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Index Astartes: Star Shields


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good point on the cold logic thing-but i think that makes them very interesting too. (and a bit humanitarian compared to your average marine chapter-most marines act, the star shields weigh up the options and then act which i like as i do this myself!)


Really? guess i missed that part-will have to re-read that part again. Sorry about that. re-read it...it still seems a bit primarch like to me, serpiero comes back from fighting the mutants and then recruits people for the star shields (creating a chapter). this is just how it feels to me...no offence intended, its just my opinion!


perhaps instead of turning up with a company of fists, serpiero arrives with a company of star shields? then after destroying the mutants, serpiero rebuilds the chapter? this way he doesnt recruit an entire chapter off his own initiative (which in the imperium is a huge faux pas-only the high lords can create new chapters, anyone else does this-they set the inquisition on them!)


Did i mention that i like your chapter? ;)


A thought-fists gene seed just doesnt seem to fit this chapter, dont you agree? (dorn is my favourite primarch but his character traits dont fit with the star shields).

  chaplain belisarius said:
good point on the cold logic thing-but i think that makes them very interesting too. (and a bit humanitarian compared to your average marine chapter-most marines act, the star shields weigh up the options and then act which i like as i do this myself!)


Really? guess i missed that part-will have to re-read that part again. Sorry about that. re-read it...it still seems a bit primarch like to me, serpiero comes back from fighting the mutants and then recruits people for the star shields (creating a chapter). this is just how it feels to me...no offence intended, its just my opinion!


perhaps instead of turning up with a company of fists, serpiero arrives with a company of star shields? then after destroying the mutants, serpiero rebuilds the chapter? this way he doesnt recruit an entire chapter off his own initiative (which in the imperium is a huge faux pas-only the high lords can create new chapters, anyone else does this-they set the inquisition on them!)


Did i mention that i like your chapter? :(


A thought-fists gene seed just doesnt seem to fit this chapter, dont you agree? (dorn is my favourite primarch but his character traits dont fit with the star shields).


True; they avoid needless waste and that's something the Imperium - being so huge - doesn't consider important: what are a few billion lives an a single planet compared to the vastness of the Imperium as a whole? But the problem is that kind of thinking is slowly fraying the Imperium at the seams.


Well yeah it looks kind of vague; he indeed have a lot of help. If Serpiero did show up with 100 Star Shields it would make sense; a kind of crusade of cleansing to christen the new Chapter? In this revision Serpiero didn't built it himself, although he was Chapter Master; he had plenty of the usual help that a Chapter gets at its creation.


The Star Shields probably don't come from the Imperial Fists; they have all the standard organs. They could be Salamanders descendants: they share a lot of their traits including somewhat slower reflexes, a belief in self-reliance, etc. Then again they could originate from just about any other Legion that the Imperium uses for new Chapters.

exactly! that would make a lot more sense too...serpiero just creating a chapter by himself kinda doesnt feel right to me-serpiero rebuilding the mysterious chapter who are rarely mentioned until now-feels a lot more plausible (and less likely to attract the inquisition)


Salamanders gene seed would probably fit them better-but you could just leave it vague? (like i imagine you want to, right?)


i love this chapter...have revised my 1k army list...

Wow, that's a lot of text....


Right, personally, I don't see a need for the first three paragraphs, most of it isn't needed. However, this bit could stay:


"Born from the ashes of the Horus Heresy, the Star Shields strike with overwhelming strength and firepower, breaking the back of their foe with a single devastating blow. Each is a warrior-sage, versed in thousands of years of battle tactics, knowledge and lore gathered from across the Imperium, and they are follow an ancient path known as the Imperial Truth, which they believe is the only way to guide the course of a galaxy spiraling out of control. "


roughly half-way between Catachan and Nocturne,

I'd get rid of this bit, feels a bit like name dropping.


Their home world reminds me of the Fallout series, which isn't a bad thing.


The Star Shields do not exist in Imperial Record. They have no official Founding, though the Chapter estimates it was forged in the period between the 2nd and 3rd Foundings. This autonomy, Serpiero believed, would be vital to ensuring the Chapter could go about its mission with a minimum of notice for those he did not wish involved.

