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Chaos Space Marines against Dark Eldars?


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Sure they have a nice impact.


But most of the time they will only scratch the paint off your armors with their S3.


The most troublesome thing about them is their speed and high Initiative,even when charging theme with Zerkers they will strike before you.


But, on 4 games against a DE army i've won 3 times and had a draw.


Try first to shoot those Ravagers down and the Raiders.


Focus on Cronos or Talos if he as any,those can be a real pain...


But you can go and charge them,they don't have a high Init as the rest of the army and if you make enough attacks you can take them down before they have the chance to do anything.


Wyches can be a bother if their is two units together,but other wise they are really fragile,but beware for their invul save in CC.


If your opponent plays Lelith try to engage her with a Lord/Prince or Khârn,their high WS value will make sur that he doesn't get much of her special rule.


Also use Defilers or Dreads,try to get them in cc as soon as possible,DE as virtually nothing to get to walkers,sure they have those grenades that does something on some results,but they are still Nades and so needs to hit you on a 6.


One of the most annoying thing are Reavers Bikes,because of their special movement attack and if he use a weapon rattler on one of his raiders with Trueborn's or wathever,having like 20 poisoned shots who can be rethrowed,even a 5 man Blood Crushers formation can't take it.


Also remember that he will always be faster then you,so be more on the defensif,make a thight formation,so that you can always counter attack all the units he throws at you.


DE don't have any template weapons,apart for the Cronos or the Razorwing.


So yeah they can be a pain,but easily defeat CSM?...don't make me laugh...

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My friend is a Dark Eldar player, and he says that Dark Eldars can easily defeat Chaos Space Marines, and are the best at close combat. Is this true?

Yes, that's rather true. One of my mates, tailor his armies to defeat my troops easily. His wyches are almost on the par (on CC) of our CSM without taking their drugs into account. Cheaper. With their drugs, they'll be better. With a token, they'll destroy our CSM. Your best bet is to kill every of their vehicules quickly. Focus on anything with a token. Stay in your Rhinos, let them hit bolter shells. Punish him any time he pushes his army/unit too far. And most of all, don't be picked apart.


Hélas, we aren't great at range and their mobility is great tool to turn around enemy superior range.

One of the best thing we have to negate most of their advantage is the Defiler. Btw, a lot of loyalists (and some of us) use this thread to discuss about the problem : http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=214928.

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Sure they have a nice impact.


But most of the time they will only scratch the paint off your armors with their S3.


The most troublesome thing about them is their speed and high Initiative,even when charging theme with Zerkers they will strike before you.


But, on 4 games against a DE army i've won 3 times and had a draw.


Try first to shoot those Ravagers down and the Raiders.


Focus on Cronos or Talos if he as any,those can be a real pain...


But you can go and charge them,they don't have a high Init as the rest of the army and if you make enough attacks you can take them down before they have the chance to do anything.


Wyches can be a bother if their is two units together,but other wise they are really fragile,but beware for their invul save in CC.


If your opponent plays Lelith try to engage her with a Lord/Prince or Khârn,their high WS value will make sur that he doesn't get much of her special rule.


Also use Defilers or Dreads,try to get them in cc as soon as possible,DE as virtually nothing to get to walkers,sure they have those grenades that does something on some results,but they are still Nades and so needs to hit you on a 6.


One of the most annoying thing are Reavers Bikes,because of their special movement attack and if he use a weapon rattler on one of his raiders with Trueborn's or wathever,having like 20 poisoned shots who can be rethrowed,even a 5 man Blood Crushers formation can't take it.


Also remember that he will always be faster then you,so be more on the defensif,make a thight formation,so that you can always counter attack all the units he throws at you.


DE don't have any template weapons,apart for the Cronos or the Razorwing.


So yeah they can be a pain,but easily defeat CSM?...don't make me laugh...


I play DE and CSM and I agree with Slayer's post. He hit on nearly every point. Their vehicles are paper. Their armor is paper. You can still play Khorne just fine, just take havocs with Autocannons or even heavy bolters for their troops. Almost any shot they take will kill their infantry. If he tries to run you over with reavers, just charge them after they run you over and that will negate their 3+ invuln from their speed. Wyches can be a pain in CC, one on one beserkers are far better but they're much more expensive than wyches. That's why if you can shoot the wyches every shot will likely kill them, they're almost exactly like the guard. The only problem I see really is a haemonoculus with grotesques...... those things are just nasty.

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Yup And a really common tactic is to set 3 Heamonculus in various units,so that those unit starts the game with one Pain Token.


Then those Heamonculus can be sacrified or even one can be used to set up a Portal,once this is done,they can be killed it doesn't matter,they fullfiled their purpose.


You can always make do,so that you don't give easy Pain Tokens,but the Tokens that they get from the start with the Heamonculus,there is nothing you can do to avoid it.


So if your friend use this kind of tactic,Try focusing the units with the Heamonculus,a few flying Pies from your Defiler or Vindicator,can make a difference,if a squad comes at full force to you or half gibbed.


The biggest advantage that you have also is that DE as very few AP3 or lower weapons,really just a few,there are some,don't be too happy,but compared to a Craftworld Eldars or IG its a 1/5 ratio rhoughly.


Also they arn't fearless until they get enough Pain Token,try to make them flee,they arn't marines,so for the next turn there is little that they could do.


Also don't forget that even if Talos/Cronos can be a real bother,they are the slowest unit of the DE army,you will have the time to wound it before it gets to your lines.


And don't be afraid to charge it in CC when you can,it as a T7 yes,but it isn't as resilient as a Phantom Lord or Tyranid Prince.

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