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So I'm going to purchase 3 (or 4) boxes or terminators, Draigo and 2 boxes of Grey Knights.


I'm guessing Paladins would be best for the terminators, and a command squad for Draigo (only if I got 4 boxes). But what should I do for the 2 boxes of Grey Knights? I can also buy another box of them too...

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Good start to your army, you will need plenty of TDA models in larger or even mid-size games.


I'd recommend avoiding Draigo, unless you're deadset on an all TDA army. Regular Grandmaster is cheaper and has grenade options (less 'one man army', more 'now all my friends are basically hitting like gods').


I'd also get a TDA model to represent your Librarian, and give it a warding stave. In smaller games, a Librarian better than all the other HQ options by a long way, and in larger games he's still an excellent secondary HQ to Coteaz/Grandmaster/Crowe. It would be unusual to not take a Librarian with Knights.


The first place to go after HQ is Troops. In smaller games, two Strike squads with psycannons fills out your mandatory 2 slots just fine. In larger games, you can splash out on Terminator blob, or all-Purifiers, but it's hard to beat the amount of bodies and dakka this simple 440pt investment gets you.


Next you need a bodyguard for your Librarian. In smaller games, a 5-man Paladin squad is actually more cost-effective than a Terminator blob. At 2k, Terminator blob supersedes Paladins (and it is another default scoring unit and Troops choice, yay!), and larger than 2k, you can maybe squeeze in the Paladin Deathstar to combat squad and attach a character to each (typically Grandmaster and Libby by that point).


After you've got a HQ, 2 Troops, and a bodyguard to your HQ, you can start filling out Elite and Heavy Support (ignore FA until larger games, Interceptor armies don't scale well at 1.5k or under 2k).


Elite contains Paladins (which you should already have, or be spending their points on a Terminator blob replacement). It also has two other useful options, a Vindicare Assassin and Purifiers. Venerable Dreadnoughts are way too expensive for most lists (regular Dread in Heavy does the same job), Tech-Marines have only one wound (and Grandmaster carries the same grenade options), Henchmen should only ever be fielded with Coteaz as Troops. The other Assassins are 'meh' compared to what the Vindicare brings.


Vindicare is your best Landraider and squad leader removal system at 1.5k and 2k, and I try to fit him in even in larger games where I have Paladin Deathstars or Ravens eating up points. Stick him in terrain for 3+ cover, blow people's heads off and snipe drivers.


Purifiers are like Strike squads on crack. Make sure you already have your 2 Troops filled, and preferably field them with a Grandmaster (not attached necessarily, but so you can make them scoring via 'TGS'). I find I can fit one in, two if I really try. My build is quad psycannon (for maximum dakka), hammer and 5 halberds (so they can tango with most assault units), then sit them in terrain with your Strike squads. Combat squad, then place them so enemies have to multi-charge to contact both. This means double cast of 'Cleansing Flame', which hurts everything, and enemies have to split attacks between different units (which can limit the damage of squad leaders armed with power weapons). It also means you can do fun stuff like keep all the psycannons firing, while tying up an enemy harassment unit with the other combat squad.


Heavy Support is basically Dreadnoughts and Dreadknights. Redeemer is only if you're taking Death-Cultists, otherwise don't bother.

I've found the 2 x autocannon Dread useful, but I fight a lot of Landraiders locally, so keeping one arm as a multi-melta has helped me in a few games. Psybolts of course to make any autocannon you do take S8, and leave him at that. One in smaller games, 2 in larger ones.

Dreadknight is a personal choice, personally I find him amazing. Greatsword+teleporter if you take him, heavy incinerator if you have the points spare (I scatter a lot with heavy psycannon, and heavy psilencer is complete trash).

Dude that's a lot of text D:


I was planning on:



Draigo ( can always call him a Grand Master for a while (and a command squad of GK))

Crowe (but might use a Librarian, I've never been keen on psychic powers (ironic I'm starting a GK army...))


Elites: Vindicare



Troops: 2x Paladins squads

1x Purifier Squad


and a purgation squad, I think they're HS ^_^

How many Paladins in each squad? How many purifiers?


I like the fluff-value of your list (and honestly was thinking of sometimes running Crowe with my Paladins for lolz) but I'm concerned that you'll have two few bodies, even for a list like this.

5 in each, I don't like big squads

So, fifteen bodies accounts for your scoring units. The Paladin squads won't be large enough to weather the fire power that a Deathstar will; Purifiers are - in the end - very expensive 3+ single wound models...and since there's only five of them a single round of shooting will cut them down to a very ineffective number.


Might just use paladins and purifiers :) They'd all be able to capture objectives.

At only fifteen models, there won't be enough left come Turn Five to hold more than one..and you likely won't be able to contest any. :(


Can purifiers deep strike?

I can't remember offhand. Likely? I wouldn't recommend DSing anything in a list with only fifteen models and no servo skulls. A mishap will almost certainly cost you the game.


Your opponent has only Troop choices to shoot at, and there aren't that many to begin with. I really feel this list needs more meet to it. Then again, perhaps this is a lower point value than I'm projecting (no codex in hand means I'm estimating, probably poorly).

"command squad for Draigo"? What do you mean? A fourth Paladin squad?


If you're going to run all Paladins, do yourself a favor and do a wound-allocation-friendly ten-man squad. :) And stick Draigo on it. Experience the pinnacle of "Your bolters mean nothing to me."

I'll just make 2 ten man paladin squads then?


Sorry mate, I (still) don't have the codex, I'm only going off what I've seen on the website, I've seen the command squad with the apothecary and standard bearer, does that mean they're still paladins?

No, purifiers cannot deep strike. I would recommend buying a transport for them, because otherwise they stand out as easy targets for your opponent's anti-infantry firepowr. You need to make your opponent decide where his anti-armour firepower is gonna go: against paladins in the hopes of killing them off, or against your transports in hopes of exposing the more fragile (non-paladin) infantry. If you simply footslog your purifiers in your otherwise "all foot" list, your opponent doesn't have to make difficult decisions/prioritize anything.

Paladins are expensive, points-wise. Very expensive. At 2000 points most people are taking 15-20 paladins, Draigo, a Dreadknight or two OR two Psyriflemen, and possibly a temple assassin. There's very little play room.


At 1500, 15 Paladins, two Dreadsknights, and Draigo more or less makes up the nurglez-pattern Draigo Wing.

The reasons for taking Dreadknights are that they're intimidating and can soak a lot of anti-tank fire for your Paladins; with teleporter packs they can very quickly present your opponent's gun line with a large and present threat, allowing your Paladins to advance under minimized fire. Also, the DKs will probably wreck a lot of stuff before they go down. And they look really awesome.


Temple Assassins probably won't serve the same function, and so your Paladins will be the ones soaking up anti-tank fire early on. They are, however, super cool in looks and theme. <3


If you're into it, man, I say go for it.


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