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What would happen if Kharn killed Lucius?


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Can you imagine if Gorechild warped into Lucius?


The mental image of Khârn swinging 8 feet of drugged-up, giggling masochist like a weapon is rather hilarious.


This is now my sig ^_^ I'm going with the "whisked away to the eye of terror" idea for Lucius' armour, mainly because Khârn doesn't seem to take much pleasure from his kills.

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Sorry to create a tangent....


Skulltaker vs Lucius? Skulltaker would feel pride after decapitating Lucius. However, Skulltaker is a daemon. The way that daemons have been described to me, he's the daemon of duel's and decapitation. So in essence, draws power from people LIKE Lucius. Who, even with his utmost skill, couldn't hold a candle to Skulltaker. But since Skulltaker's a Daemon...would Lucius' armour infect Skulltaker? Another favoured Khorne daemon?


(Seems that Khorne has at least 3 favorites, used to be four)

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Sorry to create a tangent....


Skulltaker vs Lucius? Skulltaker would feel pride after decapitating Lucius. However, Skulltaker is a daemon. The way that daemons have been described to me, he's the daemon of duel's and decapitation. So in essence, draws power from people LIKE Lucius. Who, even with his utmost skill, couldn't hold a candle to Skulltaker. But since Skulltaker's a Daemon...would Lucius' armour infect Skulltaker? Another favoured Khorne daemon?


(Seems that Khorne has at least 3 favorites, used to be four)

That's because Ann'grath got a little cocky and decided that he'd look better on the Skull Throne.

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...think twice about...


...think twice...





You lost me.



I believe he is merely trying to accentuate the point that Khârn rarely thinks twice about things and that thinking in general may well be a foreign concept to him due to the copious amount of bloodletting that goes on in his presence and his Khornate bezerker bloodlust.


I agree with those saying that Khârn cannot be possessed as he is immune to psychic powers. These come from the warp. Daemonic possession comes from the warp.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Been there done that, literally in the game and as far as i know my dusty old Khârn model hasn't turned pink. If we are going to be serious about the fluff( irony?) Kharne is not just a brawler, his skill with his axe is at least on par with lucius's blade work IF not better. So would Lucius hurt Kharne? probably, Beat him? highly unlikely. Second point: Kharne does have a collor of Khorne like so may people have said. third point: Kharne does not actually take pleasure in his buchery more in the pleasure of dealing religious genocide for his god. He wouldn't be "YA! i killed a dude" He would be "RAWR! another skull for Khorne!" who he killed in his mindset just doesn't matter "friend or foe." Slaneesh would just turn the poor guy that finds his corpe into Lucius or a slave somewhere and thats that.
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Disagree that Khârn doesn't take pleasure or pride in his kills. Think he derives insane amounts of satisfaction and pride in taking heads for Khorne. Anyone else read "The Wrath of Khârn" by Bill King - short story from waaaay back? Pun-title aside, it's possibly (?) the first appearance of Khârn. In that story

Khârn leads the storming of a Slaaneshi temple. The daemon inside the temple tries to tempt Khârn to Slaanesh with promises of endless, ultimate, ecstasy, and Khârn actually thinks about it for a second before realising that nothing gives him greater pleasure than killing for Khorne. But in that he clearly takes pleasure and pride in doing what he does best.



That aside, there are legitimate questions about who's magic abilities trump who's. Any answer to something like that about the Chaos gods is by definition going to be impossible for mortals like us to predict. Apart from anything else, depending how Khârn lost to Lucius, Khorne may decide he deserves to die - he has little patience for those who appear weak, even momentarily, in his eyes.

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Wasn't there a little tidbit of fluff that said that if Lucius by any chance would get killed by something not feeling satisfaction then his armor would get whisked away into the Eye and some unknown Slaaneshii Daemon World where it would wait until someone found it and then morph that poor guy into Lucius?

Makes sense to me. A lot of people seem to think that the whole "turns killer into Lucius" is some sort of ironclad unbreakable rule (Like Chaos has any of those), instead of it just being a twisted game Slaanesh likes playing. If Slaanesh can't have his fun turning Lucius' killer into the next Lucius he doesn't give up, he just starts getting creative.


As for the relative skill of the two, it bears repeating that a fair number of Lucius' deaths are attributable to the fact that he enjoys getting killed (not to mention the after-effects of it).

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erm.. correct if wrong, but aren't all berzerkers lobotomised such that they feel nothing? Khârn, being a berzerker originally, he would also be lobotomised, in which case there would be NO feeling of anything, just another kill and another skull fo the skull throne. In this case, I would fully suspect that someone else would actually end up feeling the satisfaction neccesary, and THAT person would be possessed.


Or Slaanesh would simply do things that are morally questionable to a daemon, and turn THAT into Lucius...

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Not lobotomized per se, what World Eaters get are the rage-heightening implants, the so-called "Butcher's Nails", that amp up their aggression through the roof. When they turned to Chaos, the implants, coupled with their allegiance to Khorne, made them...well, true berzerkers, in the most savage sense. But they do feel pride, joy (the dark kind) and every other emotion (maybe not fear). Their main trait, though, is the absolute (and I mean it) necessity to kill their enemies (and sometimes allies, too), with a tendency for doing it through close combat.


But they do feel a lot of things. Mainly anger, bloodlust and pride. Khârn too, I honestly don't know what would happen if he bested Lucius in combat, probably some kind of plot-armour would intervene, but the collar of Khone is most likely.

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