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Painting Ghosts


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Greetings my fellow Changelings,

I need some technical painting help. I am shamelessly stealing SyNidus's idea of having my Thousand Sons models be "ghosts" or Fallen Marrines. I want them to have an etherial look to them but really dont know how to go about it best. My thought is to have each squad a differnt base color (Blue, Green and Purple). I thought I saw a article many years ago in WD about how to paint the Oathbreakers of Dunharrow but I cant find it. The one article i can find is just paining them gray-ish. But in my mind Ihave this swirling ectoplasm image in my head. Any ideas?



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I remember seeing a thousand son marines with an LED in there chest and hollowed out sections in the crevices. It gave it an awsome ghost look. You could duplicate the effect with an air brush hitting just under the overlaping armor plate sections.



Found it....




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Yeah I am currently testing two extra Khorne Beserkers in the White/green wash method. I am also considering a light blue wash or dry brush just to see if it will make them more "ghosty" Hopefully they will turn out decent.
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White undercoat, lots of purple or green washes. Gives that ethereal look. You might have to pick out a few bits n pieces with other colours, but light washes gives that "transparent" look.
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