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It's Hammer time!


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What kind of symbol should it be? What is it supposed to say about your marines?

Some variations of the usual stuff might work:

Gauntlet holding hammer

Hammer in flames

Hammer inside of comet

Hammer over crossed lightning bolts

Hammer on anvil (like here)

Hammer with a halo

Hammer in circle

Hammers crossed

Hammer crossed with another symbol of significance (tongs, key?)

Hammer on shield

Hammer behind skull

Hammer with wings

Hammer with one wing (like here)


Most of these will be easy to paint. Just break down the general shape into squares, triangles or circles and find a comfortable way to construct it from these. The usual tips for freehands apply: practice on paper, little helping lines or dots (for your crosses, sqares etc.) help a lot, cleaning the lines up afterwards will make it look nicer.


I have a marine with a hammer symbol on his shoulder on my painting table right know myself. :blink:

The dwarf shields are great I really appreciate that link.


Also you listed hammer and tongs which gave me another idea. I wear this symbol with my rank hammer and tongs


I have painted a Mjolnir on my termie banner but it wasn't quite right. They're a Crimson Fists successor (at the moment) so I may try a hammer in a fist.

Guess I'll just do a load of shoulder pads and try em all out :-)


Thanks again for the loan of your imagination.


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