After reading this I want to know why, does Serpiero have ulterior motives? Also, I think it would work better if it read 'lost from Imperial records.' Perhaps even insinuating that Serpiero engineered such an occurance. Just a thought.


Once again, the Imperial Truth section makes me think these guess are similar to the Brotherhood of Steel from Fallout.


One question, how do these guys train their Techmarines? do they send them to Mars or teach them in house?




Those are my thoughts, I haven't quite finished the article yet so I'll come back and read it at some point.


I like these guys, and the article is well written. Keep going, the best articles are never finished.

  SnakeoilSage said:
Oh that's the old article man. I've revised/shortened it. Scroll down the first page and you'll find it. I removed a lot and rebuilt the background to be a little less all-important.

Yeah, I knew that ;)


Right then:


a frozen death world located roughly half-way between Catachan and Nocturne

Like I said before, kinda feels like name dropping.


Can I ask, are you a Fallout fan? I can't seem to shake the similarities.


What sort of relationship does these guys have with the Admech? considering they're quite secular about technology I can't think it would be a good one.


Also, considering there preference for heavy weapons and armour, is it considered an honour to perform one of these duties - more so than in other chapters? Are Dreadnoughts held in high regard, almost like the perfect balance of man and machine - passion and logic?




Otherwise like a said before its a solid piece of writing. Very good stuff.


But then I'm bias, I guess I have a thing for blue marines from icy deathworlds :woot:

  Ferrus Manus said:
Yeah, I knew that :HQ:


Right then:


a frozen death world located roughly half-way between Catachan and Nocturne

Like I said before, kinda feels like name dropping.


Can I ask, are you a Fallout fan? I can't seem to shake the similarities.


What sort of relationship does these guys have with the Admech? considering they're quite secular about technology I can't think it would be a good one.


Also, considering there preference for heavy weapons and armour, is it considered an honour to perform one of these duties - more so than in other chapters? Are Dreadnoughts held in high regard, almost like the perfect balance of man and machine - passion and logic?




Otherwise like a said before its a solid piece of writing. Very good stuff.


But then I'm bias, I guess I have a thing for blue marines from icy deathworlds :D


I guess it is name-dropping, but it does help specific their location a little better. If you had a map of the galaxy (like the one in the Rulebook) you would be able to pinpoint it fairly easily.


I am a Fallout fan. :) I also liked the concept of Terra's techno-barbarian age and wondered why there don't seem to be any worlds like that out in the galaxy. There are primitive worlds, feudal worlds, etc., but not techno-barbarian worlds?


The Star Shields' relationship with the Mechanicus is fairly close; the Chapter helped uncover a few STC designs and in return the Mechanicus allows the Chapter to wield the prototypes created from them, but over the millennia the Chapter has become more secular and driven to preserve knowledge. They've started viewing the religious nature of the Mechanicus as more harmful to the preservation of knowledge than beneficial: their goals are largely the same but the Star Shields don't want to see the Mechanicus "twist" technical knowledge into mystic rituals and holy euphemisims. So they've started gathering knowledge t protect it themselves, keeping it as straight-forward and logical as the Standard Template Constructs themselves are. They still deliver worthwhile information to the Mechanicus, but they hold onto original copies themselves to ensure the knowledge isn't lost or altered.


I wouldn't say it's an honour to be a Devastator; the Chapter has more Devastators than it has Tactical Marines. They do kind of look down on Assault Marines, though. The Chapter doesn't see becoming a Dreadnought as anything but a logical step for those who have the will to continue fighting but lack the physical ability. Really chances are most Marines recieve simply Bionic replacements instead of being interred in a Dreadnought. That being said the Chapter knows how to build Draednoughts themselves and have around 35 of them, and the 8th Company Captain is a Dreadnought. In the homegrown Codex for the Chapter, they're allowe to take 2 standard Dreadnoughts as a single Elite choice.

  SnakeoilSage said:
I guess it is name-dropping, but it does help specific their location a little better. If you had a map of the galaxy (like the one in the Rulebook) you would be able to pinpoint it fairly easily.


