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What would happen if Kharn killed Lucius?


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Khârn is the only model. The ONLY model, in the whole of the 40k universe, who hits on a 2+, whose the better fighter? O.o


He hits on a 2+ thanks to Gorechild, not because of his level of skill.

I really couldn't pick a winner in a Lucius Vs. Khârn fight.

Don't forget that as well as being a supremely skilled fighter, Lucius has be genetically 'enhanced' by Fabius Bile. This makes him faster and stronger than an un enhanced Astartes as well as giving him a "warp scream" ability.

I think a lot of Lucius's 'deaths' have been thanks to his complete disregard for danger and his 'enjoyment' of those 'deaths'.

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He hits on a 2+ thanks to Gorechild, not because of his level of skill.

"[Khârn] is so skilled with Gorechild that in hand-to-hand combat the enemy's WS is ignored and all his close combat attacks always hit on a roll of 2+."

3rd Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines, p. 26


"Khârn is so skilled with Gorechild that in hand-to-hand combat the enemy's WS is ignored and all his close combat attacks hit on a roll of 2+."

3.5 Codex Chaos SPace Marines, p. 49




Unfortunately, Gav left the fluff description for that particular special rule on the cutting room floor when doing the 4th Edition Codex Chaos Space Marines.


In 2nd Edition, Khârn simply had WS 9 instead. Though he was still said to be so familiar with Gorechild that it allowed him to re-roll fumbles. He was near untouchable in close combat back then. In 2nd Edition, HtH opponents would roll off against each other, and only the winner of that roll would actually inflict hits. So unless enemy models were able to beat Khârns results, they would not be able to hit him.


(Full process: Roll number of dice equal to Attacks. pick highest die roll and add model's WS. Critical: Each roll of 6 beyond the first one add's +1. Fumble: Each roll of 1 subtracts -1. Charging models get +1 WS instead of +1 Attack. The winning model scores a number of hits equal to the amount it beat teh enemy model's result. In case of a tie, the model with the higher Initiative scores one single hit.)



Space Marine: WS 4, 1 Attack


Space Marine Captain: WS 7, 3 Attacks


Khârn: WS 9, 3 Attacks (6 as long as he is frenzied), can re-roll fumbles

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You still had time to post up that opponents of Khârn were not allowed to parry either. Too late now!


Well if you were going by pure novel fluff, Khârn (being a brawler) would probably get his ass beat by Lucious (most skilled swordsman in the Emp Children) in a duel. Luc really only ever lost one fight, and then trashed loken in the rematch. Khârn got whupped by Saul (of course, that's before he got Gorechild). I think Khârn would LOVE to kill Lucious, since Khorne hates Slannesh. I suppose Khârn would show up in Lucious' armor until Khorne resurrected him.


Didn't Saul Tarvitz beat Lucius too? I seem to remember he did it as a brawler; got in real close and punched him like 20 times.


Khârn became a monster. He was still relatively lucid at Istvaan, probably is able to hold conversation to this day when watching the telly, but in combat he became unstoppable.


I liked Khârn's fluff so much better than Lucius' simply because he was so dedicated. I like his Betrayer rules and think they should stay, though I would give him more attacks to make him much more dangerous.


Lucius was still cool though, but a different kind of fighter. I liked his rules where he got better against superior fighters. Needs a little amendment of course but I liked it. Fluffwise I can't see any way Lucius gliding his way through the attacks of Khârn though, it would just be too much and any wound against Khârn would have to be very deep to stop him from just gritting his teeth and just planting Gorechild firmly in Lucius' face.


Undoubtedly Khârn would take satisfaction in killing Lucius, since that is his reason for living. Of course, it's all up to whether Khârn can be tricked out of his champion by Slaanesh. I doubt it really, but who knows?

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There was that one short story about Khârn (the one with the kill counter in his helmet) where he and a squad of Berserkers charge into a Slaanesh temple. In the temple they are confronted with a champion/prince of Slaanesh, who instantly converts all the Berserkers to Slaanesh with a snap of his fingers. All except for Khârn. And then Khârn kills everyone. Good times.
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There was that one short story about Khârn (the one with the kill counter in his helmet) where he and a squad of Berserkers charge into a Slaanesh temple. In the temple they are confronted with a champion/prince of Slaanesh, who instantly converts all the Berserkers to Slaanesh with a snap of his fingers. All except for Khârn. And then Khârn kills everyone. Good times.


Yeah! Awesome story too, it actually showed Khârn in a rather interesting light for a berzerker! Battle Report was Ultramarines vs Tyranids too.

