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Storn Raven conversion made easy?!


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It seems there is an extension mod coming out for the Storm Raven:







Excellent, saves me the trouble (and £) of getting that caestus.


Along with the Dreadknight and Canis Wolfborn the Storm Raven has to be one of the silliest things to come out of GW since 3rd ed Dark Eldar.

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It's just obv a model that has very much not so much a love/hate thing but a hate/I like it enough to use it thing going for it, just thought may be some folks who would be interested in it. I personally can't tell if the wings are the right proportion or not from these pics, but the grapple for the dread is interesting. Need to see more pics really...
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I don't think they did any mods to the wings, just extended the fuselage.


Yeah that's all it looks like. It's just hard to tell from those pics if the body is now too big for the wings it comes with. The side on pic doesn't give much away in terms of proportions of width.

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I bought one of the pre-ordered kits they had available a while back and built the model. Absolutely love it, and get a lot of compliments on it when I go gaming. I think the wings still fit the proportions just fine. The total wingspan is still a little longer than the (extended) fuselage, not counting the tail fin. Kinda makes it look more like a shuttlecraft than an oddly-proportioned bird, so I'm all for it. That and the huge counts-as "twin-linked assault cannon" made from an IG punisher cannon might discourage any negative comments. :)
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