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Thunderfire Cannon


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Hi all


I was looking at using a thunderfire cannon when I noticed that the stat line seems to be missing


SM codex PG 73 lists the stat line as a techmarine- then lists thunderfire as wargear

SM codex PG 142 lists that the unit type is atillery and is composed of a techmarine and a thunderfire cannon and again lists the stat line of the techmarine.

Warhammer 40k rulebook PG 5 says that it assumes the type of infantry for the most part but the guns can be targeted themselves- using veichle like characteristics


How do I play them?

What is their statline?




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it can be misleading if your not familar.. All artillery has an AV vaue of 10.. however when the enemy shoots at them all they need is a glance or pen hit (cover saves are allowed) and the artillery is removed from the table, do not roll on damage, do not pass go, its just removed.


when shooting at them befre rolling to pen/wound, you have to allocate where the shots land, roll a D6 for every shot that hits on a 1-4 it hits the cannon 5-6 it hits the crew.


some more facts, the thunderfire cannon is a 2 model unit, one infantry one 'vehicle' that means under the cover save rules if the techmarine has a foot inside terrain then the whole unit gets a cover save.. which is handy, it also helps becuase you dont have to take a dangerous terrain tets if only the techmarine is moving through cover.


in close combat, you ignore the cannon and the crew fights as normal (all hits directed at him), the enemy only has to reach the cannons base though and its considered in combat

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Just so you know what crap rules are tossed at you... SINCE it considered a vehicle I ... been f'd and by the ruling of vehicles they only get cover from true 50% covering ... my hobby shop doesn't allow it by unit but that the gun and the guy have to be in cover. Not taht it matters much any more as ... My TECH marine somehow altered all the hobby shop terrain in a way to bolster his cover...<< ... not at all a bad thing since I made most of it...
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Just so you know what crap rules are tossed at you... SINCE it considered a vehicle I ... been f'd and by the ruling of vehicles they only get cover from true 50% covering ... my hobby shop doesn't allow it by unit but that the gun and the guy have to be in cover. Not taht it matters much any more as ... My TECH marine somehow altered all the hobby shop terrain in a way to bolster his cover...<< ... not at all a bad thing since I made most of it...


thats not accurate as per the rules, its a 2 model unit, if the vehcile is in cover and the techmarine in the open, then yes youd need 50% coverage on the gun for the gun to claim a cover save..

one model needs a cover save in order to claim a cover save on the whole unit as per the 50% unit rule.

however as the techmarine makes up 50% of the unit himself, then he only needs to be in cover, and since hes infantry the infantry cover saves rules apply to him, meaning he only needs a small part of himself to be in cover.

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Just so you know what crap rules are tossed at you... SINCE it considered a vehicle I ... been f'd and by the ruling of vehicles they only get cover from true 50% covering ... my hobby shop doesn't allow it by unit but that the gun and the guy have to be in cover. Not taht it matters much any more as ... My TECH marine somehow altered all the hobby shop terrain in a way to bolster his cover...<< ... not at all a bad thing since I made most of it...


thats not accurate as per the rules, its a 2 model unit, if the vehcile is in cover and the techmarine in the open, then yes youd need 50% coverage on the gun for the gun to claim a cover save..

one model needs a cover save in order to claim a cover save on the whole unit as per the 50% unit rule.

however as the techmarine makes up 50% of the unit himself, then he only needs to be in cover, and since hes infantry the infantry cover saves rules apply to him, meaning he only needs a small part of himself to be in cover.



to reiterate, cover is granted to UNITS, but is checked for models. So each model checks to see if it is "in cover", and then you compare the amount of models that have the in cover status, if the number is greater than or equal to half the model count the receives a cover save. when you check the techmarines for if he is in cover you use th forgiving infantry rules, when you check the cannon you use the less forgiving vehicle rules. . but because each of them are half the unit, if eather of them are in cover the unit gets the cover save.


check for cover by model

apply cover per unit



also i typed this post wtihout looking at the screen, so sorry for misspelings and the such. hope my fingers were on the home keys the entire time. there are some weird patterns in the ciling plaster here.

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I have made such an argument guys... ...and I been rebutted that ..since clearly they are different infantry type they both have to be in it ... its totally drrr I know but I wielded it in better ways to actually be in real cover. I agree with you guys... just ... sucks for me...


Random APOC note... when ever you use 3 of these guys together they also can be combined into a unit and then 2guns/2 techs have to be in cover and the 3rd be able to tag outside and get cover... but still ...

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I have made such an argument guys... ...and I been rebutted that ..since clearly they are different infantry type they both have to be in it ... its totally drrr I know but I wielded it in better ways to actually be in real cover. I agree with you guys... just ... sucks for me...


then you need to ask them to point to that rule in the BRB... but becuase its not there you can then tell them to stop cheating you

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so much more eloquent than my response, even if you were typing like stevie wonder at the time ;)


I want this in my sig, but my sig is full, pick something in my sig for this to bump off :HQ:


Random APOC note... when ever you use 3 of these guys together they also can be combined into a unit and then 2guns/2 techs have to be in cover and the 3rd be able to tag outside and get cover... but still ...


I asume you are talking about the datasheet found here





in wich case the unit requires a master of the forge as well, creating a 7+ model unit, as such any combination of 4 models in cover will result in the unit having cover, even if its all 4 infantry models in cover with the guns completely out in the open.

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