I would still talk in therms of sector and gives references that are on all map, like the eye of terror, Maelstrom, Holy Terra, Storm of the Emperor's wrath etc.


same thing in fact for the description of the Ursalis bear, I would remove the "each larger than a Fenrisian wolf" or replace it by something else.


as for the Ghost Bears, larger than a fenrisian wolf is already the size of a Rinho tranport :P



you should edit your first post and replace it by your second that way a distracted guy like me won't have to read both :mellow:

  tiny sam said:
  SnakeoilSage said:
I guess it is name-dropping, but it does help specific their location a little better. If you had a map of the galaxy (like the one in the Rulebook) you would be able to pinpoint it fairly easily.


I would still talk in therms of sector and gives references that are on all map, like the eye of terror, Maelstrom, Holy Terra, Storm of the Emperor's wrath etc.


same thing in fact for the description of the Ursalis bear, I would remove the "each larger than a Fenrisian wolf" or replace it by something else.


as for the Ghost Bears, larger than a fenrisian wolf is already the size of a Rinho tranport :P



you should edit your first post and replace it by your second that way a distracted guy like me won't have to read both :P


Already replaced the original with the revision. I'll make a note of the name-dropping when I do Version 2.0. Thank you! :)

  tiny sam said:
ho for the Melta bomb thing inside cogris, you could just replace the word "bomb" by "torpedo". The same thing but not the same size :tu:


I think I'm gonna change it up so they use meltabombs to blow up the Iron Warrior's piles of munitions.

Okay, I will give this a shoot. I'm fluff-nazi and not very nice in my C&C, so be prepared for hard-fought battle. ;)


The Star Shields were born to protect the world of Ursalis and safeguard its secrets. Once an Imperial Fists recruitment world, it was the discovery of ancient Standard Template blueprints that brought Ursalis to the attention of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Since beginning their mission, the Star Shields have expanded to seek out all knowledge across the galaxy, wielding some of the most advanced technology available to the Imperium. The secrets they have learned could spell doom – or salvation – for the Chapter if they are revealed, so until such time that the truth must be learned the Star Shields will defend it from aliens, heretics, and even the Imperium itself.

- Oh, noes. Not THIS again.

- First, the Admech is more than capable of defending/taking what it wants. It's hard to disagree with the Titan legion after all.

- Chapters are created to defend entire sectors, acting as the rapid-response force. Sitting on single piece of rock just defeats their strenght and purpose.

- Adeptus Astartes are His Finest Warriors. Quest for Knowledge is mission suited for Techpriest, less for biologically-transformed killing machine.



But by far the most powerful of Ursalis’ predators are its bears, each larger than a Fenrisian wolf, from pug-faced Maulers to noble Bearhounds, tusken Sabrebears and the near-mythical Ghost Bear, a beast said to be larger than a Rhino transport and strong enough to tear open a Land Raider to feed on the morsels inside.

- With this in mind, calling the planet Ursalis is a little cheesy, but good enough.


Serpiero the Architect

Early in the 32nd Millennium, the Imperial Fists had claimed Ursalis as a recruitment world, but never maintained a permanent garrison. The Clans saw the Fists as warriors of the God Emperor, fighting a war in heaven against the darkness between the stars.

- Simple question: How did the Ursalans learn about God-Emperor.


Bitter at their cowardice, Serpiero returned to his workshops, and was discovered by the Imperial Fists. Impressed by his genius, the Fists recruited him into the Chapter.

- A little fail in lore. The gene-seed doesn't work on the full-grown men, it's keyed on the changes in puberty.


Serpiero used his recruits to forge the Star Shields, revealing the mission set down by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The weapons Serpiero had used to fight the mutant threat were based on STC technology, and the Imperium had created the Chapter to uncover more of these secrets and safeguard them from the threats of the galaxy.

- What I said above.

- Basically, the Star Shields are nothing but glorious archaeologists. :ph34r:


Combat Doctrine

Star Shields prefer heavy weapons and armour, fielding whole armies of Devastator Marines who march against the recoil of their heavy bolters, creating concentrated fields of destruction that can completely shatter enemy defences and morale, making them excellent siege-breakers.

