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Multiple Drop Pods one unit

PsY Crash

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ok so hypothetical, and im not entirely sure if its even an option since i do not have the BRB in front of me.


I play blood angels and am curious if i could take say 30 death company and split them up into 3 drop pods. (i know i can only take 1 drop pod for that unit, but im thinking of taking them as transports from other units i have being that those units dont necessarily have to be IN them.)


basically what i wanna try is to drop pod(3) the entire unit, and if im not mistaken i have one more turn to consolidate the unit back into coherency. is this viable/legal?


im always the type to try to play in strange ways and find odd synergies and strategies. so any input on this would help.

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No, because 1) units are not allowed to start the game inside dedicated transport of another unit (they may start in a non-dedicated transport) and 2) a unit can not be divided over multiple transports. If the unit does not fit into a transport in its entirety, then it cannot embark into that transport.
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No, because 1) units are not allowed to start the game inside dedicated transport of another unit (they may start in a non-dedicated transport) and 2) a unit can not be divided over multiple transports. If the unit does not fit into a transport in its entirety, then it cannot embark into that transport.


Bummer. figured as much. o well. thank you

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