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Twin Stormravens at 1750


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Whilst I have 2 Stormravens the only time I seem to get to use them is when I pay Apoc. Doesn't seem right. So I would like your advice on how to build a tourney level twin raven list. I did come across this list in a 1500 pts tourney (it won as well)



2 units of sang guard

2 ravens

1 furiosdread


Mephstion and the dread flew in one raven, the other had a snag guard unit, whilst Dante ds'd

I'm not looking to go that cheesy but want something pretty hard.

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I actually love playing with 2 Stormravens and have been doing fairly well with them.


My list at 1750 looks like this:

Librarian (Fear and Shield)


2x 5man Assault squads with 1 Meltagun & meltabomb on Srg - Both with dedicated Razorback with TL LC


1x 5man Assault squad with Flamer & Fist on the Srg - with dedicated Razorback with TL LC


7man DC squad with 2 Power weapons + Lemartes


1x DC Dread with Talons




1x Furioso Dread with talons and Heavy Flamer


2x Stormraven with Hurricane bolters added





1 Stormraven is usually loaded with the DC and the DC dread, the other Stormraven is loaded with the Libby, Corbs and any one of the 3 5man assault squads I have + the Furioso.



I have an aggresive playstyle so the 3 razorbacks (one is now empty) usually stay back a bit turn 1 and take out some targets while the stormravens usually start up front, if I have 1st turn, else they start where there is the most cover.


At least the DC stormraven move up 12", and in 80%+ of the games the DC dread can get out, fleet and assault 1st turn. the other SR and the Razors usually open up on any troubling units, especially those with higher AV.


The libby's shield power can be a great help if I move both stormravens up 12" or further. but if they survive turn 1 then they usually survive to the end, because they will unload turn 2 and a lot of hurt is inside the enemy lines...


This works for me and my playstyle

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I remember Stelek posted a list with triple Stormravens in at 1500pts.



6x 5 man ASM w/ Meltagun in Heavy Flamer Razors

3x Stormravens w/ Multi-Melta, Lascannon


Certainly a different way of doing it. Stormravens provide fire support early doors, and pick up stranded ASM later game. For 1750 I'd add priests and power weapons

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