- Eh, the fortifications in W40k are made to withstand several days of shelling by artillery regiment. I'm not sure if the bolter fire will have any effect at all.



In terms of Company organization, the Star Shields have dedicated 2nd through 6th Companies as Battle Companies, with a disproportionate number of Devastator Squads, almost a complete reversal of the 6:2 Tactical/Devastator ratio called for in the Codex Astartes.

- Well, nothing against your conclusions, just the Tactical squad is far superior to any other SM unit type, regardless of the representation in rules.


The Chapter actually maintains a standing populace of nearly 1,500 gene-seeded initiates on hand in Chapterhouse, but of these only a hundred are permitted to take to the field as Scouts, the rest serve as the Chapter equerries and primary labour force, as the Star Shields believe that putting a task in the hands of a Servitor diminishes the worth of that task.

- 1.500 is too much, 500 maybe.

- The Chapter equerries and primary labour force are Chapter Serfs, it's mix of failed aspirants, bondsmen and vassals.


This alone would have been caused to use it, but the star port had been built in the age of STC technology, with small yet advanced facilities and data-banks containing enough information for Chapterhouse to be almost completely autonomous, with its own mining facilities, refineries, armouries, some of the most advanced medical facilities in Ultima Segmentum, and a shipyard capable of housing the Chapter’s small fleet including three battle-barges (the Hammer of Serpiero, Spear of Ursalis, and Wings of Daedalus), a dozen strike cruisers, and various other support craft.

- Yeah, and Admech didn't ask to hand it over, because of why...?



Where once their primary mission was to protect Ursalis and uncover its secrets

- Once again, glorious archaeologists and nothing more? ^_^


On occasion this has led to accusations of heresy, but the Chapter has proven time and again that their actions are in service to the Emperor, and however extreme, they are painstakingly calculated for the benefit of mankind.

- That's fine and it would work in rational and logical society, but this is the Imperium of Man and you will get hammered just because you have upset someone with power.

- All of the above will be enough to declare the Chapter Excomunicate Traitoris.



That said, Star Shields are warrior-sages, prone to philosophical musings. The Tomes of Serpiero – dozens of journals written by the Chapter’s founder and spiritual patron – are among their favourite to quote from, for the Architect seemed to have a snippet of wisdom for everything from art to war.

- To have a snippet of wisdon for everything, you have to study it first. Considering the Space Marine is a warrior first, I don't think he will study farming, porcelain-making or life-cycles of butterflies.



Overall: To be honest, even after all the trimming, it still reeks of "Awesome". Your Chapter is free of GrimdarkTM, none in 41st millenium is spared of its touch. Also, in our world the knowledge "always" leads to betterment, however in W40k a lot of knowledge belongs into "The Monkey's Paw" category. In other words, sometimes is better to NOT know. Especially, if it's the knowledge given to you by this dude called Tzeentch or something like that.


Cheers, NightrawenII.

  Nightrawen II said:
Bitter at their cowardice, Serpiero returned to his workshops, and was discovered by the Imperial Fists. Impressed by his genius, the Fists recruited him into the Chapter.

- A little fail in lore. The gene-seed doesn't work on the full-grown men, it's keyed on the changes in puberty.


what about Luther :nuke: he was a full grown man.


for what I remember at the time of the great Crusade it was not a problem.




and I think the codex is not telling anything about the scouts some chapter being known to have 12 or even 15 squad of scout. but yeah 1500 initiate is a lot :P

  NightrawenII said:
Okay, I will give this a shoot. I'm fluff-nazi and not very nice in my C&C, so be prepared for hard-fought battle. B)


The Star Shields were born to protect the world of Ursalis and safeguard its secrets. Once an Imperial Fists recruitment world, it was the discovery of ancient Standard Template blueprints that brought Ursalis to the attention of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Since beginning their mission, the Star Shields have expanded to seek out all knowledge across the galaxy, wielding some of the most advanced technology available to the Imperium. The secrets they have learned could spell doom – or salvation – for the Chapter if they are revealed, so until such time that the truth must be learned the Star Shields will defend it from aliens, heretics, and even the Imperium itself.

