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Stormraven Embark/Disembark


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Hi all.


An unusual question that came up recently due to the SR being the only 'standard' (non-apoc) vehicle in the game that carries two units - a squad and a dreadnought.


During the movement phase I first moved my Dread within two inches of the SR base and embarked him. The SR then moved 12" before unloading the squad it already had on board into combat.


Is this O.K in everyones opinion? The question came from is a transport allowed to have units embark/disembark same turn? The same unit cannot do both (in, move, out) as far as I'm aware but the units in the SR are separate (Unit A in, move, Unit B out).


We played it after checking the rules and finding nothing against it. I ask as I head to my first ever tournament tomorrow and don't want people to be questioning any 'suspect' tactics!

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Would have to agree here- the rules prevent a given unit from both embarking and disembarking in the same turn- this is specific to the unit that is entering/leaving a transport, not the transport itself. The Stormraven's dual capacity is actually irrelevant here- you are allowed to, for example, disembark a squad from a Rhino, drive it 12", and then jump another squad in.


The important thing to remember is that no UNIT may both enter and leave a transport in one turn. (You also can't "split" your movement before and after a unit embarks, but that's usually not a mistake people make.)

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