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Dante or Astorath?


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Asking which one you should take is like asking whether you should wear a tux or baggies and a tee to a party without us knowing anything about the party. Is it a beach party? Is it a formal affair?


The thing about Astorath and Dante is that to a fairly large degree they require the list to be structured/built around them to maximise their strengths.


Dante's greatest boons are tactical precision, Sang Guard as Troops and Hit and Run. As a result, Sang Guard is an obvious choice for inclusion (though not a necessity). But including a unit that would allow him to use his tactical precision is more of a "required" choice. If you are going to be doing that, then you are likely to have a fair amount of points off the board at the start of the game, meaning you will have to theme/ structure your army to be able to deal with that.

Then you'll need to have the speed/backup to support that tactical dropping unit.


Astorath on the other hand has 2 major boons, DC as Troops and then the 50% chance of FC/Fearless.

Oddly enough, people focus too much on the first part (in my humble opinion). And often too much on the FC part of the Thirst. Fearless on certain units is such a great benefit.

Attack bikes that are normally Ld8, now fearless are exceptional. Dev squads at the back line that could be combat squaded and would be Ld8 that are fearless- same deal.

Vanguard also work really well with FC giving you more punch on the turn you come in and charge.

Razorspam lists that rely on "weak" 5man troops to hold objectives also go well in this kind of list.


Obviously, based on your list proposed- Dantes the obvious choice, since you dont really have any scoring troops otherwise. Woudlnt even be a question.


But, hope that at least gives you something to think about.

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