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Codex: Phoenix Knights


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Tabletop rules (chapter history not fixed yet)




Short version below:








Initally named Angels of Fire, this Dark Angel sucessor chapter has had a disasterous start. Shortly after it's creation, the chapter fleet and the DA training cadre was to make way to their newly assigned homeworld at the far edges of Segmentum Ultima. Mere moments after entering the warp, the fleet was attacked by a chaos war fleet and beset by deamons. A seemingly desperate battle to repel boarders followed, lasting for days. Just when it looked like all hope was lost, the survivors felt a new mighty presence appearing in the warp (belived by many marines to be the Emperor or the Lion, altough that's not necessarily the truth), and turning it's power agaisnt chaos. The small window of opportunity is all the chapter needed to escape the warp.


When they returned to real space, the survivors realised things were worse then they thought. More than 3/4 of the chapter was lost, along with their command battle barge and all senior commanders and the entire training cadre.

Worse, it appeared that in realspace a lot more time has passed. As far as the rest of the universe knew, they were missing for 300 years. And most shockingly of all, the time spent in the warp caused mutations in the gene-seed, the full extend and implication of which were not yet cear.


It was time for the survivors to decide what to do, and most looked at Librarian Avernus Sidh for guaidance. Yet he in turned deffered to Arturian Draco, the young but promising captain and gifted orator and diplomat.


After a lot of deliberation, the possibiltiy of trechery was seriously considered. After all, they were attacked immediately upon enetering the warp and the enemy hit the command structure the hardest, as if knowing exactly where to look.

Not knowing whom to trust the decision was made to rebuild the chapter up to strength and gather intel before contacting the parent chapter or any other imperial institution. Fortunately, the chapter exited the warp at their intended coordiantes and set to work settling on their new homeworld.




Sub-sector Vaynar, located at the outer "bend" of the Centaurus Arm, in the Boardicea Sector. Avalon system is the home of the chapter and the central system in the region, which is relatively peaceful compared to most of the galaxy. The far-flung location of this sub-sector is a double-edged sword. While imperial administration is light and people are far more "free" here, the sector is also more lightly defended and more removed from aid, should things go amiss.


  • Avalon Prime is a lush, terrestrial world, covered in forests, hills and plains. Moderately developed and populated, sprinkled with small towns and villages and a few large cities. The Chapter Monastery is located here.
  • Vixis, a massive jungel moon in the same system, used by the chapter for training. Contains training facilities, a large chapter base and several well-fortified cities (dangerous flora and fauna)
  • Ducis Major, a tectonicly active planet in the neighbor system, heavily mined.
  • Odolan III, a observation and research outpost, repair yard and naval base
  • Van Secundus, a newer forge world that is rapidly expanding. Main supplier of the chapter.






The Phoenix Knights diverge from the Codex Astartes and are generally very liberal with it's interpretation. This is partially due to the circumstances and composition of their forces. The Chapter has been almost destroyed three times, and due to heavy fighting the number of true Astartes has never exceeded over 600. For this reason, the chapter employ false astartes or Guard Exemplar to bolster their strength.

The PK value flexibility and planing above all else and excel in heavy assault and guerilla warfare.

On defense they build smaller, spartan monastaries and rely on mobile defenses rather than static ones. Air and Space superiority is the key to their combat doctrine.

Due to large number of capable personnel and good ties with the AM, they posses a large array of marine equipement.


Their squads consists of 6 space marines and emphasize „more with less“ mentality. The command structure is split so that a seargent controls 5 men. Platoons (4-5 squads,24- 30 men) are commanded by a "Knight-Vigil", and 3-4 knights are commanded over by "Paladins" or company commanders.


Chapter Master (chapter commander or Grand Paladin)

Paladin (company commander)

Knight-Vigil (field commander - commands over a platoon, serves as secondary chaplain)

Knight - (seargent - commands over a squad)


It's worth to note that a Knight-Vigil, sometimes called an Illastor(keeper of the path), in addition to leading a platoon, is also responsible for keeping the morale an faith of his men, effectively serving also the role of a chaplain. As such they are tutored by the Chaplain when they reach their new rank. Although they do not replace a chaplain, they do serve as his right hands.


Due to being well supplied, they put very little to no limitation on equipment, granting it on per-request and mission demands. A whole devastator squad can carry heavy bolters, or every member of the tactical squad carry a different weapon, tough such loadout is usually only allowed for missions of great importance. Every space marine is issued a chainsword as a standard piece of equipment, although some still prefer combat knives. The composition of roles within a company is fluid, and while certain companies have shown greater leaning towards some roles, each marine is expected to excell in any role - tactical, devastator or assault.


Their attacks are precise and methodical, using surprise to it's fullest. Gathering intel before combat and preparing accordingly is vital, so they use a large number of scouts and a veritable army of servo-skulls, and a score of more passive methods. This does mean that they deploy more slowly than most other chapters, although there have been a few instances where laying detailed plans has been abandoned in favor of immediate action, as flexibiltiy is key to their doctrine. The vast armory, inovations, use of Guard Exemplar and intelligence gathering make them into a exceptionally lethal force despite the size.


The Terminator armor is the most prized instrument of war in the Chapter, probably more than in any other. There was one recorded isntance where two entire companies were mobilised to retrieve one such suit from a fallen brother. At this point the Chapter is still light on veichles, but the forge world of Van Secundus has recently finished the production facilities necessary to supply the chapter with them.




PHOENIX KNIGHTS CHAPTER - Chapter Master Arturian Draco
1st company2nd company3rd company4th company

  • Captain Camus Cygnol
  • 2 Terminator squads
  • 2 Dominator squads
  • 2 Tactical squads
  • 2 Devastator squads
  • 4 Honor Guard squads
  • 2 Scout Squads
  • Captain Uriel Soronarr
  • 1 Terminator squad
  • 10 Tactical squads
  • 4 Devastator Squads
  • 4 Assault Squads
  • 2 Scout Squads
  • Captain Percilus Fulgor
  • 1 Terminator squad
  • 4 Tactical squads
  • 10 Devastator Squads
  • 4 Assault Squads
  • 2 Scout Squads
  • Captain Aeolia Fortis
  • 1 Terminator squad
  • 4 Tactical squads
  • 4 Devastator Squads
  • 10 Assault Squads
  • 2 Scout Squads


5th company6th company7th company8th company

  • Captain Lancean
  • 6 Tactical squads
  • 6 Devastator squads
  • 6 Assault squads
  • 14 Scout Squads




