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Need som help starting a new army


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I am starting to brainstorm a Thousand Sons, post heresy, count as Grey Knights army, with the hope of moving it over to the new Legion Codex if/when it comes out. Right now this is starting as a Draigo-wing list just to keep the model count low. My big thing right now is to decide if I want to use Chaos terminator arms and weapons or Grey Knight terminator arms. Here is what I plan on doing conversion wise so far. For Paladins/Chosen Terminators I would use the resin Thousand Sons parts that can be found on ebay from time to time. For Grey Knight/Rubic Terminators I would use Scibor Egyptian bits and rubic heads. Along with those general plans I will be taking bits and weapons from the new Tomb Kings to keep with the Egyptian theme.


Now back to the arms question. If I use Chaos arms it would be easy to have Heavy Flamer count as Incinerator; Autocannon count as Psycannon; and Assault cannon count as Psilencer. This would make it easier to move back to a Chaos codex, minus the assault cannons, and keep with a strong Chaos association. Like I said this is just some brainstorming so nothing is set yet. Comments are greatly welcomed.

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I am starting to brainstorm a Thousand Sons, post heresy, count as Grey Knights army, with the hope of moving it over to the new Legion Codex if/when it comes out. Right now this is starting as a Draigo-wing list just to keep the model count low. My big thing right now is to decide if I want to use Chaos terminator arms and weapons or Grey Knight terminator arms. Here is what I plan on doing conversion wise so far. For Paladins/Chosen Terminators I would use the resin Thousand Sons parts that can be found on ebay from time to time. For Grey Knight/Rubic Terminators I would use Scibor Egyptian bits and rubic heads. Along with those general plans I will be taking bits and weapons from the new Tomb Kings to keep with the Egyptian theme.


Now back to the arms question. If I use Chaos arms it would be easy to have Heavy Flamer count as Incinerator; Autocannon count as Psycannon; and Assault cannon count as Psilencer. This would make it easier to move back to a Chaos codex, minus the assault cannons, and keep with a strong Chaos association. Like I said this is just some brainstorming so nothing is set yet. Comments are greatly welcomed.



Well, I use magnets on all my terminator arms and I think it would work well for what you plan on doing. So, my suggestion is to use both.


On the upside

Twin-linked Bolter = Storm Bolter

Chaos Terminator Power Mace like weapon = Demon Hammer

Chaos Terminator Power Sword like weapon = Force Halbred

Chaos Terminator Power Staff like weapon = Force Staff


I think a better way to attack this issue might be to figure out what Grey Knights you want to run the determine the models afterwards.... for instance Nemsis Dreadknight could be used as a Demon Prince, or a Defiler if done in a certain way.



Myself, I couldn't do the Thousand Sons approach with Grey Knights as I really like Grey Knight Strike Squads and nothing fits those models.... Personally, I dislike Incinerators and Psilencer's as well so I wouldn't even consider those....

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Well right now the army will just be terminator models and a dreadknight. For the dreadknight I am going to convert a warsphinx, It should be able to count as dreadknight or defiler. From what I have been reading on Grey Knight tactics I need to take as many psycannons as I can. Because of this I not to worried about count as for the other 2 heavy weapon choices. At some point I will add more unit types but for now just trying to keep it somewhat simple.
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Well right now the army will just be terminator models and a dreadknight. For the dreadknight I am going to convert a warsphinx, It should be able to count as dreadknight or defiler. From what I have been reading on Grey Knight tactics I need to take as many psycannons as I can. Because of this I not to worried about count as for the other 2 heavy weapon choices. At some point I will add more unit types but for now just trying to keep it somewhat simple.


For the Psycannons the generic gargoyle weapon exhaust ports which come off the generic Chaos Space Marine vehicle upgrade sprue should work suitably for just about anything. As they have been used for just about anything from the general gaming populace for years. I've seen/used them on Lascannons, Heavy Flamers, Cascading warp flame (3rd edition), and reeper auto-cannons.


Psycannons = one big barrel

Psilencer = rotary, multiple barrels (3+ barrels)

Incinerator = heavy flamer (turned sideways)



The big rule for counts as army's as far as I can tell is how good it looks for the theme. If you take the time and show people that building this army is my hobby not doing a flavor of the month list then most people won't bat an eyelash.


