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A badab war WIP

shan vener

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well as the title says, i am a bit mad now because of all the people starting carcharodons but i can't help that. well might as well post mine. (sorry if the pictures are dark, i'm no professinal)

the ubiquitous Tyberos


Tactical Squad, designation "The Night Sharks"


Tactical Squad, designation "the White Tips"


Night Sharks sarge close up


White Tips sarge close up


special weaponiers because they look cool


well what do you guys think?

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also i remeber reading an article some where about how to use the FW chain axes. could some one please give me a link, i can't seem to find it.


I can't point you to the link but the chain axes needed lots of careful pinning as they are very fragile and likely to snap at the first sign of a TT engagement. My answer is to use a marine power axe with a FW chain axe head - like this:




The other option is to pin almost through the whole axe shaft which I found difficult, as the drill wanted to come out the side quite often, and then pin through the hand and use a cut off piece of the handle below the hand. Like this:




and this:




you could use a plastic chaos chain axe with some work, I was too lazy with this one

to remove the signs of taint :huh: :


I would love to see a carcharodons marine either eating the heart or disecting a shark, all the while yelling..."Curse you for being so awesome!!!"



Great work, keep it up, I second those about the band wagon remark, just enjoy your work, hobby, and game and leave those less fortunate to clean up the slaughter. :huh:

  • 3 weeks later...

well it finally happened. my friend and i gathered $400 dollars and are going to be making a FREE SHIPPING forge world order in 1 week.

also i'm going to change the threads name to include my friends astral claws.


when my friend gives me a list i'll post the details of the order.

ok guys here are the orders



2 MK 5 assault squads

1 MK 5 armor pack

chain axes

character conversion set




sevrin loth (go figure)

astral claw marine pads

astral claw transfers

contemptor dread

contemptor dread fist

contemptor dread heavy conversion beamer

contemptor dread missile launcher

character conversion set

raven guard transfers (his little bro)


C&C is welcome as always. or advice for cool looking marines.

  • 1 month later...

FINALLY, after a month of waiting forge world uploaded the relic contemptor. I just got my confirmation e-mail and here are the orders.


My order: 2 MK 5 assault squads, 2 character conversion kits, and chain axes.


My freinds order: relic contemptor, 2 relic contemptor close combat arms, standard contemptor, 2 kheres assault cannon arms, contemptor missile launcher, valthex, astral claw transfers.


His little bro: captain korvydae, raven gaurd transfers.


And we colectively bought the apocalypse update

it finally came! unfortunately there may be some problems. it looks like there may be a problem with alphas valthex and i forgot to order his second assault cannon and missile launcher but those are on the way. also the power sword in one of my character conversion kits is bent so that it looks wavy anong the length of the blade. but everything seems ok. i'll post pictures later today.

i am not happy with this. my MK 5 assault squad was so badly miscasted that if you tried to put them together you'd have the ultimate in plague marines and one of my conversion kits miscasted. not to mention the broken korvydae and valthex.




EDIT: holy typos batman!

  • 4 months later...

I finally posted a gallery of my mostly completed/ war ready models!

BEWARE!!! These images are fairly large!


Maelstrom Warders Pedro Kantor Conversion:



Mortis Contemptor:





Relic Contemptor:





And Finally, Lugft Huron!



A group shot of all four:



Hope you enjoy!

  • 2 weeks later...

small and quick update

well my assault squad is now 95% complete all im waiting on now are my chainaxes. since i ran out of things to attach FW chainaxes to i decided to use zerker axes. i will bits order these when i place my next order which should give my army a massive 1240 point boost. i should have this order placed and received inside this month until then here are some pics of my new squad.

The Tiger Sharks


those that need axes


finished except paint


let me know what you guys think.


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