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Kol Badar

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Hey all,


I am just preparing my model to represent Kol Badar for my host, and am running into an interesting question. I'm hoping you all can help me make a decision on it...


In the books, he is referred to as having a "power talon". Now would you all consider that in game terms as a Powerfist or as a Lightning Claw?!?


I have a few options that I am looking at for representing him in game, and will probably use whichever one best fits at different times depending on the points value/game type. (Of course how I do the model will have a bearing on which choices I can make) Option 1 is running him as a Chaos Lord with the "power talon" as a daemon wep, most likely as either an "undivided", "Khornate", or "Slaaneshi" version. Option two could be running him as chaos lord with the Power Fist and mark of Slaanesh (for the +1 to initiative on the PF, bringing it to a 2), Option 3 could be running him as a Termi squad champ with the squad having the Mark of Slaanesh (Again for the +1 to init). Option 4 is running him as a termi champ with just the LC and a mark. Option 5 is running him as a Chaos Lord with an LC and a mark....(yeah I know 4 &5 are a bit vague, and probably weak, but wanting to get good opinions here, hehe)


Of course these all come down to what the consensus on what the "power talon" is......

I had originally modelled it with the lighting claw, as that seemed more "talony" (is that even a word, lol), and if I was using it as a daemon wep it really wouldn't matter much. But then I got to thinking about the pros and cons between the Daemon wep, the LC and the PF, and then to thinking about the best way to represent the fluff on the gaming table....


Please let me know what you think on both the fluff question, as to what a "power talon" would be, as well as what you all think would be best in game terms.....


Thanks again for your invaluable help! You guys here at B&C are great!



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As i prefer to fuse fluff and game, i suggest smth like that:


Power talon is rather a lightning claw than powerfist so i suggest to model him as Terminator Champion (as he was the commandeer of the Annoited, elite terminator squad) with LC and bearing the IoCG. :yes: He will be strong enough to stand against almost any foe if he has a claw (or maybe pair of it) and combi-melta and with the rest of the terminators.

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As i prefer to fuse fluff and game, i suggest smth like that:


Power talon is rather a lightning claw than powerfist so i suggest to model him as Terminator Champion (as he was the commandeer of the Annoited, elite terminator squad) with LC and bearing the IoCG. ;) He will be strong enough to stand against almost any foe if he has a claw (or maybe pair of it) and combi-melta and with the rest of the terminators.



This fits my initial thoughts exactly....but then I got to thinking ....hence my coming here to ask others thoughts on it...


I modeled his second wep as a combi-melta as per the fluff, particularly from the third book in the series....


Still not sold 100% on the "talon" being an LC though....wait to see a few more opinions before I decide....Thanks for the great response :lol:

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I would shy away from the daemon weapon idea, and with it any marks, undivided sure, but nothing else. I'd go with Lightning Claw and Combi Melta. Abbadon's "Talon of Horus" is a lightning claw after all....
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hm I'm not sure, the evidence in the books is a bit two-sided, I myself from a fluff point of view think is more of a power fist, as he is often describe as balling up his fist and slamming it into an enemy's chest and sundering their fused ribcage and so forth, or hitting walls, or just penetrating stuff. In dark creed the white consuls captain who is armed with lighning claws, is described slashing and stabbing, not quite thumpin....'


I'd suggest a teminator champ with either lclaws or powerfist with a combimelta, he will be a tough cookie

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I always thought of it as a power fist with sharp fingers. Look at the difference between a loyalist terminators vs Chaos terminator's power fist or for a more dramatic difference, compare a loyalist reaver titan's power fist to the traitor version. They even make a distinction between a power claw and power fist in that case.


Remember Chaos = spiky and sharp.

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For the record, at one time CSMs were modelled with power claws more like what the Orks have, than Marine-style Power Fists. The metal one bundled with the Noise Marine AC looked like a bloody huge crab claw, and then one of them (right-handed on a metal AC and left-handed on an old old CCW sprue) that looked like an oversized hand with sharp talons.


So a "lightning talon" really could go either way.

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