Space FleetArmoryLibrariumApothecarium

1x Wrath of the Heavens

2x Battle Barge

6x Strike Cruiser

20x Gunships

Master of the Forge Sartorian

- 24 Tech-marines

- 200 Tech-Priests

- 100 Servitors

- 40 Attack Bike

- 20 Land Speeder

- 20 Rhino

- 20 Razorback

- 10 Predator

- 3 Land Raider

Chief Librarian Avernus Sidh

- 10 Librarians

- 6 Epistolaries

- 6 Codices

Chief Apothacary Oromen

- 20 Apothacaries

- 200 Medics



11th company12th support13'th support14'th support

  • 8 Guard Exemplar squads
  • 2 Exemplar Thorn squads
  • 5 Exemplar squads
  • 5 Exemplar Thorn squads
  • 2 Exemplar squads
  • 8 Exemplar Thorn squads
  • KIA (est. 200 guard)






The Chapters recruitment methods went trough many changes since their begining. Arturian has been re-designing the tests in an effort to push the aspirants to their limits, but not kill them. Medical staff from the Guard are always present during recruitment and consequently, the Phoenix Knights have the lowest recruitment death toll of all the chapters - something that has earned them a reputation of weakness.


While tests vary, straight out duels to the death and gladiatorial free-for-all are not allowed. The recruits are tested for their physical fitness, as well as willpower and intellect. One of the key attributes the PK look for in recruits is a flexible and adaptive mind. The first series of test usually involve dropping the recruits on their training moon and observing their survival techniques as individuals. Later, the same test is repeated, but the recruits are formed into teams and dropped onto the much more dangerous southern continent. There, their leadership and organizations techniques, as well as their flexibility is observed.


All aspirant who survive the tests, but end up not being chosen, are sent to join Imperial Guard or the local PDF with recommendations from the Chapter. With the harsh SM tests behind them, all end up becoming Stormtroopers. Because of this, the local IG forces have a disproportionately high number of stormtroopers within their ranks, something that proved vital in the defense of the sector.


Because of recent high losses, Arturian instituted another change - those that return from the Schola Progenium, can opt to join the chapter in the newly formed companies. They do not receive the gene-seed, but receive the best "normal" genetic augmentations available and are further trained by the Chapter. Once the advanced training is complete, they are given the title of "Guard Exemplar" and modified equipment (such as a heavy carpace armor with an exoskeleton or even power armor). While such a soldier still cannot match a space marine, they are a formidable force, and are used mostly as scouts and fire support. The heavy emphasis given on marksmanship during their training makes them dangerous snipers, and it's not uncommon for the entire company to be be used in that role. Guard Exemplar are treated as part of the Chapter, and as such they follow all the duties and rituals and are also reffered to as battle-brothers.



"A life is a terrible thing to waste....if it can serve the Imperium."


- Chapter Master Arturian Draco






The PK believe in the power of humanity and take every opportunity to advance humanities interests. They mingle with the local populace and appear less pious, spending less time in prayer and rituals. The rituals they do have are very generic and provide no hint of their primarch, focusing instead on the Emperor.


Two rituals that have been added after the Vengance Crusade would be the "flames of vengance" and the "fire of hope". The first is a ritual brazier that is always kept burning, with oil added to intensify the flames before every battle as the Oaths are reafirmed. The second is a challice filled with burning liquid that is exstinguished whenever a marine (or even somene dear to the chapter) dies, and re-ignited soon after with the Chaplain leading the Prayer of Hope.


Recently (after discovering the caches and ancient writings on Vixis) the belief started spreading among the Chapter that the Emperor is an agent or right hand of a greater power, opposed to both Chaos and C'Tan. The battle-brothers keep this quiet, rarely discussing it even among themselves, for they know well the accusatory eye of the inqusistion is ever present.





Prayer of Hope


Chaplain: "Death is an illusion. He who dies for humanity lives forever!"


Marines: "We will rise from the ashes and the flames of our re-birth will burn our foes!"


Chaplain: "Death is not to be feared. To fail humanity, duty and honor is the ultimate fear!"


Marines: "We will keep our oaths, into death and beyond!"


Chaplains: "Hope is the flame imperishalbe that never dies!"


Marines: "And we shall keep it burning, into whatever end awaits!"








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<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">REGENERATION:</strong> Roll a D6 for every unsaved wound. On 5+ the wound is ignored. Cannot be used if STR of weapon is double the Toughness.<br />

OR<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">REGENERATION:</strong> At the end of every turn, roll a D6 for each squad that suffered 1 or more casualties. On a 6, one (and only one) model (player choice) can be brought back into play. Models killed with instant death are not applicable.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">NUMBER LIMITATIONS:</strong><br />

6-man squads - Phoenix Knights SMs operate in 6-man squads. It counts as a 10 man squad for purposes of equipment purchase. These squads cannot be split.<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">A PK army MUST include at least 1 Examplar squad and it cannot field more than 1 dominator squad.</span><br />

<br />


<div style="background-color:#f54d05; background-image:url(<a data-cke-saved-href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif' href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif'>http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif</a>); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; ">UNITS</div>

<br />

<br />

<br />


Dominator Terminator Squad - 325 points

Dominator Terminator445414192+<br />

DominatorTerminator Sgt4454141102+<br />

<br />

<br />

Dominator Terminators are the Elite of the Elite. Donning the sacred Dominator pattern Tactical dreadnought Armor and wielding the best weapons at the chapters disposal, they are a unstoppable force on the battlefield.


<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Dominator Termiantor Seargent</li>

<li>5 Dominator Terminators</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Power Fist</li>

<li>Storm Bolter</li>

<li>Dominator Armor</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Deep Strike</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Up to two terminators can replace their storm bolter with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon +40</li>

<li>Hailstorm A/B +50 points</li>

<li>Storm Shield +5 points</li>

<li>Heavy Flamer +10 points</li>

<li>Thunderhammer +10 points</li>



<li>Any terminator can replace his power fist with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Thundersword +30 points</li>

<li>Chainfist (free)</li>

<li>Thunderhammer +10 points</li>



<li>Any terminator can replace his power fist & storm bolter with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Lightning Claws (free)</li>

<li>2x Storm Botler +10 points</li>



<li>Up to two terminators can equip <span class="bbc_underline">as an extra</span>:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Cyclone missile launcher (not compatible with hailstorm) +30 points</li>




<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Terminator Squad - 240 points

Terminator444414192+<br />

Terminator Sgt4444141102+<br />

<br />

<br />



<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Termiantor Seargent</li>

<li>5 Terminators</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Power Fist</li>

<li>Storm Bolter</li>

<li>Terminator Armor</li>

<li>Power Sword (sgt)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Deep Strike</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Full range of upgrades for Terminators and Assault Termiantors (SM Codex)</li>


<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Tactical Squad - 120 points

Tactical Marine444514183+<br />

Tactical Marine sgt.444514193+<br />

<br />

<br />

Tactical Squads are a staple of any chapter of space marines, but Arturian was always looking for ways to enhance their flexibiltiy in combat. After securing the loyalty of the forge world of Van Secundus, and entire manifactorum was dedicated to producing nothing but special ammunition for the chapter. Because of this, the Phoenix Knights have no Sternguard squads, as the tactical marines fill that role admirably.


