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Assaulting Rules

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I'm just looking for some clarification on the rules for assaulting:


-I know that you CAN assault multiple enemy units at once.

-I know that you CAN NOT assault a unit that is already in an Assault.


But, on your assault turn can you assault with two of your units at the same time into an enemy unit? (Sort of backwards to the first point)


Ex: I have an Emperor's Champion and a Crusader Squad both in Assaulting distance from, lets say, a unit of slugga boys. On my assault turn can both the Emperor's Champion and the Crusaders assault the same Ork squad on the same turn?

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Really?! Last game I played, my buddy told me that you can't, and proceeded to read the list of conditions of what prevents a unit from being put into Assault... one of the conditions was it can't already be in an assault...


Or did that mean the unit that's DOING the assaulting can't? Because, now that I think about it, that would make more sense

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-I know that you CAN NOT assault a unit that is already in an Assault.


But, on your assault turn can you assault with two of your units at the same time into an enemy unit? (Sort of backwards to the first point)


Ex: I have an Emperor's Champion and a Crusader Squad both in Assaulting distance from, lets say, a unit of slugga boys. On my assault turn can both the Emperor's Champion and the Crusaders assault the same Ork squad on the same turn?


You can assault a unit that is already in CC, but a unit that is in CC cannot assault a new unit.


So yes, the scenario you describe is indeed possible.


As well as, I can have a squad of Grey Hunters in CC with some chaos marines and the next turn I send in some more Grey Hunters.

That is also entirely possible.

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Really?! Last game I played, my buddy told me that you can't, and proceeded to read the list of conditions of what prevents a unit from being put into Assault... one of the conditions was it can't already be in an assault...


Or did that mean the unit that's DOING the assaulting can't? Because, now that I think about it, that would make more sense

Yeah, that means the unit assaulting can't already be in a combat (can't leave 1 combat to charge into a new one). Throwing more guys into a battle is perfectly ok.

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Throwing more guys into a battle is perfectly ok awesome.


one small fix


Indeed, one example being the embroiling the melee of Orks that occurred in a game at my LGS earlier. One unit got charged by some Boyz, who then got counter-charged by another unit, who in turn got counter-charged. It was a big mess but also very awesome! :).

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In our defense, this was meant to be a rule clarification thread, not a rule implementation thread! Lol

Not you, haha. He was (rightfully) scolding at us for getting out of line. :) It was more or less my fault for steering us in that direction...for which I apologize.

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