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Blood Angels Pyschic Powers


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What is the low down on the BA psychic powers?


I've read over them a few times, but reading and game experience don't often align.


Which do you think would be the best for a Librarian Dreadnaught partnered up with Mephiston?


I'm leaning towards rage and shield, or wings and rage, or wings and shield.


Does shield work on vehicles?

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I would never use Rage on aLibby dread. It only effects him. Better to go with Might for the extra attacks.


I think the best choices for a libby dread are wings, shield, might, perhaps Blood Lance.


Shield works on vehicles, its in the BA FAQ.

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In my opinion, I'd go with Wings and Shield as I can cast each one per Player turn (Wings in mine, Shield in theirs).


However if you have a Stormraven or Drop Pod it would be worth dropping Wings for what JamesI suggested. I'd even consider Fear if I knew what army my opponent was playing.

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Shield is basically a must-have unless you are bringing someone else with it, and even then it's probably worth thinking about. Not only does it benefit the Dread himself, but also greatly helps out other nearby units. (Because you DO have a bunch of other tanks to help take pressure off the Dread/Meph, right?)


Your secondary power is going to vary a lot depending on what you want your list to do and why you're running the Libby Dread. I like to have them for spamming out Fear the Darkness, which is a great power, but Wings is a better choice if you're looking to get into melee quickly while you advance behind a transport wall. Blood Lance adds some extra AT shooting, which can be handy (not a lot of ways to get that in the Elite slot). Might helps magnify your killing potential, but really it shouldn't be terribly necessary- S6 Force Weapon and DCCW should wreck most of the things you want to charge, and you just shouldn't be engaging the huge units that the power would be needed against.

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I got some new stuff cheap over the weekend (3 more dreads).


I have a 2500 list posted that was moved to the army list review area.


It is similar to the one you helped me with last week. Another Generalist build.


Land Raider with 4 razorbacks (Death Company and Reclusiarch in the raider)

Mephiston partnered with the Lib Dread moving behind the tank wall

10 man assault squad also behind tank wall.


DC Dread, vanilla Dread, and Furioso Dread (Frag Cann, Heavy Flamer) together and let them move around causing mayhem protecting the flank of my armoured wedge


3 attack bikes with multi meltas


Missle Devastator Squad

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