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Power Fists and Bolters in C:SM.


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Rather a stupid question, but I wanted to be sure. I did try searching the forum but Searchy the Servo-Skull isn't loading again.


So then, in Codex: Space Marines, the options for Sternguard (And probably other units, but Sternguard is the one I'm looking at) state...


"The Sergeant may replace his Bolt Pistol and/or his Bolter with..."


Does this mean:

(1) He may replace both his Bolt Pistol and his Bolter for a weapon, or just his Bolter.

Or (2) He may replace either or both his ranged weapons for a melee weapon.


...? Basically, is it possible to have a Sternguard sergeant with both a Bolter and Powerfist?


Sorry for my stupidity, and thanks in advance. :D

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It means the character can trade in one of his weapons, and if he wishes he can also trade in his other weapon. He can replace his bolt pistol, or he can replace his boltgun. He can also replace both his bolt pistol and his boltgun.
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Yep. I actually do this a lot. My sternguard sergeant and one of my tac squad sergeants has a boltgun/power fist...his squad is kitted out for rapid-fire and only assaults at absolute need. It's just an extra shot, but I like it. More important for the Sternguard, with that sexy special ammo.
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To slightly highjack this thread in the Blood Angel codex under the RAS enty, the sergent doesn't have the and/or option. It states on page 89,


"The sergeant can replace his Bolt Pistol/Chainsword with..."


If this is correct and not an oversight, then this would be an example of one or the other (Personally I hope it's an oversight as I quite like my Plasma Pistol & Power Axe Sergeant.)

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It's the same thing. You replace the Bolt pistol with something from the list/the Chainsword with something off the list. It's still and/or, just written a little differently.
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