<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 SM Seargent</li>

<li>5 Tactical Space Marines</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Combat Knife</li>


<li>Special Issue Ammo</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Any Tactical Marine can replace their bolter with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>combi-flamer, combi-melta, combi-plasma +5 points</li>



<li>Any Tactical Marine can take the following:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>SLAB +5 points</li>

<li>Chainsword +2 points</li>



<li>The seargent can take:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Melta bombs +5 points</li>

<li>Astartes Grenade Launcher +10 points</li>




<br />

<br />

<br />


Devastator Squad - 130 points

Devastator Marine444414183+<br />

Devastator sgt.444414193+<br />

<br />

<br />

Devastators field the heavy weapons of the chapter.


<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 SM Seargent</li>

<li>5 Devastator Space Marines</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Combat Knife</li>


<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>1x Heavy Bolter</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>

<li>Signum (sergent only)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Any Devastator Marine can replace their bolter with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Heavy Bolter, Multi-Melta or Missile Launcher +10</li>

<li>Lascannon +30</li>

<li>Plasma Cannon +20</li>



<li>The Marine Seargent can replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Chainsword - free</li>

<li>Power weapon, plasma pistol, storm bolter +10 points</li>

<li>Power Fist +20 points</li>

<li>combi-melta, combi-flamer, combi-plasma +10 points</li>




<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Guard Exemplar - 150 points

Exemplar Marauder343314183+<br />

Exemplar sgt343314193+<br />

<br />

<br />

Unlike other chapters, the Phoenix Knights have a far higher number of recruits who survive the initiation tests. While only a few will be given the honor of recieving the gene-seed, others are not forgotten. They are trained as stormtroopers, given the best genetic enhacements avialable, and are subjected to more training by a full battle brother. Known as Guard Exemplar (or just Exemplars), they are given special armor and weapons. Like the false astertes of the past, these men join the Chapter as battle-brothers, and are treated as such. Officialy they serve in "support" companies.


<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Exemplar Seargent</li>

<li>9 Exemplars</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Combat Knife</li>

<li>Hot-shot lasgun</li>

<li>Heavy Powered Caprace Armor</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Combat Squad</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Any Exemplar can replace their lasgun with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Bolter +5</li>



<li>Up to 5 Exemplars can take:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Flamer +5 points</li>

<li>Optional Grenade Launcher +5 points</li>

<li>Meltagun +10 points</li>

<li>Plasma Gun +15 points</li>



<li>The Exemplar Seargent can replace his lasgun with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>Chainsword and laspistol - free</li>

<li>Bolter +5 points</li>

<li>Stalker Pattern Bolter +10 points</li>




<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


Exemplar Thorns - 150 points

Exemplar Thorn343314184+<br />

Exemplar sgt343314194+<br />

<br />

<br />

Thorns are Exemplars who prefer the stealthy approach. Their training focuses on marksmanship and stealth. Equipped with long-las rifles, sniper rifles and other long range weapons, as well as camouflage Infiltrator carpace armor, they excell at harrasing the enemy and dissapearing.


<ul class="bbc">





<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Exemplar Seargent</li>

<li>9 Exemplars Thorns</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Combat Knife</li>

<li>Long-Las (Vixis pattern)</li>

<li>Infiltrator Caprace Armor</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Combat Squad</li>






<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Any Exemplar Thorn can replace their long-las with:</li>

<li>Sniper rifle +2 points</li>

<li>Hot-shot lasgun (long reach pattern) +5 points</li>

<li>Cammo cloak +2 points</li>


<br />

<br />

<div style="background-color:#990000; background-image:url(<a data-cke-saved-href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif' href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif'>http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif</a>); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; ">VEICHLES</div>

<br />

<br />


Land Raider Reaper - 260 points

Reaper Pattern141414<br />

<br />

<br />

During the Vengance Crusade, the chapter faced fearce resistance from the orkish hordes. The huge numbers of the enemy proved a large problem, and the stock Land Raider was plauged by being overwhelemed, or running out of ammo. When the Land Raider "Insidious" was lost, it was time to re-think the approach. The chapter needed a veichle capable of fighting huge swarms for extended periods, and capable of retreating swiftly. The tech-mariens of the chapter came up with an answer. Four Multi-lasers were taken from the IG veichles and placed in side-mounted, nimble turrets. The Raiders large generator provided more than enough power for them to work idefinately, thus solving the ammo issue. A twin-linked assault cannon and pindle mounted multi-melta added aditional firepower. Finally, 3 flamers were attached to the front, enabling a brutal charge and clearing the path for a easy retreat. Once deployed, the Repaer proved just how dealdy it was, cutting a swath of unprecedented destruction trough the greenskins. It also proved equally effective agaisnt tyranids later in the vixis Campaign.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Veichle (tank)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Reaper Land Raider</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 twin-linked assautl cannon</li>

<li>2 twin-linked multi-laser turrets (side-mounted)</li>

<li>3x Forward-fixed flamers</li>

<li>Multi-melta (pindle mounted)</li>

<li>Smoke grenade launcher</li>





<ul class="bbc">

<li>Power of the Machine Spirit</li>

<li>Assault Veichle</li>

<li>Independant Targeting</li>




<ul class="bbc">




<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>The Reaper can be equipped with the following extras</li>

<li>extra armor + 15 points</li>

<li>HK missile +10 points</li>


<br />

<p><span class="bbc_underline">Independant Targeting</span> - Each side-mounted multi-laser is treated as independant and can track it's own target.<br />

<br />

<br />

Predator Conquistador - 65 points

Conquistador Pattern131211<br />

<br />

<br />

The staple tank of any space marine force. The Phoenix Knights variant comes with additional options.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Veichle (tank)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Predator Conqustador</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 twin-linked auto-cannon</li>





<ul class="bbc">

<li> </li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li> </li>



<br />

<br />

Extra equipment:</p>

<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>The Predator can be equipped with the following extras

