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Drop Pods, and IC's...

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Here is a tactic, that I think is 100% legal, but I would like to run it by all of you to verify first..

The Setup:


Long Fang Unit with 4 Multi-Melta.

Long Fang Leader

Rune Priest

Rune Priest

Everyone goes for a Ride in a friendly Drop Pod.

It Lands on first turn.

The Doors Open up, it is now OPEN Topped.


The Rune Priests exit at the sides.

Logan and the Long Fangs exit at the front.

RP's are more than 2 inches away from any of the long fangs.

Since Logan can grant Relentless and the Long Fangs may split fire, the Long Fangs may target 2 seperate tanks.

The Rune Priest can each target their own seperate unit.

So that the drop pod can target 4 seperate units when it arrives.

Yes it is an expensive attack force, But if it can wreck 3-4 Tanks on first turn, it may be cost effective...

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Seems legal to me. Though as you pointed out very expensive and if it doesn't do it's damage on the first turn it will likely not exist on turn 2. Though that is another topic not for the OR
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Everyone goes for a Ride in a friendly Drop Pod.

Just one clarification: it must be the Long Fang's Drop Pod. I know you knew that, but that's exactly what makes this legal. The Fangs buy the Pod and the IC's are attached to the embarked squad in Reserve. 100% legal. ;)

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Though dont forget you must disembark from the hull, not the edges of the doors. Keeping all the units far enough apart might be ablittle bit tricky.


Is this in a FAQ or Rules somewhere?

No. This is a hotly debated grey area rule - with one camp contending that the doors are part of the hull and the other contending that they are "decorative elements" to be ignored. With all the attendant problems for each camp.

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