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Combat Squads and Drop Pods/Reserves...

Brother Landrain

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I tried searching.. to no avail...

I know it has been said that you can combat squad after a drop pod lands...


All I can find in FAQ is that a unit in reserve Cannot combat squad.


What FAQ is this in?




In Dawn of War, is a troops choice, the full squad and its dedicated transport?

can they combat squad?


trying to pinpoint rules for these, hopefully in a FAQ..



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"The one exception to this is a unit that arrives by Drop Pod. The player can choose to split such a unit into combat squads when it disembarks from the Drop Pod." C:SM page 51


In Dawn of War, your transport counts as one of your choices, so if you deployed a squad in a dedicated transport the only other thing you could deploy would be an HQ.

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"The one exception to this is a unit that arrives by Drop Pod. The player can choose to split such a unit into combat squads when it disembarks from the Drop Pod." C:SM page 51


In Dawn of War, your transport counts as one of your choices, so if you deployed a squad in a dedicated transport the only other thing you could deploy would be an HQ.



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so here are a few situations...


Squad A: 5 Man Squad with a Razorback


Squad B: 10 Man Squad with a Razorback


Squad C: 10 man squad in a Rhino



It is Dawn of War...


If I deploy Squad A.

Must I deploy both RB and Squad?

These count as my two choices correct?


If I deploy Squad B.

If I combat squad, then these count as both choices, and I cannot deploy the RB.

Since you cannot deploy the RB and cannot reserve only part of a unit, does the RB go away?


similar question with squad C...

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as the unit and the rhino/razor are not a unit together at any point one can be deployed while the other is reserved this is different to a 10 man tac sq combating to be 2 squads as they are one squad "until" they are deployed.


so a 10 man tac sq that combats, counts as 2 units for DOW so the razor/rhino they have cant deploy with them, if they dont combat the razor/rhino can be the second troop choice but the unit cant embark (but can with a rhino), likewise two transports could deploy with their tacs/troops being reserved/DOW-delayed.


A can only be 2 units (but one or both can be reserve/DOW-delayed)

B can be 2-3 units so if the tacs combat the razor cant deploy in DOW and if they dont combat they cant deploy in the razor... until later in the game when they have suffered casualties to bring them down to 6 models

C same as B but they can deploy inside the rhino for DOW and count as the 2 troop choices.


as for peps that say the transport does not count towards the troops limit point them to the DOW example under the DOW board division diagram, "In his half of the table, player B then deploys a unit of Troops[his first], already embarked into their dedicated transport (which is his second unit of Troops)."note:[my addition],(actually in the example).


hope that helps


EDIT: added text to clarify

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given that in DOW deployment anything not deployed on the board and not kept in reserves can walk on in the first turn, is it possible to combat squad?


eg. i have 2 tactical squads. i deploy one, combat squadded on the board, and dont declare that i am keeping the 2nd squad in reserve. must the squad come on as one 10man squad, or can it enter the game as 2 5man squads??





oh, and another thought, can a squad, entering from off the board (DOW style, reserves or otherwise) embark on a transport and that transport then move. assuming said transport hadnt moved that turn and was waiting within an inch or so of the table edge?



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given that in DOW deployment anything not deployed on the board and not kept in reserves can walk on in the first turn, is it possible to combat squad?


eg. i have 2 tactical squads. i deploy one, combat squadded on the board, and dont declare that i am keeping the 2nd squad in reserve. must the squad come on as one 10man squad, or can it enter the game as 2 5man squads??



The unit moves onto the table just like a unit moving onto the table from Reserve. You combat squad when the unit hits the table.


oh, and another thought, can a squad, entering from off the board (DOW style, reserves or otherwise) embark on a transport and that transport then move. assuming said transport hadnt moved that turn and was waiting within an inch or so of the table edge?




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oh, and another thought, can a squad, entering from off the board (DOW style, reserves or otherwise) embark on a transport and that transport then move. assuming said transport hadnt moved that turn and was waiting within an inch or so of the table edge?




In addition, it doesn't have to be waiting right next to the board edge- it can be waiting 5" or so from the board edge so the unit walking on can run up to the access points and hop in. That unit can move effectively 18" in a non-fast transport.

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In addition, it doesn't have to be waiting right next to the board edge- it can be waiting 5" or so from the board edge so the unit walking on can run up to the access points and hop in. That unit can move effectively 18" in a non-fast transport.

Very true. For some reason I had not thought of that. I have been shorting myself. Doh! :)

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I think the Original post (OP) was in regard to a question on someone's blog concerning the NOVA event. Now I was not there, but I read (as written in) the other blog, and it seemed that a number of people at NOVA were using 10-man (troop choice) squads with dedicated razorbacks as transport. IF those units were held in reserve (DOW might be a separate consideration), they could not be combat squaded period, and thus turn 2 and on, when they passed their reserve check, they would come in as an intact 10 man squad and a razorback that could not transport them. It would appear that this requirement is true, considering what was written in the rules (BRB) and in the FAQ, that units in reserve cannot be combat squaded. Of course I'm intrigued, but I have not gone back to look this up. Besides, I rarely reserve anything....


As to how it is handled in DOW scenarios where you can declare these units to march on in turn 1 (not from declared reserves, which begins turn 2), I have no idea.


OK, pull the trigger on that keyboard! For clarity and arguement - except for drop pods (or other special units or rules with a similar declaration), marine units entering from reserves cannot combat squad. Correct?


Note - this is specifically interesting considering the concept of MSU spam, where some lists contain full tac squads and a razorback, to have half the squad (with the long range weapon, for example, missile launcher) as a fire base and the other half (say, sergeant, meltagun, etc) in the razor as the mobile element. This rule of "no combat squading from reserves" would then have serious implications on the decision to reseve units or not.

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Incorrect Ming.

Units placed in reserve are not deployed which is why they cannot combat squad at that time.

Once they come in from reserve they are then deployed and may combat squad at that time.


The only vehicle you can be embarked into while being in reserve and still Combat squad is the Drop Pod.

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Incorrect Ming.

Units placed in reserve are not deployed which is why they cannot combat squad at that time.

Once they come in from reserve they are then deployed and may combat squad at that time.


Strictly speaking, the wording in the FAQ does state "squads that are placed in reserve may not break down into combat squads." That said, it is clear from the context of the question that the answer is meant to restrict breaking into combat squads while still in reserve, not necessarily for all scenarios. A reasonable player should not deny you the ability to break a squad down when they deploy from reserves.

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it is clear from the context of the question that the answer is meant to restrict breaking into combat squads while still in reserve, not necessarily for all scenarios. A reasonable player should not deny you the ability to break a squad down when they deploy from reserves.



My understanding from a number of discussions on the B&C is that the FAQ is designed to prevent someone from putting units into reserves as combat squads and rolling for their arrival as separate units. Also, that all eligible units may break into combat squads upon deployment from off the table.

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To go over this again a tac squad of ten men can come in from reserves and combat squad into 2 5 man squads as it walks on the table. However if it does this, they cannot be deployed in their Transport, whether a rhino or a razorback, and the transport is treated as it's own unit with regards to reserve rolls and comes on the board empty. If you want them in a transport as they come on the board, they cannot combat squad unless they are in a drop pod.
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It is improtant to stay well fed, and carb load before big fights


I... what? :(


I want to see this on a wall at Panera. :lol:

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