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Psyker Hunters


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I'm planning the next stage of my Cursed Chaos Marine Chapter, and I'm running into a dilemma. Part of their fluff is that they have a special hatred for Psykers (has to do with their Curse), and I'm trying to think of the best way to set up a "Psyker Hunter Squad".


I want it to have the capability to either be fast, to maneuver into striking position to take them out, or to be able to to be placed in a strong attack position. For this, I have 3 choices to choose from:


1) Terminators: Great weapons flexibility combined with a good resilience to damage. Deep Striking can put them in an advantageous position, but are very expensive, and not very fast once they land.


2) Bikers: Great maneuverability, tougher than the average marine, and some interesting weapon combinations. Like Terminators, can get very expensive very quickly with out the same return that can be expected from TDA units.


3) Raptors: Great maneuverability, combined with the ability to Deep Strike into position, can make them very useful for this job. They aren't as expensive as Bikes or Terminators, but they aren't as resilient, either.


So, thoughts, opinions, remarks, or directions?

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My first thought is actually Chosen. They're the older, more experienced marines and have more flexibility in how they're equipped so you could justify using the best weapons to take out psykers, plus you have the most options when it comes to deploying on the battlefield one of which hopefully is good enough to get close to their target.
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My first concern is that they are able to get into a position to Assault the Psykers as quickly as possible. While the Infiltrating/Outflanking Chosen would be good for this (as well as the weaponry they can carry), I'm looking more from a more berzerking/raging reaction-style unit that moves quickly to Assault the Psykers once they are on the field rather than a pre-planned execution/assassination of said unit.
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Maybe bezerkers then? With Khârn as the HQ he is unaffected by psychic powers so you could use a counts as. As for rapid deployment, maybe land raiders/rhinos?
Agreed, a Khornate army is probably the best way to represent an antip-psyer force although its a bloody shame that we haven't been able to put Collars of Khorne on our ACs for a while now. Having a 2+ save against any psychic power, even ones like Fleshy Curse that normally don't allow a save, would be damn nice, as would packs of Flesh Hounds. Although it was really hard to model the things...


As for taking Khârn... while I totally despise taking special characters, using a Counts As of him is perfect for both rules and fluff.

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Maybe bezerkers then? With Khârn as the HQ he is unaffected by psychic powers so you could use a counts as. As for rapid deployment, maybe land raiders/rhinos?


Land Raiders could be an option, but at this point, I want to keep them out of my army build. Rhinos would be out as they don't have the Assault Ramps of Land Raiders or the Open Tops of the Ork Trukk or Dark Eldar Raiders.


At that point, I'd be better served with Chosen, who could take the Power Weapons in numbers.


Berzerkers, in general, are out, though (fluffy reasons, nothing personal against them), and I don't have much interest in Unique models, so that leaves Khârn by the way-side.


The purpose of this unit is to identify Psyker models (or in the case of Grey Knights Major Psykers) and strike quickly at their location to wipe them out. That requires either strategic mobility (i.e. Deep Strike or Infiltration), great tactical mobility (12+" movement with the ready ability to charge after), or both. Mechanized units do not fill this role. Hence my list above.

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How about using Codex:BT?


They are a Cursed Chaos Chapter that summons Daemons. BT doesn't have daemons. They also cast Rubrics on their fallen and Marines that won't join them so they can keep their numbers strong. BT doesn't have that. Their leaders are Apothecary-Sorcerers. BT DEFINITELY doesn't have those.


So, back to the subject at hand, which works better at hitting Librarians and Farseers? Terminators, Bikes, or Raptors?

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I don't have much experience with farseers but librarians or rune priests would likely tear up a squad of raptors/bikes/termies if they had an escort of any kind. If I were you trying to come up with a specialized unit I'd probably go with raptors and attach a Lord or two if you don't mind the lack of DPs. Not the greatest in game unit but it would be a neat unit. Fast and well equipped but not heavily armored.
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Hmm well Libby's have the psychic spell that makes them strike at I 10, I usually run mine with that and might of the ancients soo if you were going against a CC Libby I'd probably say Khorne as he'd either go first or second either way with their regular I 4 or the spell. As for going against farseers, don't they usually have a higher initiative as well? I'm not too sure, I'd wait for more input on this.
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