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I'm annoyed...


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... that Furioso Dreadnoughts, Terminator Assault Squads and Sternguard Veteran Squads all take up Elite slots.


That is all.


You mean, like they have always been? There's literally nothing new about this.


Oh, absolutely. I never claimed otherwise. I thought this would be a "oh, shut-up" thread for the mods and they'd shut it down quick-time.


I was just bored, contemplating a list and being frustrated at my lack of Elites slots.



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Could free up the Furioso slot by getting a DC dread, maybe?


Sadly not. I had images of 3 Furioso Dreadnoughts landing from the skies on turn one, hopping out of their Drop Pods with frag cannon and heavy flamers blasting. Mmm, nine template weapons on turn one... *drool*....


I'd hoped I could complement them with Sternguard similarly dropping out of the sky, combi-meltas blazing.


And then a Terminator squad or so deep striking in to mop up the remains of any large combat-heavy units.




Sadly, 'tis not to be.



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Planetstrike, my friend. Or, as one of my opponents dubbed it, "You brought how many Sternguard?"


I rather like the sound of that!


One of my friends plays a Pedro Kantor list with between four and six Scout Squads/Scout Bike Squads/Land Speeder Storms and an absolute boatload of Drop Podded Sternguard. Destroys stuff with crazy reckless abandon.

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... that Furioso Dreadnoughts, Terminator Assault Squads and Sternguard Veteran Squads all take up Elite slots.


That is all.


You mean, like they have always been? There's literally nothing new about this.


Oh, absolutely. I never claimed otherwise. I thought this would be a "oh, shut-up" thread for the mods and they'd shut it down quick-time.


I was just bored, contemplating a list and being frustrated at my lack of Elites slots.



I'm pretty sure that GW specifically makes the Elite slot the hardest to mess with. It may in fact be the only part of the book they actually bother looking at judging by say...C:SW. The E slot is always hardest for me to fill, in anything but a BA list.

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... that Furioso Dreadnoughts, Terminator Assault Squads and Sternguard Veteran Squads all take up Elite slots.


That is all.


Lucky you :P I seem to struggle to get the points to even look at competing elite slots running with a DOA list B)


I use a jump infantry list often. Was just considering building a different list for kicks.



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Could free up the Furioso slot by getting a DC dread, maybe?

The DC Dreads get the added benefit of it's immunities and extra attack (and str iirc?)....Not the worst thing ever honestly.


I want the Dreadnoughts for a frag cannon/heavy flamer combo. Three solid template weapons per Dreadnought = massively dead troops.

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Oddly, I never really use my elites other than priests.


My mech army occasionally throws in Sternguard, I've considered assault termies.


My jumpers use Sang Guard, but also Dante so they are troops.


i would say that you think just like me, but it's a bad idea to insult mods. :P

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Well, the scouts and the Veteran Assault squads moved out of the elite slots, which was good, but the sanguinary priests (pretty obligatory, surely?) moved in, and some of the Furiosos became librarians, and the Sanguinary Guard emerged. So my ordinary terminators haven't been able to be fielded at all. And don't mention the poor old techmarine. At least in the pdf he didn't take up a slot. He doesn't get a loo in, even in planetstrike.


(and meanwhile the VAS/Vanguards and the Baals arrived to clog up the fast attack slots, which used to be relatively clear.)

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