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Non-WE Berzerkers


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Hey, after 10 years away from 40k I've been drawn back in and have (naturally) returned to my beloved CSM.

Sadly I got rid of my old army, so I'm working through some ideas for a new one.


I'm intending to make my berzerkers a mix of SM renegades, from different chapters (ie: 1 blood angel, 1 space wolf etc). They will still be in their original colours but with Imperial marking desecrated ala old school Red Corsairs. This will mean I can practice painting different schemes, while hopefully making the army slightly different. The only problem I can see is how keep some sort of colour theme, any suggestions? Has anyone seen something like this before?


I'd also like the berzerkers to have sprays of blood across the front, any ideas how to do this?


The rest of the army will be a custom job, using a dark blue/purple, though I'm tempted to do a full army of mixed renegades with just odd units like the veterans as spiky CSM.


Any help for a returning player is much appreciated!

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I'd also like the berzerkers to have sprays of blood across the front, any ideas how to do this?


A little Red Gore on a brush, dabbed off like you're dry brushing, and then stippled here and there.


Someone a few months ago posted models of pre-Heresy WE where they put paint on an old toothbrush and flicked the bristles to get a spray pattern, and it looked quite nice.

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Sounds good, I'll try and find the thread.


I'm guessing red gore gives a "fresh" look, it'd be good to get a mix of fresh and dry blood, I was thinking the unit champ would be more covered than the rest, show them gradually getting coated.

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Hmm, I considered doing the shoulder pads like that but I think I'm going to do the original markings that have been covered by a MoK. Maybe scratch it into the chest armour too, through the aquila? I guess the trick is going to be picking SM chapters where the red MoK will stand out, I guess blood angels are out... though I really wanted to do one as a BA, find a head with vampy fangs (I think theres a CSM head like that) blood dribbling down the chin.
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You can make a MoK with Bronze or any metalic paint,even with Black paint!


Also having one of the shoulders beeing of a different colour then the mini will make a uniforme look to the squads and army.


A little something that all the minis regardless of their Chapters origin will share.


Heck you could even use the CSM shoulders to replace one of theirs,or maybe you will allready use the CSM bits?

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You can make a MoK with Bronze or any metalic paint,even with Black paint!


Haha true :P


Yeah you're right, I'm definitely going to go with a uniform colour on one pad, help to tie them together. Now just to scrape some spare cash together!


I found the "toothbrush spray" thread:


Blood spray effect


Thanks for the tip off, I'll have to test it out, maybe mask parts off to get lines of spray.

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The 3,5 edition Chaos Marine Codex features a Black Legion Berzerker squad in two places.


In this case the painter went with almost full Black Legion colors. The exceptions were the right should pad, which was a Khorne skull rune pad from the berzerker box, which was red at the base with a brazen rune, and the helmet which was a red berzerker bunny helmet.


I think marking them by having them "repaint" their helmet and right shoulder pad in the color of the Blood God would be a good route to keep them unified. While afterwards adding blood stains like you mentioned. :(



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The 3,5 edition Chaos Marine Codex features a Black Legion Berzerker squad in two places.


In this case the painter went with almost full Black Legion colors. The exceptions were the right should pad, which was a Khorne skull rune pad from the berzerker box, which was red at the base with a brazen rune, and the helmet which was a red berzerker bunny helmet.


I've seen that actually, thanks for reminding me! The painting the helmets would look good.


I never understood about those berzerkers though, aren't bunny ears a WE thing? So are they WE who became Black Legion or Black Legion zerkers who adopted the bunny ears? Because I definitely remember reading that BL could create their own zerkers.

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I've seen that actually, thanks for reminding me! The painting the helmets would look good.


I never understood about those berzerkers though, aren't bunny ears a WE thing? So are they WE who became Black Legion or Black Legion zerkers who adopted the bunny ears? Because I definitely remember reading that BL could create their own zerkers.


Its not really a World Eaters only thing.


The "bunny ears" as they are called as the shape of the Icon of Khorne,thus its like a tribute to Khorne.


But naturally you can use other helms then those.

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The "bunny ears" as they are called as the shape of the Icon of Khorne,thus its like a tribute to Khorne.


That makes sense :) As much as I like the models I definitely want to get away from the traditional berzerker look, even if just for one squad.


And thanks Cheexsta, I'll look out for that. I need to spend some serious money stocking up on paints. I've still got some from when I stopped collecting but most are dried up as you'd expect.


Some great help and ideas guys, I'll be back to get some C&Cs once I've got a couple of test models done!

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