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Draigowing army finished at #2 at NOVA Open


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My list:


Libby w/shrouding, might of titan, quicksilver, santuary


10 Paladins w/brotherhood banner, 4 psycannons (1mc), 3 swords (1mc), 4 halberds (1mc), 2 hammers


6 GK Strike Squad


10 GK Intercepters w/2 psycannons, psybolt ammo, justicar w/mc demonhammer


3 psyflemen dreds


That is it. 31 models that fit very nicely in a suitcase w/5 days of clothes so I did not have to check my luggage


A few notes about it:

When the paladins don't combat squad they are the feathered from hell. They are where other deathstars go to die.


The strikes were worthless and just were there to fill up a troop spot. They just hung back in games and sat on an objective. I tried to make them a 10 man unit but I just did not have the points. That is one of my big advantages is that you can combat squad so you can change your number of units depending on what kind of mission you are playing.


My strategy was to win KP missions. If KP was the first objective it is an easy win. If it was table quarters and KP was the second objective I can hold 2 table quarters very easily and contest and then win on KP. If it was objectives first, and KP second then I wanted to hold 2 objectives and contest one and win on KPs. My biggest weakness is in missions where it has KPs last because it is hard for me to hold both table quarters and objectives at the same time because I do not have the units for that. That is why I knew I was in trouble going in to the final round when I was looking at the missions the day before.


Very interesting, but I chalk it up more to his skill than any cheesiness of the list.

Allan Hernandez (aka as Blackmoor) took 2nd place overall at the NOVA Open this weekend. I watched both of his games on the top table... he was really kicking some serious butt up in DC. :lol:


G :HQ:


Before his loss in the final round, what were his winning margins like and what opponents did he face?

Allan Hernandez (aka as Blackmoor) took 2nd place overall at the NOVA Open this weekend. I watched both of his games on the top table... he was really kicking some serious butt up in DC. :D


G :D


Before his loss in the final round, what were his winning margins like and what opponents did he face?

Here are raw video batreps of games there (At least I think so, I just found em meself).





*EDIT*- You can also check matchups by sorting through round recaps here.

I know that Allan beat another GK army (Jokaero spam w. DCA), Blood Angels and a really nasty ork army along with SW in the final round... Those were all in the final four rounds. He also beat Andrew Sutton - Stelek of YTTH. :)


G ^_^

watching the DE vs SW game. and I must say I see...

terrain moving . moving and rolling for scouts after you forgot abou them . intersting way to play . nice pre masuring tricks too. first check range then ask what unit has put witchs in a different place and because you checked range you know the diagonal and the avarge range of crossings[and he needed those to know the range to the flamer armed units].



I realy like the distraction trick with the die . Seen it done a lot of times with smokes people focus on stuff you show them/tell them to look at and they lose concentration.


also the classic move model 6" to still shot , go moving other side of table . move the unit that already moved when your opponent is looking the other way to get better LoS. ambidextrous players always have it better.

Bet the players over at the long-lived Draigowing tactics thread are completely chuffed about this. Kudos Blackmoor.


He also beat Andrew Sutton - Stelek of YTTH. :D

With that Draigo-based list? Lol, I can imagine Stelek (or at least his followers) were not happy about that considering it's the kind of themed build YTTH would quickly reject.

Not to quibble over definitions, but... :D it's got PA'd guys in it. Not sure it counts as a "Draigo Wing"; it does have a Death Star in it...and one without an Apothecary which is interesting to me. I wonder if they were durable enough or - with the increased model count (not many more than a solid Draigo Wing, but more) if the DS was sufficiently durable without it.


Are there battle reports to read? Or just that video? (I don't have time to focus on a video at work today, sadly.)

I like Blackmoor's list because I am sooooooo slow at building and painting that I might be able to run this GK list. :huh: He said that the Strike Squad was mostly useless though. Any thoughts on what could be used instead? Would three man Paladin squad be better?
There is some merit to the theory behind using three individual Paladins as their own (Troop) units, for the very same function he used the Strike Squad: to hold back-field objectives. Very easy to hide a single model (even on a 40mm base) from LOS for the purposes of holding down an objective. With some servo skulls, Psychic Communion, and that Deathstar keeping the enemy busy midfield, your Paladins can come in on Turn 4 or 5, DSing near enough to Objectives to hold them late in the game.
Well he didn't face me, so that's why he didn't have another loss. :devil:


Haha, how did you go mate and what were you using?


Yeah, I lost my first game at the GT so there was no chance I would have played the guy. And I am sure he would have ruined me if I did. I was running SW, as I haven't built my GK army yet.

He said that the Strike Squad was mostly useless though. Any thoughts on what could be used instead? Would three man Paladin squad be better?


I thought that was the point of the SS. Be mostly useless and sit on an objective inside a transport.


A 3 man Paladin squad would be easier to hide out of LOS, but if the enemy could see them, they would die faster than 5 Strike Squad guys hiding in a transport. Those missiles and lascannons would have to get through the rhino/razorback first against the SS, but they could kill Paladins outright.

He said that the Strike Squad was mostly useless though. Any thoughts on what could be used instead? Would three man Paladin squad be better?


I thought that was the point of the SS. Be mostly useless and sit on an objective inside a transport.


A 3 man Paladin squad would be easier to hide out of LOS, but if the enemy could see them, they would die faster than 5 Strike Squad guys hiding in a transport. Those missiles and lascannons would have to get through the rhino/razorback first against the SS, but they could kill Paladins outright.


I don't believe the SS has a transport, the only armour he had was the Dreads. Would they really be easier to kill? Lascannons sure, but missles will bounce off TDA (most of the time).

but the one that gets through will kill the paladin, thus wiping out the "squad".


I have toyed with the idea of running lone paladins, but I haven't tried it out yet.

I feel like - on the one hand - multiple small units like this would be very annoying to your opponent, as they would have to commit entire units to fire on that one Paladin to take him out...and when presented with other more threatening units (shunting Dreadknights, the Deathstar itself) that this may indeed be very effective.


On the other hand, you already have very few units to begin with...so they don't have much to shoot at. This is riding on just how threatening (and durable) your DS and other units actually are.

That list is very good in the NOVA format, as you can always try to bring the mission to kill points by tying other objectives. It might have been less successful if that was not the case. Though I can tell from talking to people he played against that he played the list very well and you don't win 7 games at a high level GT without a great deal of skill.


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