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Tactic: Raven Re-bus

Deschenus Maximus

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Has anyone ever tried this tactic for Furiosos and Ravens?


1-Move flat-out on T1 and melta something to death with the Raven

2-On turn 2, move the Raven and have the Furioso disembark.

3-Furioso pops smoke and charges into CC, hopefully ending the combat during the opponent's turn.

4-During turn 3, re-embark the Furioso into the Raven.

5-Move the Raven towards the next target, using PotMS to fire two weapons

6-During turn 4, repeat step 2 and onwards.


Obviously, this rather optimistic tactic (hoping for Ravens without cover to survive is pretty optimistic) is not necessary when the Furioso is within range of another target after killing its first target.

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I'm going to take a shot in the dark, and say that we are all hoping for that tactic generally with the Raven. Sometimes you dont even need to pick up the dreadnought anymore, it just moves around eating people at liesure. A great point is using the smoke launchers, I never considered that. Try the list out with two Ravens, one will survive, but alone, you're going to lose both Dread and Raven.

Ravens are semi survivable. I've had games where they last till the end, and others where they are dropped by the first heavy weapon shot. The idea is to support them with other dangerous vehicles and units. Baal Preds do that very well, along with even ONE! Vindicator. Just keep something inside the troop compartment that can soak damage, or deal quick hard damage, i.e Sanguinary guard, or Sternguard.

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