<ul class="bbc">

<li>extra armor +15 points</li>

<li>HK missile +10 points</li>

<li>Dozer Blades +10 points</li>

<li>Side sponsons with heavy bolters +25 points</li>



<li>The Predator can replace his twin-inked auto-cannon with:

<ul class="bbc">

<li>twin-linked Las-cannon +40 points</li>

<li>twin-linked Plasma Cannon +30 points</li>

<li>twin-linked assault-cannon +20 points</li>




<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<div style="background-color:#990000; background-image:url(<a data-cke-saved-href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif' href='http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif'>http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/hq2.gif</a>); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: 8px 2px; padding: 12px 8px 12px 8px; border: 1px solid #DDD; margin-left: 0 auto; text-align: left; color: #fff; text-indent:50px; font-size:130%; ">UNIQUE</div>

<br />


Chapter Master Arturian Draco - 250 points

Arturian Draco5545343103+<br />

<br />

<br />

The current Chapter Master, masterful strategist, diplomat and reformer.<br />

He took the chapter from the ruins of a terrible defeat and lead it, and the whole sub-sector - to new heights. Arturian is a very contraverisal character in the Imperium, and many of his ideas and practices are considered foolish if not downright crazy by other chapters. The combination of remoteness, backing by the Adeptus Mechanics, the chapters popularity among the populace and Arturians own diplomatic skill, have so far enabled him to continue this way.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Arturian Draco</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Blade of Eternal Fire</li>

<li>Phoenix Fury</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>Sword of the Stars</li>

<li>Know Thy Battlefield</li>

<li>Study and Adapt</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Replace Power Armor with Armor of the Phoenix +15 points</li>

<li>Take Jump Pack +20 points</li>

<li>Take Digital Weapons +10 points</li>


<br />

<p><strong class="bbc">Blade of Eternal Fire</strong> - power weapon (STR+2, re-roll wounds)<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Phoenix Fury</strong> - wrist-mounted melta-gun<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Armor of the Phoenix</strong> - artificer power armor with a built in energy shield (Inv save 4+) and medical aid (FeelNoPain)<br />

<br />

<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Sword of the Stars</strong> - Arturian knows full well the value of high ground. And there is no higher ground then space. Taking great pains to secure dominance in space before deploying, he can unleash accurate devastation and drop pod assaults, in no small part thanks to the mighty battleship in his possesion.<br />

<br />

EFFECT: can re-roll drop pod & Orbital Bombardment distance rolls (in case of scatter). Cannot re-roll scatter dice. Can use Orbital Bombardment 2 times.<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Know Thy Battlefield</strong> - Arturian does not deploy before gathering extensive intel and making plans. Each marine in his army is well aware of the terrain and his duties.<br />

<br />

EFFECT:all units in the army threat dangerous terrain as difficult. DS units do not roll for dangerous terrain on arrival.<br />

<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Study & Adapt</strong> - Studying the enemy is key to victory.<br />

<br />

EFFECT: Arturian and the unit it's attached to get a +1 to wound against an enemy unit, but only if that unit has been in play for 3 turns and attacked.<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Orbital Bombardment</strong><br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Uriel Soronar - 2nd Company Captain- 250 points

Uriel Ignis6545343103+<br />

<br />

<br />

Taken under Dracos wing, Uriel showed to be an exceptional commander, who used both conventional and unconventional tactics and weapons to great effect. He demonstrated even greater regenerative properties, and his gene-seed was taken by Mage Antuiquis, to prepare the next generation of Phoenix Knights marines. After his brilliant defense of Vixis, he was made captain of the 2nd company.<br />

While not as learned in diplomacy as Arturian, Uriel has shown to be very flexible and highly adaptive, always looking to improve the chapters effectiveness. He often spends time with the techmarines and is the brainchild of the Hurricane and SLAB.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Uriel Soronar</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Heavens Fury</li>

<li>Blazing Vengance</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>From the Ashes</li>


<li>Eternal Warrior</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +15 points</li>

<li>Take Jump Pack +25 points</li>


<br />

<br />

<p><strong class="bbc">Heavens Fury</strong> - Relic ThunderSword (power weapon, STR +3, -1 to enemy inv save)<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Blazing Vengance</strong> - wrist-mounted bolt pistol with special-issue ammo choices<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">From the Ashes</strong> - Uriel seems to gain new vigor and strength when things seem the darkest.<br />

EFFECT: If Uriel is reduced to 1 wound but doesn't die, he gains +1 STR, +1 A untill the unit that wounded him is destroyed. If he dies, roll a D6. On 5+ he returns to play with 1 wound left (can only be used once).<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Flexible</strong> - units in the squad led by Uriel can exchange their weapons during ther movement phase, as long as the same point total (or less) is preserved. They may not move after that.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Aeolia Fortis - 4th Company Captain- 225 points

Aeolia Fortis6445363103+<br />

<br />

<br />

Aeolia was born and raised in Hive City underworld. His older brother became a space marine 10 years before him and died valiantly fighting the chaos hordes. Aspireing to follow in his footsteps, Aeolia was eager to be recruited. He excelled in the training and quickly made his way to a full battle-brother. After several years of service he attained the rank of assault squad seargent. His next mission revealed his incredible profficiency in this role. The massacre during the Day of Lament awoken the slumbering lion and the orks witessed his fury, to their horror. With 12 other mariens he butchered his way trough the ork hordes, single handedly taking out 3 killa-cans one after another, and decapitating the leading Nob in a comicly short fight, demonstrating speed and ferocity far above his bretheren. Aeolia was made a captain after that and given command of a company that favors assaults.<br />

<br />

Aeolia venerates his older brother almost as much as Arturian and the Emperor. The dictates of honor are ingraved deeply into his very core. While normaly a calm and pleasant individual, if his ire is ignited it has proven to be terrible indeed. In the years that followed, Aeolia mentored many other marines and mastered unusual weapon combinations in combat.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Aeolia Fortis</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Lions Claw</li>

<li>Sword of Ire</li>

<li>Wrist-mounted bolt-pistol</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>

<li>Jump Pack</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>Overwhelming assault</li>

<li>Honor or Death</li>

<li>Lions Fury</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Replace bolt pistol with flamer +15 points</li>


<br />

<br />

<p><span class="bbc_underline">WARGEAR:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Lions Claw</strong> - master crafted lighting claw (Rending)<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Sword of Ire </strong>- power sword (counts as +1 attack)<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Overwhelming Assault</strong> - Speed and ferocity are key to victory. Aeolia pushes his brothers to strike with blinding speed.<br />

EFFECT: All marines in Aeolias squad get 1 extra attack when first assaulting an enemy.<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Lions Fury</strong> - Nothing ignites the Fury of Aoilia like the death of many honorable brothers. He is possesed by a savegry and frenzy of uninmaginable proportions.<br />

