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Represenation of cult/dedicated troops


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One of the big issues for me with the current dex is the poor representation of cult / dedicated troops [in particular noise marines with their +1 I and expensive weapon upgrades]. By dedicated troops I mean those that in this dex have squad icons dedicated to one particular god, and cult I mean noise marines, Khorne Beserkers etc.


For me, I would like something along the lines of the Sisters of Battle Acts of Faith. Chaos marines worship chaos gods just as much as the SoB worship the Emperor but the current representation of this faith is lacklustre. Plus I feel the sacred number should be promoted, and the conflict between the different gods explored.


Therefore each cult or dedicated unit should get a chance to 'pray' at the start of each turn[needing to roll a 5 or more] and get an extra bonus conferred if they're successful. If they have the sacred number of troops in the squad [e.g. 6 for Slaanesh] then they get +1 to their roll, if they have an aspriring champion +1, joined by a marked HQ choice +1 etc. Also if they are within 12 inches of cult troops from an opposing god [e.g. Khorne if troops are Slaanesh] then it should be -1 to the roll.


Not worked out what the bonuses should be yet... was thinking maybe weapons count as twin linked for Slaaneshy troops as the prayers of Slaanesh's chosen are answered the battleground slows as their senses become heightened even beyond those of a space marine allowing them to fire at twice the speed... or something :P


What you think? Good idea? Crap?

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I think the idea is good! You've very precisely pointed out that our dedicated and cult troops and the conflict between the Gods ain't fairly enough represented. Hope GW also understands it (but who knows, GW's left us in the darkness ;) )

Your idea about praying is good, and it's like the Eye of the Gods in FB, an awesome thing))

And in our previous codex we had a pretty nice rule - if our squads'd have a sacred number than they could promote one of the marines to the Aspiring Champion for free. For our TSons it'd be great :P

But who knows, our new codex must be awesome after such awesome codexes as Tyranids and Dark Eldar but GW is so GW :(

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We could even get a little more crazy with the concept.


A Khorne-worshipers use their blades as their Icons, their bonuses could be a result of how many wounds/kills were caused in their last combat (including theirs!). Stuff like that.

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