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blood angels

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First off lets start by saying that even my best work is table top at best. I'm not a good painter, but for some odd reason I like painting minis as gifts. I did a test model for a BAish color a year or so back on a sister model (gave it to my wife on our first date it was painted for her, her favorite color is red so I painted it nice brightish red).


Here is mine (will be used on my BA which I'm in the process of building):

Merichite (sp)



coat thoroughly in Baal red wash.


Please note that this works for my okayish painting, but you might want to add more layers (using gore red mixing up to blood red). Also especially for red, but for other colors as well I like a foundation base coat, but that is my preference so if you like a red/brown or black base coat for good coverage by all means do that. This is with a black undercoat.

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The way I'd do it (and plan on doing my Word Bearers this way) is to spray prime white, then airbrush blood red or a matching color over it. Once that's done, give a wash of a darker color- devlan mud or scab red- to give it shading. Then paint the details- chest eagle, skulls, shoulder pad rims, pipes on the helmet, stuff like that- black. It may take several coats to get decent opacity.


I tend to paint boltguns (and special weapons) and backpacks separately; spray prime them black, then drybrush silver over the metallic areas. Highlight to taste, and there you are. Special weapons may vary, especially plasma guns with those exposed coils.

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BA's have possibly THE MOST variations on colours and schemes dude. Red is a tricky colour to get, and some pleople like it dark and gritty, some like them bright and shiny. There are lots and lots of variations on the BA schemes online.


This can even be seen in the BA Codex, which has several different shades of red on the studio army.


My own method:


Army Painter Pure Red primer (spray)

Blood Red (with airbrush/spraygun)

Baal Red (wash)

Blood Red (drybrush)

Blazing Orange (highlights)


I'm no golden demon winner though so this is a recipe for quick and easy models and you get a nice bright red, not some of the darker shades that some people like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Depends on the colour you want


Dragon Red Primer

Paint all the black

Greyphone Sepia the whole model.

Build back up a layer of blood red.

Blazing Orange Highlights


Or the long way to get a real deep rich red







Coat D Arms Red Ink

Then Re Highlight with a orange white mix.

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