EFFECT: If 50% of forces are lost, or if the squad Aeolia is attached to falls, Aeolia gets an additional D6 for movement OR assault phase, and re-rolls failed hits<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Camus Cygnol - 1st Company Captain- 210 points

Camus Cygnol5545252103+<br />

<br />

<br />

Captain of the 1st company, Camus is an individual of exceptional calm and self-control. Such is his calming presence in battle, then no squad under his command has ever broken, and he is often jokingly referred as "Servitor Captain" due to his never-flinching voice.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Camus Cygno</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Touch of Winter</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>

<li>Krak and Frag grenades</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>Aura of Calm</li>

<li>Bolter Drill</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +25 points</li>

<li>Replace Touch of Winter with power axe and bolt-pistol (free)</li>


<br />

<br />

<p><span class="bbc_underline">WARGEAR:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Touch of Winter</strong> - A modified flamer that doesn't use prometheum, but unleashes coolant at almost absolute zero temperatures. Uses normal Flamer template with STR4 and AP6. Units that are hit have their movement halved for the rest of the turn, even if they avoided damage. Initiative suffers a -1 penalty.<br />

<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Aura of Calm</strong> - Camus is unshakable and never falters. His clam manner inspires all beside him.<br />

EFFECT: All units in 24" of Camus automaticly pass all pinning and morale tests.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Aldar DeTauro - Terminator Champion - 210 points

Bovius Aldebar5555242102+<br />

<br />

<br />

Weather by a fluke in his gene-seed or his own genetics, Bovius is a gaint even among space marines. A custom terminator armor has been made specificly for him, and he wars it with pride. A man of few words he prefers to let his actions speak - or in most cases, his weapons. He can carry the biggest of guns with ease and leads the 3rd company with destinction.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Aldar DeTauro</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Khares Pattern Assault Cannon</li>

<li>Terminator Armor</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>Master of Devastation</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Take Cyclone Missile Launcher +25 points</li>

<li>Replace Assault Cannon with Heavy Flamer (free)</li>

<li>Replace Assault Cannon with Multi-Melta +5 points</li>


<br />

<br />

<br />

<p><span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Master of Devastation</strong> - Bovius is relentless, and he trains his men to follow his example<br />

EFFECT: All units in Boviuses squad gain the Relentless special rule.<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Giant among giants</strong> - Boviouses sheer size makes him incredibly ressilient and deadly in close combat, but also a bigger target.<br />

EFFECT: Bovious gets +1 STR and T (included in the table), but enemies get a +1 bonus to hit when attacking him.<br />

<br />

<br />

Avernus Sidh - Chief Librarian- 210 points

Avernus Sidh5555343103+<br />

<br />

<br />

Avernus is the oldest marine and the mightiest psyker in the chapter. It was he who was supposed to become chapter Master, but he supported Arturian instead, preffering to devote himself to his studies. He spends most of his time teaching the younger psykers of the chapter in the secrets of the warp, and in deep mediation. Has unparaleled mastery of pyrokinesis.


<ul class="bbc">

<li>Unique (HQ)</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>1 Avernus Sidh</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>Blade of Woe</li>

<li>Power Armor</li>

<li>Iron Halo</li>

<li>Hood of Hellfire</li>




<ul class="bbc">

<li>And They Shall Know No Fear</li>

<li>Combat Tactics</li>

<li>Independant Character</li>

<li>Fortress of Mind</li>

<li>Psychic Explosion</li>




<ul class="bbc">



<li>Land Raider</li>

<li>Drop Pod</li>



<br />

<br />


<ul class="bbcol decimal">

<li>Replace Power Armor with Artificer Armor +15 points</li>

<li>Take Jet Pack +25 points</li>


<br />

<br />

<p><span class="bbc_underline">WARGEAR:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Blade of Woe</strong> - A maser-crafted force Halbead with a built-in storm bolter.<br />

<br />

<span class="bbc_underline">SPECIAL RULES:</span><br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Fortress of Mind</strong> - Avernus has turned his mind into a fortress that few attacks can breach.<br />

EFFECT: When making saves agasint psychic/warp based attack, Avernus gets a +1 bonus to the roll.<br />

<br />

<strong class="bbc">Wisdom of Ages</strong> - Avernus is over 700 years old and as the chief Librarian, he is a power to be reckoned with.<br />

EFFECT: Avernus can know 3 standard and 3 PK-specific psyker powers. He can use 2 powers per turn.</p>


Hailstorm A/B - Looking to improve upon the deadliness of termianators, Uriel and the tech-marines of the chapter came up with a new idea after fighting the tau, and witnessing their railgun suits in action. The chapter already had mighty guns, and weapons were already mounted on the shoulders of terminators before (Cyclone), so the attempt was made to do the same with assault cannons. The wight and balance problems weren't solved untill the Dominator pattern Tactical Dreadnought Armor was introduced. It's extra strength and ressilience made it a perfect platform for heh Hailstorm weapon system.

A variant : Two shoulder-mounted assault cannons. Terminator must not move in order to fire. (-1 to hit rolls)
B variant: Two shoulder-mounted multi-lasers. Terminator must not move in order to fire. (-1 to hit rolls)

SLAB is basically a large curved armor plate on a single wheel, that is used as mobile cover. Made out of several layer of ceramite and a rubber-like substance, reinforced by a energy field, it's pushed forward by a space marine like a giant shield. There are half-circle shaped gaps on each side, enabling a marine to aim and shoot a bolt pistol or rifle trough it. Multiple SLAB's can be linked together, forming a shield wall, much like the ancient romans did. Some enterprising marines further modified it, by attaching holders for various pistols and grenades on the inner side of the shield.

Gives unit cover 4+ and Inv save 6. Models with SLAB cannot take heavy weapons and cannot run.

Thundersword - A relic weapon, found in an old bunker, along with plans for it. It's a large, two-handed power-sword that uses ThunderHammer technology. It is exceptionally powerful, but difficult to produce. As it has better speed and balance compared to the ThunderHammer while almost as much power, it is the preferred weapon of PK terminators, who use it one-handed.

Power weapon, +3 STR, -2 I. Enemy initative reduced by 1 on a sucesfull wound.

Dominator Armor - A re-inforced terminator armor, incorporating a built-in defensive field generator and a small but powerfull singe-shot laser. Exceptionally rare and expensive.

2+ armor save, inv save is 4+, built in laserpistol (counts as aditional CC weapon during the first round of melee combat).