- Oh, noes. Not THIS again.

- First, the Admech is more than capable of defending/taking what it wants. It's hard to disagree with the Titan legion after all.

- Chapters are created to defend entire sectors, acting as the rapid-response force. Sitting on single piece of rock just defeats their strenght and purpose.

- Adeptus Astartes are His Finest Warriors. Quest for Knowledge is mission suited for Techpriest, less for biologically-transformed killing machine.


Yeah, that's a good point.



But by far the most powerful of Ursalis’ predators are its bears, each larger than a Fenrisian wolf, from pug-faced Maulers to noble Bearhounds, tusken Sabrebears and the near-mythical Ghost Bear, a beast said to be larger than a Rhino transport and strong enough to tear open a Land Raider to feed on the morsels inside.

- With this in mind, calling the planet Ursalis is a little cheesy, but good enough.


Actually I took Ursalis from Ursalia, one of the proposed names for Canada. After that I was pretty much obligated to put bears on it.


Serpiero the Architect

Early in the 32nd Millennium, the Imperial Fists had claimed Ursalis as a recruitment world, but never maintained a permanent garrison. The Clans saw the Fists as warriors of the God Emperor, fighting a war in heaven against the darkness between the stars.

- Simple question: How did the Ursalans learn about God-Emperor.


The Imperial Fists indoctrinated them.


Bitter at their cowardice, Serpiero returned to his workshops, and was discovered by the Imperial Fists. Impressed by his genius, the Fists recruited him into the Chapter.

- A little fail in lore. The gene-seed doesn't work on the full-grown men, it's keyed on the changes in puberty.


Well that's true to an extent but from the descriptions of the Space Wolves, it seems they have no problem bringing older men into the fold. It mentions Loken being a legend among Fenris' womenfolk for sharing twelve beds in a night before he became a Space Marine. That doesn't sound like the proficiency of a 12-13 year old (and if it was that'd be really creepy). Maybe that's just a Space Wolf gene-seed trait, I dunno.


Serpiero used his recruits to forge the Star Shields, revealing the mission set down by the Adeptus Mechanicus. The weapons Serpiero had used to fight the mutant threat were based on STC technology, and the Imperium had created the Chapter to uncover more of these secrets and safeguard them from the threats of the galaxy.

- What I said above.

- Basically, the Star Shields are nothing but glorious archaeologists. :mellow:


Like Indiana Jones! With a lot more guns. But when you put it that way, yeah, yawnfest.


Combat Doctrine

Star Shields prefer heavy weapons and armour, fielding whole armies of Devastator Marines who march against the recoil of their heavy bolters, creating concentrated fields of destruction that can completely shatter enemy defences and morale, making them excellent siege-breakers.

- Eh, the fortifications in W40k are made to withstand several days of shelling by artillery regiment. I'm not sure if the bolter fire will have any effect at all.


Heavy weapons in general (plasma and lascannons included). I used heavy bolters because it's iconic of Devastators.



In terms of Company organization, the Star Shields have dedicated 2nd through 6th Companies as Battle Companies, with a disproportionate number of Devastator Squads, almost a complete reversal of the 6:2 Tactical/Devastator ratio called for in the Codex Astartes.

- Well, nothing against your conclusions, just the Tactical squad is far superior to any other SM unit type, regardless of the representation in rules.


Probably, but the Star Shields prefer to fight slow and heavy.


The Chapter actually maintains a standing populace of nearly 1,500 gene-seeded initiates on hand in Chapterhouse, but of these only a hundred are permitted to take to the field as Scouts, the rest serve as the Chapter equerries and primary labour force, as the Star Shields believe that putting a task in the hands of a Servitor diminishes the worth of that task.

- 1.500 is too much, 500 maybe.

- The Chapter equerries and primary labour force are Chapter Serfs, it's mix of failed aspirants, bondsmen and vassals.


500 works.

I dunno, I don't like the idea of the Chapter relying on non-initiates. Like the Salamanders they've got a philosophy of self-reliance. Still, I imagine there are a lot more facilities to maintain than even 1,500 initiates could handle themselves.