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As for 10,000 years and Khârn killing a lot, so what? Lucy has been around just as long, killing only the best champions. Khârn's neck is not power-weapon proof. I think Lucy would disarm him with the whip and gut him like a really fast fish, after he plowed his ass for fun, being a freak...I mean I liek Khârn and all, use him way more than Lucy, but give lucy his due, he really IS a perfect duelist. Of course then we have 5th edition bull:cuss and now some DE wych would take both to the cleaners weapon-skillz wise....)
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I mean I liek Khârn and all, use him way more than Lucy, but give lucy his due, he really IS a perfect duelist.

Who has lost several times before, in each case then morphing his killer into a new Lucius. The question is not whether Khârn will beat Lucius. It's what will happen when he does.

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It's also stated in the Codex that Khârn has never come close to death ever since his near slaying at the Seige of Terra, also you would have to remember that Khârn, other than Angron is Khorne's favoured champion, he wouldn't let Slaanesh use his meat suit for her/his champion now would he.
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Undoubtedly Khârn would take satisfaction in killing Lucius, since that is his reason for living.

But it would depend. Would he go "Hah! Another head for Khorne!" or just feel satisfaction in general for his killing?


Of course, he'd probably feel satisfaction Lucius' skull in particular, later when he wasn't quite so over-come by battle rage, but that's later.

There was that one short story about Khârn (the one with the kill counter in his helmet) where he and a squad of Berserkers charge into a Slaanesh temple.

Mind me asking where this is from?

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There was that one short story about Khârn (the one with the kill counter in his helmet) where he and a squad of Berserkers charge into a Slaanesh temple.

Mind me asking where this is from?

The title of the story is "The Wrath of Khârn", and it was reprinted in the Anthology "Let the Galaxy Burn". It had previously been printed in a White Dwarf, and before that in a Citadel Journal, I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...
It's also stated in the Codex that Khârn has never come close to death ever since his near slaying at the Seige of Terra, also you would have to remember that Khârn, other than Angron is Khorne's favoured champion, he wouldn't let Slaanesh use his meat suit for her/his champion now would he.


Huh...Khârn is sort of like...super, 40k version of Wolverine without the love interest/redemption (so...the 40k version).


That being said...Lucius would be like a virus trying to infect Wolverine. Khârn would get 'real sick' for a little bit, and then go on about his business. If he was killed, his patron would just Respawn him.

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I like the idea of, instead of actually getting possessed, it'd just make Khârn have the sniffles, and he just coughs up purple phlegm until there's enough for Slaanesh to give Lucius a new body >_<


Hmm, I have to say I don't think Khorne would allow so favoured a son to get possessed, added to Khârn being already less susceptable to psykic/magickness I would imagine Lucius would get stuck inside Khârn and not emerge unless Khârn got knocked unconcious O.o I don't reckon Lucuis could get past the blind psychotic black rage of Khârn's mind when he's awake.

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As for 10,000 years and Khârn killing a lot, so what? Lucy has been around just as long, killing only the best champions. Khârn's neck is not power-weapon proof. I think Lucy would disarm him with the whip and gut him like a really fast fish, after he plowed his ass for fun, being a freak...I mean I liek Khârn and all, use him way more than Lucy, but give lucy his due, he really IS a perfect duelist. Of course then we have 5th edition bull:cuss and now some DE wych would take both to the cleaners weapon-skillz wise....)


Once Khârn is disarmed he will leap over to Lucy,and with his Strenght of 6 would break his arms,while stoomping his fancy face with his armoured and spiked boots.


Once Lucy is no more then a blood pulp,just able to mop the floor with, Khârn will just twist his legs and watch him crawl like the insect he is,before giving the finishing blow by ripping his skull and spine in one swoop in a Predator-ish style.


And Khârn can take on any Wych and even Lelith,while picking his nose...(did it 3 times in 3 differents games against DE players,so i speak from experience)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Wasn't there a little tidbit of fluff that said that if Lucius by any chance would get killed by something not feeling satisfaction then his armor would get whisked away into the Eye and some unknown Slaaneshii Daemon World where it would wait until someone found it and then morph that poor guy into Lucius?


Because that's totally what I'm going with.



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  • 4 weeks later...
The armor only works if the opponent feels ANY satisfaction at the kill. To be honest Khârn wouldn't. All he's thinking about is KILL MAIM BURN. From the story in the codex it doesn't seem like he takes any happy fuzzy feelings from it. He kills. Moves on to next group and kills. No emotion, no pride, just an unbridled anger and hate that causes him to hack anyone to bits.
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