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Painting Honour Guard


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I have a minor dilemma. I have two honour guard units I want to paint but Im not sure how to go about doing it. Do I paint red and have gold helmets or do I do all gold? Im doing a kitbash of SG, DC, and Command Sprues for this.


My HQs are Dante and a Libby with JP for DOA army. I also have VGV in the mix which are going to be DC models painted red. <- Gold helmets for these dudes also since they are vets?



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I am thinking about that myself..


For now i have decided to keep all-in-gold units rare. Only Dante, the Sanguinor and the Sanguinary Guard will wear full gold.

The rest I'll do in red with gold helmets and markings in gold etc..


I also don't like the look of the fully golden honour guard in Codex..

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The honor guard in the codex are all gold, but to be honest I think they look a little strange. I'm painting a command squad for my 2nd Company right now, and plan on painting them red with gold helmets (the classical method.) And yes to the gold helmets on the VGV, the 1st Co. veterans have gold helmets.


Edit: Where knee-pad markings are concerned no one has been able to give me a straight answer. I've decided to paint the knee-pad like the banner of the respective company. In this case, a yellow field with a red bar down the middle.

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I hate truly loathe gold marines.


As such, only Dante has a gold paint job. Sternguard, Vanguard and Honour Guard are all red with gold helmets. My Sanguinary Guard are red with golden trims and borders. Terminators are helmet coloured by their tactical doctrine: red for regular terminators, yellow helmets for the assault variant.

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Yes, red with gold helmets. They have, historically, had a black skull on the right shoulder pad.


1st Co. vets (sternguard and vanguard) get the same paint scheme, but have a white skull on the right shoulder pad.


There is no specific knee pad design for honour guard, so they can be left plain, have the Co. banner as suggested by LW above, a laurel wreath around a skull perhaps, or each with his own heraldry/insignia etc.


If you are good at sculpting or using moulds, you could have knee pads looking like a death mask if they are Dante's honour guard, or a horned skull if they are the libbies guard.

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The honor guard in the codex are all gold


Clarification: The squad on the same page as the Sanguinary Guard are all gold, but those are old 4th edition Honour Guard for Dante (effectively proto-Sanguinary Guard), the subsequent page has a brand new 2nd company Honour Guard marine painted up for the 5th edition codex and he's red with a gold helmet.

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I'll be doing gold helmets/red armour for my HG as well. And I really like the idea of the company colours on the knee pad, so +1 vote to that as well.


As for the gold armour debate... I started playing BA thanks to the art on the front of the Compilation. The impassive, golden warrior backed by his red armoured Brothers was, and continues to be, rather awe inspiring. <_< Models wearing artificer armour should be gold, only to demarcate them as the heroes they are.

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I'm sticking to old 2nd edition colors as far as possible since that's where I started. At least standard bearers back there had regular color scheme except that no black trimming. So, all red for my HG. Gold I reserve only for Dante+Sanguinor+SG. VV for me will also be like assault squads except no black trimming on shoulder guard.
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Now another question I'm throwing out there: Do we SG jump pack/wings the Honour Guard and VGV or use regular/DC jump packs?


AFAIK you can do whatever you want with them. You can even make Storm Shields with the wings.

However, I will use the SG Jump packs on SG squads only, as I see them being purelly ceremonial in nature rather than just look cool.

But that's just me. <_<

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Like Vahouth said, do whatever you want with them. IE : my honour guard + VV have gold helms. the honour guard also have their left shoulder pad painted gold so its easy to see which is which. For jump packs I used DC packs for my HG and plan on ordering some MK2 packs for my SG as my librarians have the winged packs.
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I plan on using Sevrin Loth and his gang for my Libby +HG. Resing should make easy to file away all the scorpion markings and pop some DC shoulder pads on them. But I'm not sure if I should put wings on them or just on S.Loth or what. Any ideas? I want to make them jump infantry.

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Whatever floats your Battlebarge bud. Wings would preobably look good on all. But if you decided to put them on Loth only, it would make him stand out more ;)


As for the colours, again its your choice. I am sticking with older schemes.


All Gold is reserved for Dante, Tycho and Sanguinary Guard.


The Honour Guard will have Red armour and Gold Helms.


Sternguard, Vanguard and Terminators with have the relevent helm colours to match the rest of the chapter. Sternguard and Terminators will have red armour and helms. Vanguard and Assault Terminators will have Red armour and Yellow helms to denote their assaultyness :lol: In the case of the Sternguard and Vanguard, their armour will be more ornate to show their veteran status. I also plan on giving them individual hearldry like the SH Terminators.



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