This alone would have been caused to use it, but the star port had been built in the age of STC technology, with small yet advanced facilities and data-banks containing enough information for Chapterhouse to be almost completely autonomous, with its own mining facilities, refineries, armouries, some of the most advanced medical facilities in Ultima Segmentum, and a shipyard capable of housing the Chapter’s small fleet including three battle-barges (the Hammer of Serpiero, Spear of Ursalis, and Wings of Daedalus), a dozen strike cruisers, and various other support craft.

- Yeah, and Admech didn't ask to hand it over, because of why...?


They already have them? None of the technology in Chapterhouse is beyond anything the AdMech already has.



Where once their primary mission was to protect Ursalis and uncover its secrets

- Once again, glorious archaeologists and nothing more? :D


Yeah, needs spicing up.


On occasion this has led to accusations of heresy, but the Chapter has proven time and again that their actions are in service to the Emperor, and however extreme, they are painstakingly calculated for the benefit of mankind.

- That's fine and it would work in rational and logical society, but this is the Imperium of Man and you will get hammered just because you have upset someone with power.

- All of the above will be enough to declare the Chapter Excomunicate Traitoris.


Not really. Consider how other Chapters get away with it. The Space Wolves, for one. I don't see how being one of the oldest Chapters matters in that regard; the Traitors were from the original Legions.

But I can tone it down.



That said, Star Shields are warrior-sages, prone to philosophical musings. The Tomes of Serpiero – dozens of journals written by the Chapter’s founder and spiritual patron – are among their favourite to quote from, for the Architect seemed to have a snippet of wisdom for everything from art to war.

- To have a snippet of wisdon for everything, you have to study it first. Considering the Space Marine is a warrior first, I don't think he will study farming, porcelain-making or life-cycles of butterflies.


Spartans and Samurai practiced art, music and poetry as often as they trained for battle. The Blood Angels strive for beauty in their artwork.

In any case, the Chapter venerates Serpiero for its intellect and his Tomes are just about as sacred to them as the Codex Astartes is to the Ultramarines.

But I suppose it doesn't need to be so absolute.


Overall: To be honest, even after all the trimming, it still reeks of "Awesome". Your Chapter is free of GrimdarkTM, none in 41st millenium is spared of its touch. Also, in our world the knowledge "always" leads to betterment, however in W40k a lot of knowledge belongs into "The Monkey's Paw" category. In other words, sometimes is better to NOT know. Especially, if it's the knowledge given to you by this dude called Tzeentch or something like that.


All good points. It'll need some tweaking.



what about Luther he was a full grown man.


for what I remember at the time of the great Crusade it was not a problem.


and I think the codex is not telling anything about the scouts some chapter being known to have 12 or even 15 squad of scout. but yeah 1500 initiate is a lot


Luther and many of the Caliban warriors who were too old for gene-seeding recieved a different form of genetic enhancement that bolstered their natural abilities. They weren't true Space Marines. I imagine this was a common practice during the Crusades, and fell out of favour afterwards (the technology was lost and/or the Inquisition deemed its use to be heretical [gene-seeding might even be heretical to their eyes too, if it hadn't been created by the Emperor]).


Well the Chapter only have 10 Scout Squads. The other 1,400 weren't permitted to take to the field, only earning a position in the 10th Company when a Scout died, was promoted, or demoted back to equerry work. In the Star Shields you don't get to be a fighter just 'cause you've been gene-seeded, you have to earn you right to fight but helping maintain the Chapter's infrastructure.



