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Land Raiders in 1750 points?

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Phobos pattern land raiders can win out in the long ranged game due to them being so tough to crack at long range , the ability to split fire onto two targets with twin linked lascannons means they can supress or destroy two vehicles a turn ( Destroying two transports if you're lucky anyways , more likely you'll supress two transports) . Melta , massed rending shooting and blasters (all of which is short-mid ranged) is what really kills land raiders. But as you said the crusader and redeemer patterns are suited to a more aggresive approach , so if you're not planning on sitting back and shooting , The crusader or redeemer would be a better idea.


The real long ranged duelists though are going to have an easy time cracking those raiders at range.


Str 9 lances, railguns, Manticores, medusa, Lascannon spam. They all have a more pleasurable time firing at Raiders then Raiders have trying to survive and smack them back.


The Crusader also provides you with key Anti Infantry that helps to spread out the smaller man power you have. AND they still pack excellent anti tank.


Remember against guard, DE and Tau (Which are really the armies that you are going to be tempted to range due lwith) you're all probably wanting to push in against them which reduces your fire as well.

There is only one Str 9 Lance and that is the Void Lance in the Dark Eldar codex and its only on the Voidraven Bomber which is overpriced for what it is. Railguns ruin everyones day and they still need a +5 to Pen a Raider. I thought Manticores rockets and Medusa shells were str 8 which can only Glance a Land Raider on 6s and if they are Str 9 then they only Pen on a 6 so that much better. And Lascannons still need a 6 to Pen. Alot of the weapons in 40k can't really down a Land Raider easly enough, that is why Monoliths are so hard to take down because Meltas are usefulless against them. Everytime I field a Land Raider the other player has a hard time downing it because there isn't alot of weapons that can down one. And for the people that say well Dark Eldar are going to have like 25+ Lances in 1750 really don't own or have never looked at the codex. They maybe have like a third of that and that if the Dark Eldar player is lucky. I play Dark Eldar and I got 10 of them in a list and that was 1850 and that was almost all I could fit in the list and still have CC guys.

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Phobos pattern land raiders can win out in the long ranged game due to them being so tough to crack at long range , the ability to split fire onto two targets with twin linked lascannons means they can supress or destroy two vehicles a turn ( Destroying two transports if you're lucky anyways , more likely you'll supress two transports) . Melta , massed rending shooting and blasters (all of which is short-mid ranged) is what really kills land raiders. But as you said the crusader and redeemer patterns are suited to a more aggresive approach , so if you're not planning on sitting back and shooting , The crusader or redeemer would be a better idea.


The real long ranged duelists though are going to have an easy time cracking those raiders at range.


Str 9 lances, railguns, Manticores, medusa, Lascannon spam. They all have a more pleasurable time firing at Raiders then Raiders have trying to survive and smack them back.


The Crusader also provides you with key Anti Infantry that helps to spread out the smaller man power you have. AND they still pack excellent anti tank.


Remember against guard, DE and Tau (Which are really the armies that you are going to be tempted to range due lwith) you're all probably wanting to push in against them which reduces your fire as well.

There is only one Str 9 Lance and that is the Void Lance in the Dark Eldar codex and its only on the Voidraven Bomber which is overpriced for what it is. Railguns ruin everyones day and they still need a +5 to Pen a Raider. I thought Manticores rockets and Medusa shells were str 8 which can only Glance a Land Raider on 6s and if they are Str 9 then they only Pen on a 6 so that much better. And Lascannons still need a 6 to Pen. Alot of the weapons in 40k can't really down a Land Raider easly enough, that is why Monoliths are so hard to take down because Meltas are usefulless against them. Everytime I field a Land Raider the other player has a hard time downing it because there isn't alot of weapons that can down one. And for the people that say well Dark Eldar are going to have like 25+ Lances in 1750 really don't own or have never looked at the codex. They maybe have like a third of that and that if the Dark Eldar player is lucky. I play Dark Eldar and I got 10 of them in a list and that was 1850 and that was almost all I could fit in the list and still have CC guys.


Challenge accepted.....

Dark eldar list with 26 lance type weapons ( And 96 poison shots in total from the venoms :mellow: )



4 Trueborn , 4 Blasters in venom with extra splinter cannon

4 Trueborn , 4 Blasters in venom with extra splinter cannon

4 Trueborn , 4 Blasters in venom with extra splinter cannon

5 Warriors with blaster in venom with extra splinter cannon

5 Warriors with blaster in venom with extra splinter cannon

5 Warriors with blaster in venom with extra splinter cannon

5 Warriors with blaster in venom with extra splinter cannon

5 Warriors with blaster in venom with extra splinter cannon

11 x Hellions with Helliarch and phantasm grenade launcher:

Ravager with Flicker Field and 3 Dark Lances

Ravager with Flicker Field and 3 Dark Lances

Ravager with Flicker Field and 3 Dark Lances


[1750] ( I think i've spare points as well)



A manticore is a S10 ordance barrage weapon. Monoliths are difficult to kill due to the living metal rule which (as you said already) makes meltas pretty useless against them ( though getting a glancing hit on a 6 against a monolith then rolling a 6 will still destroy it.) A land raider is significantly more prone to melta as unlike the monolith it doesn't have the living melta special rule.

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The void raven is Excellent for its points. Its expensive but in the right list its a great tool.


We have a local player that fits 9 broadsides into his list. 9 Twinlinked railguns that can ignore your cover with some support really ruins land raiders.


Manticores are Str 10 D3 shot Ordnance... Excellent at cracking anything from a warbuggy to a monolith.


Medusa are str 10 Ordance OR AP 1 and 2 Dice combined for penning. Super amazing at Killing tanks.


Lascannons are not great but you can fit alot into a list and its definitely scary as a Lucifer player. The upside is they usually stink in close combat so you can get in close fast with your first couple turns and charge the crud outta them.


I usually see 10-20 range for DE at 1500-2K depending. Alot of people include blasters which is a tough sell for me but included for the sake of argument.


In short land riaders are survivable but really not what you want to be long range dueling with.

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Elric , if you're still sold on the idea of a land raider heavy army list I suggest checking out the army lists from this years 40k European team championships , several countries who attended the event brough land raider heavy lists to act as shield against their opponents. Might give you an idea for an army list


Army lists can be found here in .pdf form : http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=91274

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