Smoke Grenade Launcher - a single squad that ends it's movement 12' from the raider counts as cover 4+


Ressilience - range 24". When a firendly model recieves a fatal wound, declare use of this power. Roll a D6. On 4+ the wound does not take effect. Only a single wound can be countered.

Endelss Vigour - range 12". Target a friendly squad or unit. Roll a D6. They get aditional movement equal to what you rolled untill the end of your turn. The aditional movments applies to every time the unit moves - this includes movement phase, running in a shooting phase and assaulting.

Disrupt - shooting attack, range 12". If it hits, all enemy saves are done with -1 penalty for the rest of the turn. Can affect squads (but only one kind of save. Declare which).

Flight of the Phoenix - Special psyker power. Requires Jetpack to work. The Librarian lifts his hands and conjures 2 wings of fire to sprout form them. He then takes into the air towards the enemy (up to a maximum distance of 12"). Upon landing he swings his arms forward, the wings of white-hot fire blanketing the field in front.
Take 3 Flamer templates and place them side by side, facing forward (you should get a thick forward cone) to determine what gets hit. All untis are hit as is by a flamer.
This is a very demanding power, hence when the perils of the warp test is taken ANY double roll means something has gone bad.

Psychic Exsplosion - If sorrounded, the Librarian unleash an explosion of psychic energy from his body
EFFECT: Place a 6" blast template on the psyker. Everyone caught within is affected by STR5, AP5 attack and must make a Tank Shock test.
I haven't had a proper look but..... 1. Is the thundersword supposed to have an effect on a saved wound or unsaved wound? 2. These guys are all toughness 5 and have no drawback (increasing points is not a good enough drawback for a entirely T5 army, and they're toughness bonus should be like a bike where they still get instant death from S8 weapons) and 3. Tactical squads with special issue ammunition is way too powerful.

1. I must claritfy that. The Thundersword has the same effect as the thudnerhammer (except it doesn't double STR and reduce Initiative to 1). Atm it has no stun effect on veichles, that might make it too good.


2. I really don't know how to better show increased regeneration capabiltiies better than with toughness. And why wouldn't increased point cost be a proper counter-balance?


3. Why? No one uses Sternguard anyway, as they're too expensive. The way I set them up, tactical squads don't carry heavy weapons at all.

  TrashMan said:
1. I must claritfy that. The Thundersword has the same effect as the thudnerhammer (except it doesn't double STR and reduce Initiative to 1). Atm it has no stun effect on veichles, that might make it too good.

What I meant was that in your wargear section it says it has a thunder hammer effect on a saved wound. Also the way it is. It is way better then any other weapon (it gives a higher strengh bonus then a relic blade and teducibg the enemy to initiative 1 while your still swing ing at I5. It would probably cost about 45/50 points but people would still take it because it's awesome).


  TrashMan said:
2. I really don't know how to better show increased regeneration capabiltiies better than with toughness. And why wouldn't increased point cost be a proper counter-balance?

How about you use feel no pain instead? It's fluffy, not quite as powerful, can be balanced by points fairly and fits regeneration even better. That's my opinion anyway.


  TrashMan said:
3. Why? No one uses Sternguard anyway, as they're too expensive. The way I set them up, tactical squads don't carry heavy weapons at all.

Hmmmm. I guess having no heavy weapons does kind of even it out and you've increased points and suppose you're fluff fits... I think you should increase the points further, mane each model worth 20? points for it. And it's called Secial Issue Ammunition and it only works with bolters (so Uriel can't have it unless he has bolter).

After having a better look I also realized you gave your chapter master WS5. Is there a reason fir that or is it just a typo?

  Coryphaus 101 said:
What I meant was that in your wargear section it says it has a thunder hammer effect on a saved wound. Also the way it is. It is way better then any other weapon (it gives a higher strengh bonus then a relic blade and teducibg the enemy to initiative 1 while your still swing ing at I5. It would probably cost about 45/50 points but people would still take it because it's awesome).


An error on my part. It should be "unsaved wound causes reeling".

Hm...better add Intiative (-1) to it. And reeling reduces enemy initiative by -1 (or 2), insted of dropping it to 1.



  TrashMan said:
2. I really don't know how to better show increased regeneration capabiltiies better than with toughness. And why wouldn't increased point cost be a proper counter-balance?

How about you use feel no pain instead? It's fluffy, not quite as powerful, can be balanced by points fairly and fits regeneration even better. That's my opinion anyway.


True, but it makes Apothacaries worthless.




Hmmmm. I guess having no heavy weapons does kind of even it out and you've increased points and suppose you're fluff fits... I think you should increase the points further, mane each model worth 20? points for it. And it's called Secial Issue Ammunition and it only works with bolters (so Uriel can't have it unless he has bolter).

After having a better look I also realized you gave your chapter master WS5. Is there a reason fir that or is it just a typo?


Ya.. 5 Sternguard cost 125. Any any time I fielded them they got butchered. A full sternguard squad with combi-meltas/flamers (anti veichle, anti-infantry) is 300 points.

120 points for a 6-man squad? Hmmm.... Not sure..not sure.



And no, not a typo.

Arturian is more of a thinker. Most other Chapter Masters should be able to defeat him.

that's why he gets that nifty Special Rule to use his intelect..Batman like. If he has time to prepare... ;)

They way I figure the points is this: Vanguard Veterans (who have nothing except a better profile cost 20 points. Heroic Intervention is included in the price go a jump pack). Sternguard cost 5 points more and they're only bonus is SIA. The safest way to make homegrown rules I to stick to prices already set on place by GW. So by my reckoning 20 points is cheap (especially considering they have T5/Feel No Pain).


For the Feel No Pain making Apothecaries redundant maybe you can change. Have the Apothecaries instead being more scientists then beakers and so giving their squad Poisoned close combat attacks or something like that.

  Coryphaus 101 said:
They way I figure the points is this: Vanguard Veterans (who have nothing except a better profile cost 20 points. Heroic Intervention is included in the price go a jump pack). Sternguard cost 5 points more and they're only bonus is SIA. The safest way to make homegrown rules I to stick to prices already set on place by GW. So by my reckoning 20 points is cheap (especially considering they have T5/Feel No Pain).


Yeah, I understand. 120 points would make em balanced with the current prices. My point was that almost no one uses sternguard as they don't think they're worth it.

So I'm trying to not only balance it to GW, but potentially fix any balance issues they have - make everythin atttractive enough to use.

For now I'll up their cost, unless I think of something better.



For the Feel No Pain making Apothecaries redundant maybe you can change. Have the Apothecaries instead being more scientists then beakers and so giving their squad Poisoned close combat attacks or something like that.



