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questions about typhus


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so i was looking at this guys profile and it has confused me a little so i have a two part question,

it says that he has poisned attacks on a 4+ but he has a power weapon ? so why would he have them? becuase if you have a power weapon the least you'd be wounding on is like a 2+ rite ? so becuase he has the 4+ does this mena he has to take the 4+ instead of the 2+?


and the second bit, if they suffer a wound you can kill them outrite with a psy check. so beucase he has a power weapon that will mostly cause a insta wound on a 2+. am i reading this rite ?


cheers in adavnce <_<

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Sounds like you're actually confusing Power Weapons with Power Fists. Power Weapons don't change one's strength, which is what would help your wound rolls. Typhus' strength has him wounding Power Armored troops on a 4+, not a 2+.


So, hopefully that clears things up. Just to provide a little more info, though, keep in mind the Poisoned Weapons rule, which makes you reroll wounds against toughness at, or below your strength. That's nice.


As for your second question, instant death is not the same thing as a good chance at a wound. Instant Death means the model loses all remaining wounds, so you only use Typhus' force weapon on HQs, Monstrous Creatures, and those types of units. Power Weapons themselves do not cause Instant Death; they kill one-wound models well, since they deny the armor save, but they're no Power Fists.

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In fact, I think there is more than just a confusion between Power Weapon and Power Fist. I can sense he think of Force Weapons too.


There is a quick sum up of 40k rules:

- Compare Strength to Toughness to get the 'to wound roll'. Usually, a Marine wound a Marine on 4+.

- Power Weapons doesn't affect Strength. Power Weapons remove armor saves of the wounded figurine.

- Power Fists are Power Weapons. Plus, Power Fists double the Strength of their owner. Usually, a Marine with Power Fist would wound a Marine on 2+ and inflict "Instant Death" (S8 is the double of T4). They also strike at Initiative 1 (after every one).

- Force Weapons are Power Weapons. Plus, Force Weapons give the opportunity to inflict "Instant Death" on any wounded figurine with a Psychic test.

- Poisoned attacks provide a maximum on the 'to wound' roll. However, they doesn't remove armor saves.


rite blood ?


PS: None of the above removes Invulnerable Save.

PS2 : None of this is a remplacement to reading / understanding the rules.

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  • 2 months later...

I think Plague Bringer was saying the lowest to wound roll Typhus could have is 2+, i.e his strength 4 agianst a toughness 2 model. A better example of this would be that if Typhus attacked some Guardsmen, instead of wounding on the 3+ that he usually would, he would wound on a 4+ with a re-roll instead. He would wound on a 4+ with a re-roll instead of wounding on a 3+ with a re-roll, poisoned weapons always wound on the roll they are given and gain a re-roll if the strength of the model is greater than or equal to the targets toughness.


And yes, you can use a psychic check to instant kill a model if he hasn't used both his other psychic powers in that player turn :D.



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  • 3 weeks later...
And yes, you can use a psychic check to instant kill a model if he hasn't used both his other psychic powers in that player turn


You can use his force weapon even if you use one os his other power. Check his rules, I think it's under 'Herald of Nurgle'

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And yes, you can use a psychic check to instant kill a model if he hasn't used both his other psychic powers in that player turn


You can use his force weapon even if you use one os his other power. Check his rules, I think it's under 'Herald of Nurgle'


Yes but he cannot do it if he has used both of his psychic powers already that turn.

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