My suggestion is still to use magnets when possible. Cause you never know the new chaos codex could be better then the grey knight one, and more options are always better then less.

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We already have a codex. I find it hard to respect folks that have to jump onto the flavor of the month codex.


No we don't... and if you count the unit of thousand in the core as codex, its going to get boring. So if people want to go all converting for a counts as army why not...




What you need autocannon = psycannon easy

force halberd= find the nice ones from it think scybor, you can easely use them as normal chaos powerweapons when you play a chaos list...

force hammer= go wild on converting something

force Warding stave= easely to use the chaos sorcerer's terminator staff for it...



Dread knight, i think chaosing out the new contemptor from forgeworld would do nice... the sphinx of course is nice but feels to fantasy like, even if you go mounting guns on it...

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People seem very good at imagining stuff with other dexes, but wont even try using the CSM dex, shame rlly as i have so much fun with my army (all be it a khorne army, altho my mate plays TS). Tbh there are no TSequivilant in C:GK, as not all are psychers like most of the GK seem to be :) alos an all termi TS force isnt too fluffy so yh, ur game ur choice, but id give C:CSM a go
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I am starting to brainstorm a Thousand Sons, post heresy, count as Grey Knights army, with the hope of moving it over to the new Legion Codex if/when it comes out. Right now this is starting as a Draigo-wing list just to keep the model count low. My big thing right now is to decide if I want to use Chaos terminator arms and weapons or Grey Knight terminator arms. Here is what I plan on doing conversion wise so far. For Paladins/Chosen Terminators I would use the resin Thousand Sons parts that can be found on ebay from time to time. For Grey Knight/Rubic Terminators I would use Scibor Egyptian bits and rubic heads. Along with those general plans I will be taking bits and weapons from the new Tomb Kings to keep with the Egyptian theme.


Now back to the arms question. If I use Chaos arms it would be easy to have Heavy Flamer count as Incinerator; Autocannon count as Psycannon; and Assault cannon count as Psilencer. This would make it easier to move back to a Chaos codex, minus the assault cannons, and keep with a strong Chaos association. Like I said this is just some brainstorming so nothing is set yet. Comments are greatly welcomed.



Well, I use magnets on all my terminator arms and I think it would work well for what you plan on doing. So, my suggestion is to use both.


On the upside

Twin-linked Bolter = Storm Bolter

Chaos Terminator Power Mace like weapon = Demon Hammer

Chaos Terminator Power Sword like weapon = Force Halbred

Chaos Terminator Power Staff like weapon = Force Staff


I think a better way to attack this issue might be to figure out what Grey Knights you want to run the determine the models afterwards.... for instance Nemsis Dreadknight could be used as a Demon Prince, or a Defiler if done in a certain way.



Myself, I couldn't do the Thousand Sons approach with Grey Knights as I really like Grey Knight Strike Squads and nothing fits those models.... Personally, I dislike Incinerators and Psilencer's as well so I wouldn't even consider those....



That is good idea, using magnets on the terminator arms, I have never thought about that. :)

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We already have a codex. I find it hard to respect folks that have to jump onto the flavor of the month codex.


^^^ This!


Pure Thousand Sons are still pretty damn decent in the current chaos codex - 4+ inv and Ap3 bolters are freakin' brilliant.


Besides, if the rumours are true we will be getting a new chaos codex next March apparently. Also, if you want better rules/more of a Thousand Sons flavour than the current CSM codex gives then try using the Tempus Fugitive rules for them here: Age of the Emperor Expansion

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I do play 1K sons with ok succes, but you will loose most matches against all new codexes, because of stuipid point cost puts you behind in number and hood just stops the game in its tracks...


However I do manage to win due to long experience with the list and playing never less than 6 obliterators...

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I guess people can play 40K how they like but for me 'counts as' should only be done as a last resort and/or if you're chosen army really has no representation. And to be honest while the chaos codex is inferior now to a lot of the new codices it isn't so bad it's unplayable. Yeah it's hard to play a one legion army out of the CSM book now but them's the breaks, that's how it is for us Chaos players at the moment. If you want to play to win and therefore use the GK codex then collect GK... TS as GK is an unnecessary 'counts as' IMO.
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