Hm...this might not be a bad idea at all.


Or having apothacaries give an ADITIONAL FeelNoPain! B)


No wait!

Maybe a new rule.

REGENERATION - RE-rolls are allowed on any un-saved wound, except those wounds caused by weapons who's STR is double the tougness.

Cleand up a bit... Added Psyker Power and Chapter Organization ....have a lot mroe editing to do to this thing.


Anyone got a better name for hte super-termies? I love vindicator, but it's already taken by that tank...so maybe something else to avoid confusion?

  TrashMan said:
For the Feel No Pain making Apothecaries redundant maybe you can change. Have the Apothecaries instead being more scientists then beakers and so giving their squad Poisoned close combat attacks or something like that.



Hm...this might not be a bad idea at all.


Or having apothacaries give an ADITIONAL FeelNoPain! :D


No wait!

Maybe a new rule.

REGENERATION - RE-rolls are allowed on any un-saved wound, except those wounds caused by weapons who's STR is double the tougness.

Yes that works. It's not quite as powerful as feel no pain (meaning it'll cheaper) but still has a nice little effect and fits your fluff perfectly. Just add to rules that attacks that invite armour saves don't let you take it either. Now the easiest (and cheapest) way to balance this is to add a disadvantage. So what does your chapter not do well?


For the Terminators... Alpha, Omega, Delta, Strato, Absolver, Annihilater, Peacemaker. Theres a billion names you can use. Pick one. Search google or something for cool tank names

  Coryphaus 101 said:
  TrashMan said:
For the Feel No Pain making Apothecaries redundant maybe you can change. Have the Apothecaries instead being more scientists then beakers and so giving their squad Poisoned close combat attacks or something like that.



Hm...this might not be a bad idea at all.


Or having apothacaries give an ADITIONAL FeelNoPain! :)


No wait!

Maybe a new rule.

REGENERATION - Re-rolls are allowed on any un-saved wound, except those wounds caused by weapons who's STR is double the tougness.

Yes that works. It's not quite as powerful as feel no pain (meaning it'll cheaper) but still has a nice little effect and fits your fluff perfectly. Just add to rules that attacks that invite armour saves don't let you take it either. Now the easiest (and cheapest) way to balance this is to add a disadvantage. So what does your chapter not do well?


Fluff-wise? Grow. Which is why they use Exemplars.

But that's hard to put into rules in any other way other than points..or maybe force the army composition by having a exemplar squad or two as a requirement to field an army. Meaning you are forces to take some less-awesome troops.


Hm..note that I'd say it's more powerfull than FNP, as that one has many exceptions (like power weapons, AP1 and AP2 weapons). I also don't see why armor saves would prevent it..i'ts for failed saves after all. And for SM's there is really no save used other than armor save (and raraely a cover save). Sicne SM's almsot always use armor save, that would make it useless again.



For the Terminators... Alpha, Omega, Delta, Strato, Absolver, Annihilater, Peacemaker. Theres a billion names you can use. Pick one. Search google or something for cool tank names


Omega Terimators? Hmm...not bad..a bit cheesy, but almsot everything is.. Will think about it a bit more.




I'm also curious what you think abotu Psyker powers (tehy're at the bottom of hte Codex)

Honestly, the vast majority of the units here seem too cheap and have far, far too many buffs or special rules. I appreciate you want your chapter to be special but you've gone completely overboard with it.


Eternal Flame is unnecessary. Not only is it slightly ridiculous ingame, but the mechanic is clumsy and awkward to keep track of. I would honestly just remove it. At the very least, make it work on a squad-level rather than per-model.

The regeneration is far too much. T5 is Daemon Prince levels of resilience, something that no Tactical has any right to. I would maybe allow Feel no Pain (5+) at the cost of Combat Tactics.

Really, asking for Eternal Flame, Regeneration and Combat Tactics, all as USRs, is too much. Pick one and people will be far more likely to accept it.


Tacticals swapping heavy weaponry for Special Issue ammo is a fairis swap, provided there is a price increase. I would think 20pts for a Tactical with SIA and FNP(5+) would be reasonable, although that would be higher if you insist on keeping Combat Tactics and / or Eternal Flame.


Not sure why Terminators have upgraded from a single Assault Cannon, to 3 of them including a Kheres. There is a line between cool and ridiculous, and you cross it when a model is spitting 14 S6 Rending shots each turn.

I'm not sure what makes the Vindicators so special, but again you have too many toys to represent any reasonable Marine unit. I think the best you can hope for is treating them as an Honour-Guard level unit, and giving them a 4++ save. WS5 is a better value than S5 for elite-ness. Again, please drop the shoulder-mounted gear and dual wielding, or tone it down significantly. Also not entirely sure why every Terminator is packing a Power Sword, considering they don't actually have enough hands. Remember they can't take off those Power Fists and so the Sword would have to replace the Storm Bolter.


Devastators are far, far too cheap, essentially gaining T5 and a Heavy Bolter while still costing *less* than everyone elses Tacticals. Again, FNP(5+) and a Heavy Bolter for about 22pts each seems reasonable enough, so maybe 130pts for a squad of 6.


Exemplars are suprisingly reasonable, although the Save needs to come down. They are Stormtroopers, and the majority of non-Marine armies consider a 4+ as very respectable.



Overall, everything suffers from wanting to be 'a special snowflake'. We all love our own Chapters but its extremely important to know when to stop. People will enjoy the army and concept a lot more if its reasonably costed, well thought out and at least pretends its a Marine, rather than bolting on every rule under the sun.


Sorry if I come across as harsh, I'm only trying to help you with this.

I like monkey chunks idea of Feel No Pain (5+). That way it's fluffy, uses already established rules (sort of) and isn't too powerful. I also agree that most things need a bit of a tone down.


On the Physic Powers, 1. 16" is not practical. Measurements are always, always in multiples if 6", 2. Why do Daemons get a -2 when everyone else only gets -1? That pretty much cancels out there save, 3. (about disrupt again) make it only last one turn, making it last the whole game is way to powerful and 4. Make more! I want to see more!

  Monkeychunks said:
Honestly, the vast majority of the units here seem too cheap and have far, far too many buffs or special rules. I appreciate you want your chapter to be special but you've gone completely overboard with it.


Eternal Flame is unnecessary. Not only is it slightly ridiculous ingame, but the mechanic is clumsy and awkward to keep track of. I would honestly just remove it. At the very least, make it work on a squad-level rather than per-model.

The regeneration is far too much. T5 is Daemon Prince levels of resilience, something that no Tactical has any right to. I would maybe allow Feel no Pain (5+) at the cost of Combat Tactics.

