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Wrecked Vehicles and LOS


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I just use pillow stuffing as smoke, not a big fan of putting them upside down or on sides. Yes they block LOS.


Exploded vehicles become craters (area terrain), and replaced with crater equivalents. Our FLGS provided some felt/cloth markers that are the size of a rhino - that way you lift the veicle and leave the felt for the rest of the game. veryy easy to do and should be in everyone's store! As a riminder - shooting at a non-vehicle target through 2 inches of area terrain garners a cover save to the target. Being in the area trrain does the same. Shhoting OUT through more than 2 inches of area terrain also causes cover saves....

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Your just a little off on the shooting through terrain bit


1. In area terrain you get cover

2. shooting through 2" of area terrain..target gets cover


correct so far


Shooting through/over area terrain you get cover if its more than 2" is wrong


its if you shoot through area terrain between 2 elements of the terrain (2 trees, parts of a ruin etc) that units behind the terrain get cover

You can shoot over craters all day an no one behind them will get cover.


Just look at the pictures in the book.

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Here's my gotcha: does the cotton obstruct LOS? Why or why not?


thade I can't even believe you asked that :P

haha. I've never played it that way, nor seen it played that way...but to be fair I've been on a rules-mistake streak lately. (Perhaps you haven't noticed?) So I felt it was a good idea to check. :)


You still like when I post here, right guys?










EDIT: apostrophe...not comma.

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No it does not. The cotton/smoke is a "battlefield marker," and like all other such markers it does not impede line of sight.

Which means that a wrecked vehicle cannot be replaced with a "marker", as by the rules it is supposed to remain in place (and bring with it blocked LOS, difficult and dangerous terrain, etc).

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I just use pillow stuffing as smoke, not a big fan of putting them upside down or on sides. Yes they block LOS.


Exploded vehicles become craters (area terrain), and replaced with crater equivalents. Our FLGS ShinyRhino provided some felt/cloth markers that are the size of a rhino - that way you lift the veicle and leave the felt for the rest of the game. veryy easy to do and should be in everyone's store! As a riminder - shooting at a non-vehicle target through 2 inches of area terrain garners a cover save to the target. Being in the area trrain does the same. Shhoting OUT through more than 2 inches of area terrain also causes cover saves....


I fixed it for you :ph34r:.


Those markers are intended to be flat features, not LOS-obstructing terrain. If you stand on one side of a crater and fire at something on the other side, the shot is never obstructed. If you fire from INSIDE the crafter, at something outside the crater and the shot passes through 2" of said crater, the target would get cover saves.

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If you fire from INSIDE the crafter, at something outside the crater and the shot passes through 2" of said crater, the target would get cover saves.
I thought they driopped the old 2" terrain rule.

Nope, it's still in there. If a model fires through more than 2" of area terrain, whatever he's shooting at gets a cover save.


I can't recall if it's specifically regarding him being IN the terrain (I believe it is) as, if memory serves, if two units are on opposite sides of area terrain but neither are inside of it, they can both shoot at one another with impunity, neither getting or granting cover saves.

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Not really relevant, but concerning cover, the gaming club in my home area back in 4th ed ruled that if there was a piece of cover, say a fence, between the target and the firing unit, if the target was further from the cover than the firing unit, there'd be no cover. This was due to ambiguous wording on what it meant to "be in cover".
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Although I'm dabbling with Xenos at the moment, when I return to my marines, high on my list of jobs to do is to build some burnt-out rhinos, and rhino-shaped craters, for vehicle wrecked and exploded results.


I do like your crashed spaceship bit of terrain you have, broken rhino type things could be cool... Have been thinking on some Orky type cover, either make some barricades from bits left over from looting or some shot out hulks/tank bunker things B)


Question tho, if tanks become wrecks I know troops can run over it as dangerous but can another tank drive over it and could they stop on top of it?

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Question tho, if tanks become wrecks I know troops can run over it as dangerous but can another tank drive over it and could they stop on top of it?


No because infantry can clamber over it, something another vehicle can't do. It would be neat for vehicle to be able to 'nudge' wrecks out of the way – but GW must have though it too complex to add to the rules set.




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Question tho, if tanks become wrecks I know troops can run over it as dangerous but can another tank drive over it and could they stop on top of it?


No because infantry can clamber over it, something another vehicle can't do. It would be neat for vehicle to be able to 'nudge' wrecks out of the way – but GW must have though it too complex to add to the rules set.




Why is a vehicle restricted from moving over a wrecked vehicle? As difficult terrain, I thought it was no different from a wall, tree, crater, et cetera. It is not impassable, or a ruin. That said, please save me from people who attempt to place their vehicles atop mine. :)

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Question tho, if tanks become wrecks I know troops can run over it as dangerous but can another tank drive over it and could they stop on top of it?


No because infantry can clamber over it, something another vehicle can't do. It would be neat for vehicle to be able to 'nudge' wrecks out of the way – but GW must have though it too complex to add to the rules set.




i am not with my books atm but i do not beleive there is anything that prevents a vehicle from moving through, over or even stopin in the area terain that a wreck makes up.

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No because infantry can clamber over it, something another vehicle can't do. It would be neat for vehicle to be able to 'nudge' wrecks out of the way – but GW must have though it too complex to add to the rules set.

Infantry clamber over it...difficult terrain check.


Vehicle "clambers over it" (or plows through it)...difficult terrain check...which, for a vehicle, is a dangerous terrain check.


I've seen IG players pile their tanks/wrecks three high as tanks drive on-top of broken ones to get a vantage that the one beneath it previously had...so I'd be curious to know if there is in fact a rule that makes vehicles driving through/over other vehicles illegal. So far as I can tell, the wreck is difficult/dangerous terrain - not impassible - meaning that vehicles treat it no differently than anything else they might want to plow through.

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Nope, it's still in there. If a model fires through more than 2" of area terrain, whatever he's shooting at gets a cover save.


Actually, the area terrain must contain vertical elements in order to grant cover. (see page 22 BRB)


Units shooting each other across a crater wouldn't necessarily get cover saves. It would depend on how you've modelled the terrain or what you are using to represent it. Piece of felt = no cover, realistically modelled crater = cover.

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Nope, it's still in there. If a model fires through more than 2" of area terrain, whatever he's shooting at gets a cover save.


Actually, the area terrain must contain vertical elements in order to grant cover. (see page 22 BRB)


Units shooting each other across a crater wouldn't necessarily get cover saves. It would depend on how you've modelled the terrain or what you are using to represent it. Piece of felt = no cover, realistically modelled crater = cover.



hiro is correct, assuming of course the target is not in the area created by the peice of felt, and there has been no concencus that the felt has a verticle hieght. you may shoot over area terain without it confering a cover save to your target, you may not shoot through



to clarify the 2" rule


it only applies to a unit in area terrain, shooing OUT of area terrain at a target that is not in area terain. In such a case the shooitng unit can ignore up to two inches of the terrain that they are in.

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