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Deep Striking a big unit of Assault Terminators


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I was thinking... 7 Terminators (5 w TH/SS) + Librarian w/ Storm Shield + Terminator Priest isn't prohibitively expensive on its own.


And is ludicrously survivable to pretty much anything you could care to throw at it.


Would taking it and Deep Striking them down just in front of a castled enemy work? You'd effectively cause your enemy to have to redeploy. IG would have to use nearly all of their anti-tank to deal with it. SW can't deal with it at all with LF Missiles and 8 or so Melta shots.


Speed is an issue but your placement of your DS is key. You could effectively pin down an entire table quarter. Multi Charges would be devastating


Coupled with 4 FlamerBack Assault Squads and a couple of Preds this will provide some serious problems for a lot of armies. They'd eat GKs and DEldar in assault. Wyches can't do enough damage and you'd kill Paladins through attrition over 2 assault phases. Throw in a Drop Pod Furioso with Frag Cannon and a Magna Grapple to have a go at rear armour vehicles or template infantry and maybe a couple Attack bikes as well for some extra Melta at 1750.


But I am more interested in discussing the plausibility of just DSing a big bunch of Terminators down.

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What about taking Dante in with ten assault terminators and a priest? That way you could ensure you land bang on target and be right in his face from the go , without having to worry about mishaps and scatter.


Edit: Dante also has the descent of angels special rule , would this allow him to re-roll the reserve roll for him and the terminators if he joined them?


Edit2: Dante scatters unless his squad has jump packs :jaw:

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What about taking Dante in with ten assault terminators and a priest? That way you could ensure you land bang on target and be right in his face from the go , without having to worry about mishaps and scatter.


Dante scatters unless his squad has jump packs.


Ah right, don't have my codex on me at that moment. A shame , would of been a hell of a shock for opponents seeing 10 assault terminators pop up. Without being able to get an accurate scatter then , it seems like a very risky strategy

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I could always put a Beacon on the Furioso Drop Pod


The trouble with that is the opponent can kill off the drop pod if they're aware you're going to pull this trick off , meaning you'll have to risk scattering.

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tbh I wouldnt be putting them down THAT close. As long as they are within roughly 12" of where I want them to end up it's fine.


Your opponent can still drive up and melta the drop pod , ( ie. Imperial guard veterans with meltaguns drive up 12" in a chimera , disembark 2" and hopefully be within 6" melta range of your drop pod , thats a huge threat range , and if you've landed your furioso any further out you've reduced its effectiveness) .I suppose the rest of your list must be taken into account with this , if you've the fire support and and several more pressing threats to you opponents on the first turn , your opponent may very ignore the drop pod with locator beacon. However , The fact that its survival ensures your gimmick lands accurately , I think it would be destroyed before it could be used.

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I meant the Terminators do not have to be DS'd particularly close. They don't have to Assault the next turn.


Admittedly if they turn up turn 5 I am pretty screwed. Hmmm


The attracton of a unit that survivable without having to drop the 275pts on the Crusader turned my head. But poor reserve rolls and catastrophic DS rolls could nuke any hope you have of doing anything

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I meant the Terminators do not have to be DS'd particularly close. They don't have to Assault the next turn.


Admittedly if they turn up turn 5 I am pretty screwed. Hmmm


The attracton of a unit that survivable without having to drop the 275pts on the Crusader turned my head. But poor reserve rolls and catastrophic DS rolls could nuke any hope you have of doing anything


I'm considering a Drop Pod-tastic list and I may look at the option of deep striking Terminators (not least because of the AWESOME sound effect when you deep strike Terminators in Dawn of War. (*Deep, booming voice*: "DEEP STRIKING!" Awesomesauce.) next to a beacon-Drop Pod.


Hmmm. Possibly off to the drawing-board for me for my third or fourth iteration of Blood Angels army lists! So far I've built two 2,000 point armies. I'm now considering my Drop Pod Dreadnought/Terminators/Scouts list and a mechanised list. Fun times!

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