Really, asking for Eternal Flame, Regeneration and Combat Tactics, all as USRs, is too much. Pick one and people will be far more likely to accept it.


Good point.

Making eternal flame squad-based is a far better idea. Teh question is what cost should I add to it?

Replacing T5 with antoehr mechanic is something I'm trying to do.


I welecome any ideas you have as to how to make it work.



Tacticals swapping heavy weaponry for Special Issue ammo is a fairis swap, provided there is a price increase. I would think 20pts for a Tactical with SIA and FNP(5+) would be reasonable, although that would be higher if you insist on keeping Combat Tactics and / or Eternal Flame.


Ah..forgot to update.. The price is 120, which is 20 per marine.

Good you caught that.



Not sure why Terminators have upgraded from a single Assault Cannon, to 3 of them including a Kheres. There is a line between cool and ridiculous, and you cross it when a model is spitting 14 S6 Rending shots each turn.


That's..2 assault cannons, not 3. I'll have to run tests to see if the price is OK.


If you're reffering to hailstorm, it can't be fired while moving (not even by terminators) and has a to-hit penatly, and it's expensive.. that should balance it.



I'm not sure what makes the Vindicators so special, but again you have too many toys to represent any reasonable Marine unit. I think the best you can hope for is treating them as an Honour-Guard level unit, and giving them a 4++ save. WS5 is a better value than S5 for elite-ness. Again, please drop the shoulder-mounted gear and dual wielding, or tone it down significantly. Also not entirely sure why every Terminator is packing a Power Sword, considering they don't actually have enough hands. Remember they can't take off those Power Fists and so the Sword would have to replace the Storm Bolter.


Power sword is seargnet only. Should have clarified that.


Vindicators (name will change) are the best the chapter has, which is why only they get the special toys. As to where the toys comes from - that's explained in the chapter fluff. It's nothign revolutionary - just re-purposing existing gear.


And why not duel-wield thunderhamers? Is there anything physical preventing a termiantor from doing so? You pay for each seperately AND loose the protection gained by the storm shield.


Devastators are far, far too cheap, essentially gaining T5 and a Heavy Bolter while still costing *less* than everyone elses Tacticals. Again, FNP(5+) and a Heavy Bolter for about 22pts each seems reasonable enough, so maybe 130pts for a squad of 6.


You're right. Devastators weren't very usefull in my games (or it could have jsut been my dicre rolls). The price has to go up considerably. I don't know what hte hell I was thinking there.....



Exemplars are suprisingly reasonable, although the Save needs to come down. They are Stormtroopers, and the majority of non-Marine armies consider a 4+ as very respectable.


I'll have to run a test game or two to balance the price. 4+ might be too much, but they're supposed to have better armor than stormtroopers. They are False Astartes..

Ups...Exemplar Thorns are supposed to have 4+ armor. They are lighter.



Overall, everything suffers from wanting to be 'a special snowflake'. We all love our own Chapters but its extremely important to know when to stop. People will enjoy the army and concept a lot more if its reasonably costed, well thought out and at least pretends its a Marine, rather than bolting on every rule under the sun.


Sorry if I come across as harsh, I'm only trying to help you with this.


No problem. We all need wakeup calls sometimes.

  Coryphaus 101 said:
I like monkey chunks idea of Feel No Pain (5+). That way it's fluffy, uses already established rules (sort of) and isn't too powerful. I also agree that most things need a bit of a tone down.


Yeah, that's a good idea.

Have to look a bit more into FNP, IIRC, there are many instances where a FNP save is not allowed. I might want a simpler rule.


Something like "For every unsaved wound, if weapon STR is not double T, roll a D6. On 5+ the wound is ignored."



On the Physic Powers, 1. 16" is not practical. Measurements are always, always in multiples if 6", 2. Why do Daemons get a -2 when everyone else only gets -1? That pretty much cancels out there save, 3. (about disrupt again) make it only last one turn, making it last the whole game is way to powerful and 4. Make more! I want to see more!


Good point. Range 12"


And Disrupt is upposed to only last 1 turn. Better yet...I could make it only last untill the end of the PHASE.

1. You have the Thundersword saying it applies the negative Intivitave bonus on a saved wound.2. Uriel cannot have special ammo in a bolt pistol (he can have one type if you say something like: this bolt pistol ignores covers saves or this bolt pistol wounds on 2+ etc. But special issue ammunition is Bolters only).


Apart from that there's a few typos. By the way I love the look of your marines.

  Coryphaus 101 said:
1. You have the Thundersword saying it applies the negative Intivitave bonus on a saved wound.2.


Yes? Makes sense to me. The sword failed to wound, but the impact leaves the target reeling.

Still thinking if I should make the penalty cumulative....



Uriel cannot have special ammo in a bolt pistol (he can have one type if you say something like: this bolt pistol ignores covers saves or this bolt pistol wounds on 2+ etc. But special issue ammunition is Bolters only).


Bolt Pitol and BoltGun use the same ammo technicly.

But for simplicity, let's just call this a modified pistol (or the ammo made specificly for it) :D



Apart from that there's a few typos. By the way I love the look of your marines.



Typos! My immortal enemy!


Love that oy love hte looks. Been trying dozen of combinations...still no sure if this is THE final one, but I like it the best so far. You can see a few other combos here:


  TrashMan said:
  Coryphaus 101 said:
1. You have the Thundersword saying it applies the negative Intivitave bonus on a saved wound.2.


Yes? Makes sense to me. The sword failed to wound, but the impact leaves the target reeling.

Still thinking if I should make the penalty cumulative....

Things do not happen on a saved wound. It makes it too overpowered. It means that they either get hurt or get knocked out so it's easier for you to hit them next time. It would make sense if the Thunderhammer did something on a saved wound but it doesn't because that's too overpowered.


Uriel cannot have special ammo in a bolt pistol (he can have one type if you say something like: this bolt pistol ignores covers saves or this bolt pistol wounds on 2+ etc. But special issue ammunition is Bolters only).


Bolt Pitol and BoltGun use the same ammo technicly.

But for simplicity, let's just call this a modified pistol (or the ammo made specificly for it) ;)

Yes, they use the same ammo type but they can't use special issue ammo. It says so specifically in C:SM.


Apart from that there's a few typos. By the way I love the look of your marines.



Typos! My immortal enemy!


Love that oy love hte looks. Been trying dozen of combinations...still no sure if this is THE final one, but I like it the best so far. You can see a few other combos here:


Haha so true. I agree with you on the colour scheme, this one is the best so far.


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