Anyways! Some great feedback and definitely plenty for me to think about. Thanks!

the point of the STC Factories is that they would be considered as Holy-Relic for the Mechanicus and they would have reclaim it. unless it's so linked to the planet's moon that it is impossible to take it off -_-


maybe the Mechanicus is running it for the chapter because of an old treaty that was passed at the very genesis of the chapter. Techmarines could also be trained in that "mechanicus outpost" and the fact that they were not bring to mars might be part of the reason why the star shield are not realy fond of the machine god

  tiny sam said:
the point of the STC Factories is that they would be considered as Holy-Relic for the Mechanicus and they would have reclaim it. unless it's so linked to the planet's moon that it is impossible to take it off -_-


maybe the Mechanicus is running it for the chapter because of an old treaty that was passed at the very genesis of the chapter. Techmarines could also be trained in that "mechanicus outpost" and the fact that they were not bring to mars might be part of the reason why the star shield are not realy fond of the machine god


Eh, I think I'll tone down the STC's (finding just one a millennium would be groundbreaking and from the way I talk about it the Star Shields might as well have found an intact STC database, the AdMech's holy grail, and that's just too epic). I think Chapterhouse will just be the site of a largely intact, pre-Imperium starport. Advanced, but nothing the Imperium hasn't seen before.

Okay, here's a new revision! It's a lot shorter than the others but I hope it works out. Enjoy and comment! Or don't enjoy, and still comment!


sm.php?b62c=@hd0fp_iakk7.haLvy@@@__@@_..@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@_@_@@@__@@@__@.@@@_@@@@.@@@_._&CHAPTER NAME: .............. Star Shields

FOUNDING: .................. Unknown (Presumed 20TH) [M.36]

CHAPTER WORLD: ............. Ursalis

FORTRESS MONASTERY: ........ Chapterhouse

CHAPTER MASTER: ............ Helm Shieldbane

MAIN COLOURS ............... Blue-grey and White

SPECIALTY .................. Siege and Trench Warfare


KNOWN DESCENDANTS: ......... Unknown


"Vigilamus pro Imperator!"

“We stand on guard for the Emperor!”

he Star Shields were forged in the centuries following the Age of Apostasy, entrusted to safeguard an Imperium still recovering from the Reign of Blood. Those first uncertain years saw them waging war across Ultima Segmentum, cut off from any meaningful Imperial aid and forced to rely on their own means as much as possible. The Chapter as a whole eventually settled on Ursalis, where the discovery of ancient technologies drew the attention of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Today the Star Shields oversee a stretch of systems called the Bulwark Stars, protecting dozens of resource-rich frontier worlds from alien forces that linger beyond the Astronomican.

Home World

Ursalis is the only remaining planet in a system that was torn apart by some unknown calamity thousands of years ago, shifting its orbit and plunging it into a permanent ice age. It is characterized by vast glaciers stretching across its rocky surface. During the long winter the surface temperature can plummet to lethal cold, and in the spring and summer months the planet is clouded by perpetual fog, cloaking the planet's enormous predators. Its human inhabitants live at a level of development akin to the techno-barbarians that once inhabited Holy Terra. These Clans fall into two factions: surface nomadic High Clans, and subterranean Underclans.

There is evidence that Ursalis was once a prosperous, technologically advanced world during the fabled Dark Age of Technology. Below miles of grinding glacial flows are the ruins of vast hive-cities that across the planet. The Underclans make their homes in some of these ruins, hiding out in vast armored bunkers where technology once provided their every need. Time and war have seen all but a few of these bunkers abandoned or plundered.

Below even these depths, in the lightless, labyrinthine sewer networks are the Subclans. Once human, these foul mutants were wholly corrupted by lingering radioactive waste and toxic sewage. The Subclans would be united by Chaos-tainted psykers, attacking the surface levels in great blights. A blight could wipe out whole clans before being driven back underground, only for the cycle to begin again a centuries later.

The Star Shields encountered Ursalis during one of these blights and intervened, deploying the 1st Company to the planet's surface. To the Ursalans, the Space Marines seemed an army forged by the gods, and within hours of arriving the Emperor's Finest had destroyed the blight. Heedless of the Ursalans' warnings, 1st Company continued their campaign deep underground, wiping out every mutant they could find, and returning to the surface a year later to the roaring adulation of the clans. The Ursalans pledged an honor-debt to the Chapter, promising their sons to the Star Shields forevermore. Soon, Adeptus Mechanicus forces had arrived on Ursalis, and as reward for their discovery, the Star Shields were given the honour of arming themselves with some of the advanced weapons the Machine Cult reclaimed from the planet's depths. The Ursalans proved to be excellent initiates, and the Star Shields began recruiting them exclusively.


