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Playing against myself


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i decided to run a few test games today just to see how my D.O.A force holds up against my chaos force for a tournament coming up.


i normally have a few REAL oponents on the weekends but i got home from work today and i just really needed to know what army i wanted to take. i tried to be as fair while playing each side, not going easier on one side or another.


my question is is this a reliable method of testing a army?

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Youre not as crazy as some may have you believe.


I have thought of this too... (or maybe we're both just nutters?).




I think the biggest issue with this, is that you know what the "other team's" tactics will be.


The biggest problem is a natural bias you will have to one side.

If you can rid yourself of that bias and literally clear your mind everytime you walk over to the other side of the table.


You have to forget about what your planned attack was, and look at it from one point.


The other tough thing is, you have to literally slow your brain down to not think about the other sides counters while you're moving your side's units. Otherwise you preempt everything.


This is all just theory though- may be worth a test run.

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I've tried it a couple times (re: bored on rainy days, stuck indoors with nothing better to do). Mort's right, in that natural bias inevitably leads you two favor one army or the other, and knowing what the other army plans to do, and the counters you will instinctively develop while playing each army makes it difficult to plan strategically and thus get a true feel for the army.


In a pinch yes, it is great for theoretics, but is no true replacement for playing against another living opponent.




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So do I. Doesn't mean I never used to play against myself (this was way back when I didn't have a car and couldn't drive myself to GW (transit would have taken about an hour at least)). Nowadays my table sits unused, unloved. Forgotten...




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So do I. Doesn't mean I never used to play against myself (this was way back when I didn't have a car and couldn't drive myself to GW (transit would have taken about an hour at least)). Nowadays my table sits unused, unloved. Forgotten...






NOoooo DV8!! NOOoooo!!!


Think of the poor, poor table!!!

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my wife walked in to the garage when i was doing it last night.


wife-"Umm what are you doing?"


Me-"playing 40k"


Wife-"is there somone else here?"


Me-"nope just me"


Wife-"so your playing with yourself then?"


Me-"umm well yes i supose i am"


Wife- shakes head and walks away



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All you gents are crazy...playing with yourselves, rolling dice, playing with models...I am shocked and appauled I didn't get an invite!



I would have to say I've never done this, but my 4yr old always wants to play so I usually end up teaching him, helping him move, and letting him roll dice. Given I don't play to win with him, but it is good fun all around. I do agree with Morticon, you have to just play one side at a time without thinking about the other and planning a counter assault, otherwise as he said, you get a one sided bias.

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Seems fair enough. Any wargames which have alternate rather than simultaneous turns can be played this way. Just walk round to the other side of the board and think yourself into the opponent's mind. 40K relies much more on random die rolls than surprise strategems. If you are specifically trying out an army, rather than your own generalship, I think you will will be fine.


As it happens, I've never played 40K solo myself, though I generally do with other wargames and board games.

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