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What's your favourite space marine model?

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As a lifetime Dark Angels player, I want to chose Asmodai, fav for a long time...but...the Asteroth teh Grim model is sooooo sweeet. As for a chaos model, I guess that Tzeenchen SM Socerer model, you know the one.




Space Marine, the new version of Lemartes is brilliant. A joy to paint! Best chaplian model made yet in my opinion.


Chaos, I think the Khârn the Betrayer model is spot on for his character. Even his helm has the facial expression of rage and anger.

Space Marine Terminator Chaplain

Emperor's Champion


Master of the Watch


Those are the models I am very tempted to buy just for the fun of having them. On the other side, the models I dislike the most are Huron and the the AOBR captain. I don't exactly know why though.

Land Raider Helios.


It's such a beautiful tank. :)



Land Raider Achilles is much sexier :lol:

The hull, yes, but I prefer the look of the Helios' weaponry.


Now if we could have a Helios on an Achilles hull... :D I think Forge World is about to get quite a bit of my money...

Brother Meredith aka wounded Tactical Marine


middle box, right, top marine



He's the John Mclane of the 41st century :P


I'll have to look in the deepest darkest recesses of my bits box but I have him. As a matter of fact hew was one of the 2 marines in the very first blister I bought in 1988 along with the marine with communicator-top right box, the one in the middle. Got them at the same time as I bought my first White Dwarf. White Dwarf #113 (original space hulk image with red border :ermm: ) Oh Emperor.... I've turned venerable....

For loyalists, I'd say........the SM Chaplain with plasma pistol. He just looks so ornate and decorated. The Master of Recruits comes a close second though, followed by the old Captain Sicarius with lightning claws.


And Chaos, well, it'd have to be a good old, kick-ass Possessed marine. Next is definitely Typhus, and then the overused-Astorath-conversion-base Khorne Lord with giant, two-handed axe. I actually replaced the axe blade with a chainaxe top bit and called it Khârn. :)

Forge World's Iron Armor kit. Bloody love Iron Armor, I was SO happy that it became DLC in DOW2: Retribution's Last Stand mode.


I'm also partial to the Masters of the Chapter models, and honestly, the Smurf honor guard models as well. And the plastic venerable dreadnought. The devastator squad is cool too. Ah, dang it, all of the models!


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