Ursalis moon was once a massive star port. The impact that shifted Ursalis' orbit into a permanent ice age also shattered the moon, creating a ring of grinding stones. When the Star Shields settled on the planet they set about correcting the decaying orbit of the largest shard, and discovered sections of the star port still intact within. The Chapter repaired and rebuilt what they could, and today it serves as their fortress-monastery, known as Chapterhouse.

Combat Doctrine

The Star Shields are meticulous planners, never committing themselves without knowing precisely where to strike. When battle is joined they favor heavy armor and weapons: Devastators, Terminators, and tanks. Their battlefield philosophy is that a single precise hammer blow can break the spine of the enemy, if it strikes just the right place. When this weak link is discovered they hit it as hard as they can with all of their might brought to bear, and when the enemy lines crack they spread inward, as inevitable as the winter frost. The Chapter has an excellent record for defensive siege fighting, trench warfare, and space hulk expeditions.


The Star Shields follow the Codex Astartes as closely as their Chapter identity allows. The most notable difference is the disproportionate number of Devastator squads in each Battle Company, and the Chapter's reluctance to field Fast Attack forces. It has large numbers of Techmarines, Dreadnoughts and tanks, but few Land Speeders, Bikes, or Assault units.

In its early years the Star Shields were a fleet-based Chapter, left largely to their own devices on the Imperial frontier. Each Company was outfitted with enough ships and wargear to act independent of each other, and this allows them to maintain their vigil over the Bulwark Stars.


The Star Shields have adopted aspects of Ursalis culture including their concepts of honor, resourcefulness, and self-sufficiency, but the core of their Chapter Cult focuses on embracing cold logic. Chaplains do not whip their brothers into a zealous frenzy, instead they preach a mantra of discipline, efficiency and focus. Battle-brothers meditate under auto-hypnotic projectors, filling their minds with vast amounts of knowledge gleaned from the Imperium’s finest warriors. They regularly practice forms of self-denial, from fasting to torture, often while attempting intricate tasks such as maintaining their wargear and training. Battle strategies are constantly designed, practice, studied and refined, so that each Star Shield is a warrior-sage with a plan for almost any contingency. Through this the Chapter believes that they can overcome human failings and act in the best interests of the Emperor of humanity, even if it means sacrificing a hundred battle-brothers, or a allowing a million human lives to die to save billions more.

Another facet of the Chapter Cult is their belief that the Emperor watches over their missing brethren. When a squad fails to return home from the Warp, the Chaplains mark their names on the Memorial Arch of the Reclusiam, and refer to their lost brothers as “wandering the mists,” an Ursalis belief that those who lose their way in the fog are taken to a realm between life and death. The Star Shields hold that when the Emperor decrees it, those wandering the mists will return in the Chapter's darkest hour to fight again.


The Star Shields’ gene-seed is stable, but suffers from a unique mutation. As they age they develop new muscle layers that grant enhanced strength and leverage, but their reflexes slow to human norm levels. Veteran Star Shields are capable of incredible feats of strength, but their movements are deliberate and cautious to ensure their momentum and weight can’t be used against them.

  chaplain belisarius said:
wow! that is fantastic! i actually want to get a star shields army after reading that! well done mate...:verymad:


Thanks bro! The more I refine it the more I'm liking them too. ;)


  Ferrus Manus said:
To be honest, I preferred the longer version. Now it almost feels like Star Shields lite. If anything, please keep the longer homeworld section - that was my favourite bit about these guys.


It does feel lite, but I wrote the revision up pretty late at night. Think of this as the tip of the ice berg. I'm play-testing the home-grown codex right now and when I finish fixing it up I'll come back to the fluff and, well, fluff it up. lol


I agree, the homeworld aspects are my favorite. I hope I can come up with even more character for it to give the Chapter itself some additional traits.

  tiny sam said:
don't they have a chapter symbole?


I have some rough ones in my Homebrew codex, but I'm thinking of changing them to fit the revised version. I'm not all that great at drawing though; know any good resources?


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