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Ordnance Barrage weapons. Please help


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First and foremost i would like to apologize if this has been poster before.

And if it is posted in the wrong section. I'm new to this forum and 40k alike.


I was reading the rules on ordnance barrage weapons (pg. 58) and.. needless to say was rather confused.


First off, is there a difference between "ordnance barrage" and "ordnance, barrage" (e.g. demolisher cannon).


Secondly, I have read the entire rule book, and this is the only part that gives me a headache. Would anyone be kind enough to explain to it more in depth to me, or send me a link to a previous discussion.


If anyone can help with any of this, would be greatly appreciated.



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First off, is there a difference between "ordnance barrage" and "ordnance, barrage" (e.g. demolisher cannon).


The difference between "ordnance" and "ordnance, barrage" weapons is that the latter can to choose to fire indirectly (i.e. without line of sight to the target). Check out the Barrage rules on p32 of the rulebook.




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First off, is there a difference between "ordnance barrage" and "ordnance, barrage" (e.g. demolisher cannon).

No, there is no difference. "Ordnance" means that a weapon uses the highest of 2D6 for armour penetration, while "Barrage" means that the weapon does not need LOS to be fired. "Ordnance barrage" and "ordnance, barrage" both mean that both of these apply.



Secondly, I have read the entire rule book, and this is the only part that gives me a headache. Would anyone be kind enough to explain to it more in depth to me, or send me a link to a previous discussion.

What exactly are you confused about? Ordnance weapons are worked out just like blast weapons (place blast marker over target, roll for scatter, etc). Barrage weapons can be placed even over targets the firer has no LOS to, but in a case where there is no LOS the scatter will not be reduced by the firer's Ballistic Skill.




(e.g. demolisher cannon)

The demolisher cannon is NOT a barrage weapon. The weapon's entry onpage 80 of the Codex Space Marines is correct, and it is merely an "ordnance" weapon. The stat summary on page 144 is incorrect.

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So did they FAQ out the issue about Ord (non blast) not getting a Marker? (like the hellstrike missles from the Valk) I know this was an issue that came up when that unit came out in the newer IG 'dex, since it was just Ord and not Ord+any kind of blast, or Ord Barrage, and the BRB saying 'all Ord blast use the large marker'.
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BA vindicator is Ordnance Blast (faq'd)


IG Valkyrie Hellstrikes are still Ordnance 1. (no blast).


Ordnance in and of itself just means "roll best-of-2d6 to penetrate armour" (no blast).


Ordnance Blast adds "large blast" to this (because ALL "ordnance blast" = "large blast") - so it's best of 2d6AP in addition to the large blast rules.


Ordnance Barrage = "ordnance+large blast" (because ALL ordnance barrage uses large blast) plus the ability to fire indirectly. So large blast+best of 2d6AP, plus does not require LOS to fire.

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BA vindicator is Ordnance Blast (faq'd)


IG Valkyrie Hellstrikes are still Ordnance 1. (no blast).


Ordnance in and of itself just means "roll best-of-2d6 to penetrate armour" (no blast).


Ordnance Blast adds "large blast" to this (because ALL "ordnance blast" = "large blast") - so it's best of 2d6AP in addition to the large blast rules.


Ordnance Barrage = "ordnance+large blast" (because ALL ordnance barrage uses large blast) plus the ability to fire indirectly. So large blast+best of 2d6AP, plus does not require LOS to fire.


It is worth noting that ordnance blast weapons only default to large blast when they are not specified otherwise. Ordnance weapons can be be small blasts if the profile says so, just like they can be non-blast.

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