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Forests and LOS


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I'm still having a hard time seeing how a tree can completely block LoS. Maybe if it were a solid cone painted with a tree texture.

I've seen trees like this...or even trees that actually have evergreen-style foliage on them that are pretty dense...they'll block LOS, no problem.

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Just remove the tree from the table. Maybe put a penny in its spot so we can put the tree back if the model moves on.
Perfect! That's how my group plays too.


I'm still having a hard time seeing how a tree can completely block LoS. Maybe if it were a solid cone painted with a tree texture. If the models head were right up next to it maybe it would limit vision some but who would move a tree and put it in base contact with a model they were going to shoot with?
TLOS is TLOS. I know I never said a tree always blocks it, but some very solid trees can block it entirely, or enough to give a cover save, or not at all. It's all about how things are modeled.



- Moving a tree is fine but it should be moved as little as possible and certianly not moved to where it would obstruct some other part of the battlefield that was not affected before.
This is what the BRB says to do. Move only when necessary, not on a whim.
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My final two cents.

There were a couple of things suspect in the whole scenario given.

- Just because LoS goes through a tree does not automatically block LoS. If you can see the target, you can shoot it. Even a large tree is no bigger than a pencil with foliage you can see through like a mesh.

- Moving a tree is fine but it should be moved as little as possible and certianly not moved to where it would obstruct some other part of the battlefield that was not affected before.



I'm still having a hard time seeing how a tree can completely block LoS. Maybe if it were a solid cone painted with a tree texture. If the models head were right up next to it maybe it would limit vision some but who would move a tree and put it in base contact with a model they were going to shoot with?


a tree will block los, but you are correct it is very rare that it will block los to the entirety of the target, and if you can see so much as a toe of a single model in the unit, you can shoot it.


read my post at the very begining, the best way to handle it is whenever los is to be traced were a moved peice of terain was, you try and move the terain peices back as close as you can for the mesurements. Though you often wont have to, as said its very rare to get complete LOS blockage, and you only need a lil bit to be able to shoot. And cover saves are generaly so forgiving it is only slightly less rare that cover will not be fairly obvious (doubly so when area terain is concerned). Major exceptions being vehicles and monsterous creatures who do not folow the forgiving cover rules. For all game purposes its best to treet the tree as if it is still in its orignal position, terrain is moved for conveince and to ensure models can be firmly placed (because nobody want a modle to be wobbly and fall and break).

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