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How do I outfit an Assault Squad?

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I'm putting together an assault squad (5 man squad for now.)


I'll also be putting together another 5 man Assault Squad once I'm done with this one, with plans to bump each squad up to 10 in the future.


My question is this: How would you outfit the squad? What loadout and why?


*Note: I plan on magnetizing them so I can switch out between backpacks and Jump Packs, but I'd rather not magnetize any arms to switch out weapons*

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I like to use glue and then cover them with some sort of paint...


In a 5 man squad a Powerfist and a Melta is nearly always what I go with, you can slag tanks and squish things in CC.

The only other loadout I run is powerweapon and a Flamer. The meta on it isn't great it's just a combo that works for me.

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*Note: I plan on magnetizing them so I can switch out between backpacks and Jump Packs, but I'd rather not magnetize any arms to switch out weapons*
I found out that magnetizing ams is actually easier than magnetizing backpacks.


For the load out I'd say Power Fist and 1 or 2 Meltaguns depending on Squad size is a good idea. If you expect to fight squishy infantry exchange the meltaguns for flamers on one squad. I'd keep the fist though. A power weapon/Lightning Claw can go to the Sanguinary Priest which you will want to have anyway.

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5man squad with jump packs? Meltagun, Infernus Pistol. Gives you a small group of dudes who can fall out of the sky and absolutely ruin some poor tank, and if your opponent doesn't dispose of them, they fly around harassing his backfield.


My full-size squads usually bring 2x Melta, Infernus, and a Power Fist, although a Power Weapon works just as well and saves some points. I also tend to run a 10man with 2x Flamer, Hand Flamer, and Power Weapon, but that's purely for fluff reasons, the squad itself is kinda mediocre.


Melta is pretty much the go-to gun because A, it's an Assault weapon, so you can charge (unlike Plasma), B, killing tanks in 5E is important, and Melta does that better than anything, and C, a full assault squad already has a good way to handle most infantry targets by simple virtue of the close combat phase, so bringing specialized guns to kill them is unnecessary. (This is less true if you don't have a Sanguinary Priest in range, but if you aren't running Priests in your jumper army, you're Doing It Wrong.)

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I would like to suggest you consider Plasma Guns, or at least not forget about them. I would also recommend that you use them in 2's and in squads of ten. Preferable with a Sanguinary Priest around... :devil:


I always put a PFist and a low AP weapon on my Sarge. It seems to be the standard.


End of Line

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I would like to suggest you consider Plasma Guns, or at least not forget about them. I would also recommend that you use them in 2's and in squads of ten. Preferable with a Sanguinary Priest around... ^_^
On Tactical Squads, maybe, but not on Assault Squads. Plasmaguns are Rapid Fire Weapons, meaning if you shoot them the whole squad can't assault. Plasma Pistols are more expensive than meltaguns give only one shot at STR 7 and an additional attack in CC. Meltaguns are STR 8 AP 1 and get 2D6 AP and you do not give an additional attack in CC. I think that is a lot better than another STR 4/5 Attack


I always put a PFist and a low AP weapon on my Sarge. It seems to be the standard.
Too bad the Sergeant can only take the Infernus Pistol and not a fullsized Meltagun.
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I would like to suggest you consider Plasma Guns, or at least not forget about them. I would also recommend that you use them in 2's and in squads of ten. Preferable with a Sanguinary Priest around... :D
On Tactical Squads, maybe, but not on Assault Squads. Plasmaguns are Rapid Fire Weapons, meaning if you shoot them the whole squad can't assault.


They work like a rapidly moving tac squad. Bolters do diddily squat against marines anyway, so if your meta is MEQ heavy they can be worth taking provided you have enough anti tank in other places.

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depending on the rest of my list, I'm bringing some combination of Power Weapon / Power Fist and meltagun and/or flamer.


If I'm already bringing lots of anti-armor, then I usually go Power Weapon and flamer(s).

If I find my anti-armor lacking, I bring more Fists and meltas

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If the intent is to get the squads to 10 marines, then fist + melta. A good little trick here is to have the sergeant have a Fist on one arm, and have the other pointing/holding a grenade/whatever. That way, as long as he has a holstered pistol on him, you can give him a infernus pistol, a hand flamer or just a BP and you will still be WYSIWYG.
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Just to be different I think you should spend an additional 5 points per model and equip each with two close combat weapons. This gives each model 2 attacks base! You will have to ask your opponents permission to let you take two chainswords on each model, not everyone will let you run extra badass marines.
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Just to be different I think you should spend an additional 5 points per model and equip each with two close combat weapons. This gives each model 2 attacks base! You will have to ask your opponents permission to let you take two chainswords on each model, not everyone will let you run extra badass marines.


Why the hell would you want to do that when you already have a pistol and cc weapon? Lose a shooting attack and pay extra points for the privilege?

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Just to be different I think you should spend an additional 5 points per model and equip each with two close combat weapons. This gives each model 2 attacks base! You will have to ask your opponents permission to let you take two chainswords on each model, not everyone will let you run extra badass marines.


I know you are trying to be difficult but I urge you could point out where in the Assault squad entry that you CAN replace the bolt pistol with a CCW and that it costs 5 points to do so. (I'll save you the time it doesn't, a bolt pistol already is a CCW and as such already has +1 A base) 2 chainswords as long as a bolt pistol is modeled is perfectly legal, it serves no function other than modeling.

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