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my BA army, painted so far


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Hi, there, I'm new to the site and wanted to show some of my work. Some of these need new detailing as I've lightly changed my paintsheme since I started. but here is what I have so far, in pictures:











pictures are sometimes a bit blurry, had to take them using my cellphone. the DC on the left (5m) with the razorback, are what I use for playing killteam. DC rule in killteam, beat up the local GW store manager's Spacewolves more then once with them.

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It's difficult to see due to the blurriness as you acknowledged.


They all seem neat and uniform though which makes for a good looking tabletop army. You could look into some advanced basing techniques to really set them off and make them look special


Oh and drill out the barrels on your guns. Always looks better too.

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When I get my normal camera back from repair I'll make new and better shots of them. Haven't really decided which way to go with the bases yet so for now I'm just putting sand and grass flock on them. The list of what I have is pretty long tho, money to burn atm, got almost everything in the last 3 months so....


3 land raiders (one for the DC) 2 off those are still in the box

1 vindicator, still in the box

1 razorback for the DC

4 rhino's, 2 are on the painting table

2 stormravens (1 for DC)

2 baal predators

30 DC marines, 11 have JP's, almost 60% have powerweapons of some sort

5 tactical squad finished, 6th still needs 5 members and is atm reduced to the combat squad status

2 assault squads (one only has 5 members atm)

2 devastor squads, ready to be painted

1 captain

lemartes, dante and mephiston

5 m scout squad

5m sanguinary squad

8m honour guard squad (so I can switch them around as needed, there's 2 with melta's, a champion, a banner, for me to chose from)

normal dreadnought

DC dread with blood talons (I intend to get 5 more of these)

5m termi squad

5m assault termi squad

and the termies from space hulk I recently got

1 lib in termi armour

1 sang priest


still on my list:


1 more stormraven

1 more landraider

the space marines starter box so I can complete the squads

2 more baal predators

2 more normal dreads

1 furioso dread and 1 lib dread



more then enough to get a nice big apo battle going


3 weeks ago I busted some dark eldar's to pieces (1000p list) with mephiston as my HQ, a 6m assault squad deep striking, 2 tact squads and my DC kill team. Mephiston almost kill everything the poor guy fed him, at the end of turn 4 his army was completely killed

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DC for KT? how do you play them?? I play KT with a couple of my buds during my lunch breaks sometimes, Space Wolves and sometimes Eldar or GK, my other buddy plays Tau. I've always had luck with Vanguards or Sang Guard, but never considered DC because of their control issues. I'd be curious to know how you're able to utilize them!
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DC for KT? how do you play them?? I play KT with a couple of my buds during my lunch breaks sometimes, Space Wolves and sometimes Eldar or GK, my other buddy plays Tau. I've always had luck with Vanguards or Sang Guard, but never considered DC because of their control issues. I'd be curious to know how you're able to utilize them!

first off all I give 1 fleet (armed with a PW), 1 prefered enemy (armed with a PW) and 1 counter attack (armed with infernus pistol)

the 2 other have bolters


the 3 with the special rules are placed in the razorback, the other in cover (razorback also in cover). Most of this relies on me not having iniative in first turn. Most of the time the oppenent has no choise then to come to me because he can't shoot (because of cover at my models. And the cover is also nice for me, what the DC can't see, they don't run too raging. usually after the oppenents first move is finished I'm able to get my razorback closer to his models (up to 12" with the increased engine's, have my DC leave it in such a way that they are again in cover (usually standing behind it) and then shoot with my RB at whatever is in sight. The nice thing about KT is that you can split your shots, so instead of shooting all 3 rounds at once in one D6-throw, I do them 1 at a time until the target is killed and I can shoot at another (provided there is one in LoS and I can still shoot. The guys with the bolters either get closer and shoot, or if not close enough then to get an assault of, stay in cover and shoot from there if they can. The oppenent will now try to get my RB out of the way but usually (luck I guess) they never gotten it destroyed (exploded) so far so once it's my turn again it's mayhem all around, 2 DC with PW make short work of most things you throw at them when they have the assault, the prefered emeny from one and the fleet from the other ensure better changes of getting some kills off quickly. Specially against models without invurnable saves. Against space marine's, which are in KT usually numbered at 5-10, I usually can get half their forced killed this way before my oppenent knows what happened, forcing him to take leadership tests on each model.


Don't forget, DC are practicly deadbringers in KT, with all the special rules they allready have standard. Verry hard to kill thanks to their FnP, can shoot and assault and most of the time get initiative on the assualt. I do aggree however that in order to work at their best you really need to have the assault.

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