to play them using Codex: Blood Angels while following the standard Codex Astartes markings (i.e., don't differentiate squad types by helmet colors, use the standard company colors on the shoulder pad rims, etc.). There is room for interpretation and variation there, though, so use any "Codex" markings you like.

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BA denoting their Vets with a Gold helmet is a recent addition I heartily disagree with.


I guess Xenith must be right about the pad outline, but i have only ever seen them depicted with yellow outlines. It occurs to me that this was once true of smurfs too then other companies started showing up. One of the codex markings for veterancy is a laurel painted on a standard helmet scheme. I generally think that fits best.

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Would they denote their vets the same way as the BA with gold or like Ultras with the white?


Both Codex Angels of Death and the Blood Angels IA article specifically note them as resembling the Ultramarines, so I'd say white.


The same statement does also support that yellow trim does denote 2nd Company - that isn't automatic from 'codex adherent' since the Emperor's Hawks and the Red Scorpions are both noted as codex chapters yet both have yellow trims throughout the chapter with the company being denoted by a number on their armour (Blood Angels had black pad trims because their beakie scheme had a black helmet stripe, Blood Drinkers helmet stripe was yellow).

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The Codex Astartes for a variety of methods to indicate various things. The shoulder pad rims are one of the most common methods of indicating company affiliation, but some "Codex" Chapters indicate company affiliation on the kneepads, others on the chest eagle, others elsewhere on the armour, and some don't indicate company affiliation at all. Whether or not the yellow shoulder pad rims seen on the common Blood Drinkers depiction is meant to indicate company affiliation is anyone's guess. It might be a safe guess, but one might also say that the yellow rims are common to all members of the Chapter, with company affiliation depicted elsewhere (or even not at all).


White (on the) helmet is the typical method of indicating veteran status, but a variety of alternatives are possible. And it is possible for a Chapter to allow for multiple methods amongst its battle-brothers/veterans.


In the end, you have a lot of freedom to choose. Going by a "strict" interpretation of the known information on the Blood Drinkers, their heraldry and markings should be closer to the Ultramarines, but red. They'll likely incorporate some other markings common to the sons of Sanguinius (blood drops come to mind, perhaps the red saltire and cross on black armour for the Death Company, perhaps some others). Some mix between the Ultramarines and Blood Angels is fine (you can decide how much/little of each). GW hasn't given us any definitive answers - only a vague description. The rest is up to you. :)

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In one of my less sane moments I decided to have a go at Blood Drinkers based on the original Mk7 Ultramarines scheme (trims & eagle in secondary colour, right arm in company colour, right pad in squad colour) rather than the standard one, behold the monstrosity:


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